Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 798

Chapter 798

Hearing the words, the reprimanded goblins turned blue and white, and they murmured in their hearts that we are goblins, but we are goblins tens of thousands of years after our glory.

Countless valuable knowledge has been lost in the ocean of long time, how can I know what a weapon like Human Race is called.

Of course, the goblin chief craftsman still dared not say it outright.

"Great leader, even if the human race has such a new weapon, but under your great leadership, our tribe can also crush them!"

"As long as our tribesmen and troll slaves rush into the ranks of the human race, their weapons will be useless!"

"Hmph, that's of course, just with these weak human races, even if the major empires of the Holy Alliance come, I have no fear. I came with a secret weapon this time!" The goblin leader heard the horse Shit, his complexion only improved a little.

And while the goblin leader was boasting, the battle ahead continued.

Because the trebuchets were bombarding each other, the two sides in the field were not affected.

And Narant's 30 crossbows took away hundreds of trolls after rapid firing.

However, at this time, the troll was already close to more than 100 meters in front of the Narant team.

And the number of trolls is still more than 400, so it is still not to be underestimated.

Narant immediately winked at Vivian.

"Longbowmen, free to shoot!"

Seeing this, Vivian understood the meaning, and immediately ordered the longbowman on the surrounding tower.

And when he gave the order, he also shot arrows at the enemy


With a sharp whistle, Vivian's long sword immediately slashed across the sky.

"It's ridiculous to use bows and arrows to deal with trolls!"

When the goblin leader in the distance saw that the arrows of the longbowmen on the opposite side were all going towards the one-eyed troll, he immediately laughed.

The skin of the one-eyed troll is comparable to the fourth-order monster, and ordinary arrows can't hurt at all.

No serious injury is possible unless shot in the eye.

And now the one-eyed troll is still more than 150 meters away from the arrow tower ahead.

At such a distance, he felt that whether the arrows of the longbow could hit the one-eyed troll itself was a problem.

Not to mention wanting to shoot in the eye.



However, the goblin leader's sneering sound fell.

There was a mournful cry from the battlefield ahead.

I saw that the arrow with the red glow that I got earlier hit the one-eyed troll's eye with great precision and directly penetrated its head.

No matter how powerful this one-eyed troll is, it is only the last wailing, and then it falls to the ground with a bang and can no longer die.


The goblin leader was dumbfounded.

He also noticed the red awn arrow, and the shooting distance was still the farthest, twenty or thirty meters farther than the arrow tower.

In this way, doesn't it mean that the arrows to deal with can shoot more than 180 meters.

Such power, such precision.

Puff puff!

hoo hoo hoo!

However, what surprised the goblin leader was that the fallen one-eyed troll was just the beginning.

In the next instant, there were more wailing and roaring sounds.

I saw that the arrows shot from the arrow towers did not have red awns.

But it also hit the troll's eyes with precision and accuracy.

Ten of these guys deal with a one-eyed troll.

And it is the most vulnerable weaknesses that are attacked.

As a result, ten trolls immediately fell in the field.

"Bastard, are these guys the subordinates of a little baron?"

"Or, how willing is the duke's father of this illegitimate child to give him so many archers?"

The goblin leader jumped in a hurry.

Seeing this, the rest of the goblin subordinates moved away to avoid being used by the new leader to vent.

"Okay!" Compared to the jumping goblin leader, Narant laughed.

The longbowmen's previous record is not significant, that is because there are too few opportunities to really play.

For example, in the last orc invasion, the orcs were sent to the sky by Narant's glorious wrath at the beginning of the game.

Then the second one is the beast-inducing potion, and the third one is Anne's lightning storm.

In this way, the ability of a longbowman is not shown at all.

But now, in the face of such a powerful troll, giving longbowmen a stable output opportunity, their efficiency is even higher than thirty crossbows.

"Don't be complacent, the trolls will soon be able to rush into your crowd, and then it's time for you to kneel and beg for mercy!"

The goblin leader also saw Narant's smile with his eyesight, and he gritted his teeth again.

Fortunately, the charging team is getting closer and closer to the enemy at this moment, and it will soon be able to cause damage to the enemy.

And just as the goblin leader thought, the number of goblin trolls is simply too many.

Even though this longbowman is extremely efficient, when the trolls approached the team more than fifty meters, they only harvested more than a hundred.

In this way, in the charge team, in addition to the tens of thousands of goblin soldiers, there are nearly three hundred one-eyed trolls.

What's more, more than a dozen of the one-eyed trolls have already started to attack.

These more than ten one-eyed trolls are the unique self-propelled self-propelled guns that Zhuang Kang had seen before. I saw this human-shaped self-propelled gun as a group of two trolls.

A troll squatted on the ground, and the troll behind picked up the stone bullet in the basket, and then hit the slingshot behind the squatting troll.

Whoosh whoosh!

Bang bang bang!


Immediately, more than a dozen volleyball-sized stone bullets cut across the sky and smashed into the surrounding arrow towers.

Although the self-propelled gun's caliber is not as high as a crossbow, because the distance is close enough, seven or eight hits the arrow tower with more than ten shots.

There were several bombs that directly hit the wall of the arrow tower, and a deep pit was smashed above.

And there are three that directly hit the wall at the top of the arrow tower.

The bouncing boulders caused four or five longbowmen to be injured to varying degrees.

"Haha, tremble, stupid Terran!"

The enemy finally started to suffer casualties, and the goblin leader immediately laughed.

"Goblin warriors, keep working hard, kill these despicable humans, and then rob their castles!"

When he was on the rise, the goblin leader even shouted towards the field.

"Oak! Oak!"

Because of the blessing of extraordinary power, this voice can be heard in the audience.

And the goblin soldiers in the charge also responded immediately, like a thousand ducks, Orke Oke kept calling.

"Damn, it's making everyone's head hurt, Annie, give them a taste of lightning!"

Seeing casualties among his subordinates, Narant was naturally in a bad mood, and immediately looked at little girl Annie.

"Yes, my lord!"

Annie closed her eyes immediately when she heard the words, and immediately, there were several dark clouds floating in the sky.

"Haha, that group of human races are dead, you can see that the dark clouds have gathered on their heads, this is the will of the gods!"

The goblin leader also noticed the condition of the dark cloud.

However, he felt that this was a harbinger of bad luck for Narant and others.


The next moment, there was a rumble of thunder in the sky.

"God is above, let the storm come more violently!"

The two sides were only two miles away from each other, but the other side's Human Race team was covered with dark clouds.

The scenery here is unique, and the sun is shining.

When the goblin leader heard the rumbling thunder, not only did he not sense the danger, but instead he shouted proudly.

He felt that the enemy was really over.




And it was as if the gods heard his cry.

In an instant, several lightning bolts fell straight from the sky.



As the lightning fell, screams and screams were immediately heard from the battlefield ahead.

"This..." But the goblin leader was a little dumbfounded at the moment.

Because the lightning that fell was not directed at the enemy, but all fell on the charge team of their goblins.

Immediately, no matter whether it was the troll or the surrounding goblins, as long as they were struck by lightning, they all smoked black smoke.

Of course, the worst is the goblins commanded on the shoulders of trolls, their strength is only equivalent to the realm of silver knights.

In this way, this flash of lightning directly turned them into black charcoal sticks, and they fell to the ground with a puff.

The one-eyed troll can handle it because of its rough skin and thick flesh.

"Wrong, wrong, the gods are above, you should hack those despicable and shameless human races!"

"It was they who plotted against our former chief and then killed the clansmen of our two villages!"

"So, they are the unpardonable sinners!"

The goblin leader felt that he must have not explained the situation, which caused the lightning to split the goblins, but not the human race.






The next moment, the gods responded again, and several thick lightning bolts fell.

However, this time, it was still the team of goblins!

The goblin leader was about to cry, looking up at the sky, "God is above, I don't want any lightning, you should take back your divine power!"

Where does he still have the previous idea of what made the storm more violent.

Now he only hoped that the dark cloud would dissipate immediately and stop hacking their clansmen.

Mainly because this lightning is too eccentric.

Obviously many trolls have already arrived under the human tower.

But for the human race standing four or five meters higher than the troll, but close at hand, these lightnings turned a blind eye.

Click! Click! Click!

Boom! Boom!

However, the goblin leader did not know.

As the saying goes, "It's easy to ask God and it's hard to send God."

Immediately, not only did the dark clouds not disappear, but the lightning that fell down became continuous.

These lightnings are still magical, but they turned a blind eye to the nearby human race, and specifically smashed his goblins.

The lightning hit him more than sixty times.

The casualties were that hundreds of goblin soldiers and dozens of trolls fell to the ground as black briquettes with smoke.

"..." The goblin leader was about to cry without tears.

"..." And the surrounding goblins were speechless when they looked at their big leader.

"Kill, kill all these human races, rob all their castles!"


Fortunately, the goblin team at this time finally rushed in front of the human team.

And the close combat between the two sides really began.

"The phalanx of pikemen, raise your guns, time!"

"Wolf Knights, charge!"

"Tulip Knights, charge!"

Immediately, there was a burst of roaring and killing in the field.

And Vivian and Catherine, the lucky daughters, also joined the battle.

Only the Lord Lord Narant and the auxiliary lucky daughters such as Vinnie Shirley were still standing there.

Zhuang Kang was standing not for command, but for brewing magic.

The deafness and illusion he had just learned.

"Haha, I'm finally fighting with the Terran team. I see how you guys use conspiracy and tricks this time!"

Seeing the fierce battle ahead, the goblin leader finally felt better and laughed again.

He is very confident in his own people, especially the more than 200 one-eyed trolls left.

With so many people on the other side, he is not an opponent at all.

"Group Deafness!" However, just when the goblin leader was selling well, Narant's first group magic was finally demonstrated.


Narant has magical and spiritual powers far beyond that of magicians of the same level.

In this way, the original intermediate-level group deafening technique could only be used on more than 30 enemies, but Narant quadrupled it, causing more than 120 one-eyed trolls to deafness.


And the one-eyed troll who was deafened by magic also noticed the problem, and immediately roared anxiously.

"Orks! Orks! Troll slaves, focus on fighting!"

"Oak, troll slave, did you hear me, concentrate on the battle for me, or I'll starve you for three days after I go back!"

The goblins in charge of the trolls still don't know what happened.

Seeing that the restless troll slaves did not concentrate on attacking the enemy, they immediately lied in their ears and reprimanded loudly.

But no matter how they reprimanded, these one-eyed trolls remained unmoved.


However, at the next moment, these troll slaves under their feet had other new changes.

I saw the troll slave roared, raised a huge palm directly, and grabbed their clansmen.

"Okook! Troll slave, what do you want? Don't you want to eat..."


quack quack!

It's just that before these goblins caught by the troll slaves had time to finish speaking, the trolls had already tore them into two pieces, and then put them directly into their mouths, chewing them. .

"This... this, Ok, what the **** is going on here!"

The goblins who saw this scene were stunned, feeling that the scene in front of them made the goblins more unbelievable than seeing the gods.

These trolls have been strictly trained, and now they dare to attack the clan.

"Oh, this illusion is quite useful!"

Not far away, Narant laughed.

These one-eyed trolls suddenly attacked their masters, and naturally they were also the ghosts of him.

A deafening spell makes the one-eyed troll unable to hear commands~www.mtlnovel.com~ An illusion spell makes the one-eyed troll hallucinate that it is some kind of vicious beast on his shoulders.

Because of this vicious beast, their ears were deaf.

As a result, the one-eyed troll under the rage naturally attacked the goblin on his shoulder without hesitation.

Moreover, this is just the beginning. When these one-eyed trolls tore the goblins on their shoulders alive, their attack targets shifted to other goblins or one-eyed trolls.

Because in the eyes of the illusionists, all these guys around are enemies at this moment.


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