Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 766

Chapter 766

"Haha, thank you Duke for understanding!" Piccolo immediately laughed happily, looking at Powell and Natasha with a playful look.

"Milo, entertain the two guests of the Frank family. In addition, I will find Baron Narant later, explain the matter to him clearly, and give him the corresponding reward!"

Since the matter could not be resolved, Duke Miller didn't stay any longer. After explaining to Butler Milo, he got up and left.

"Yes, Lord Duke!" Miller naturally did not dare to say anything.

He knew that the duke was not afraid of the second prince and the Dolly family, but he just felt that it would not be wise to have a head-on conflict with the second prince over a few jugs of wine.

Don't look at the second prince is just a prince without inheritance rights.

However, in the huge empire, the power of the nobles is intricate and complicated, and they all rack their brains and secretly compete for their own interests.

In this way, to the extent of Duke Miller, it is best not to have too many interactions with several princes, otherwise it is easy to be used by people with intentions, thus causing His Majesty the king's dissatisfaction.

"Haha! Hillbilly, although I don't know how that boy Narant climbed up to the Duke, but you really think that you have caught the life-saving straw, that is too ignorant!"

"What is the identity of Duke Miller, and what are your identities, how could Duke Miller make a big deal for you!"

After Duke Miller walked away a little, before Butler Milo could speak, Cardi next to Nabic couldn't help but sneered.

He also looked at Natasha and his daughter as if looking at a clown in his eyes.

In addition to disappointment in the eyes of the father and daughter, they were naturally full of anger in the face of Cardi's ridicule.

It's just that now the last life-saving straw has been lost, and even if they are angry, they can't help the Dolly family in this Nok capital.

"However, Bauer, I am willing to give you one last chance now, that is to let your daughter discuss it with me alone, maybe I will take a 10% share of her face, or make other compensations. uncertain."

Cardi's eyes wandered recklessly on Natasha.

"Bastard, don't even think about it!" Natasha burst into flames instantly.

At this point, we can only follow what Narant said, quickly return to the territory, and then escape the Nok Empire with all the family members.

Although this way, the Frank family is bound to suffer greatly in the future, but she is not willing to suffer such humiliation.

Moreover, anyone with a brain knows that Cardi's so-called 10% less share is just casual nonsense trying to deceive her.

Previously, even Duke Miller could not get them to make concessions. How could the Dolly family be so easy to say and reduce.

Seeing this, Butler Milo glanced at Dolly and his son, frowning slightly.

This was still at the Duke's banquet, and this Cardi humiliated the guests so recklessly, it must not continue to happen.

"Caddy, be careful when you speak. Tonight is Duke Miller's birthday party. If you interfere with the party, Duke Miller will be to blame!" When Cady's father, Marquis Piccolo, saw it, he also spoke to Cady. A lesson.

However, the perfunctory meaning in that tone is very obvious.

"Yes, father, then I'll find them after the banquet is over!" Cardi nodded with a smile.

"Ah! No, Miss Rita choked on the fruit!"

"Come on, Miss Rita choked!"

But just as the events here came to an end, there were a few exclamations in the hall.

When they heard the content of the exclamation, many nobles in the hall changed their expressions and quickly rushed in the direction of the voice.

Even the butler who had been instructed by Duke Miller to greet Natasha and Ball also changed his face, and he no longer cared to greet the two, and quickly walked in the direction of the exclamation.

"Natasha, what do you think we should do now?" Looking at Milo's housekeeper and the other nobles who were distracted, Ball and Natasha looked at each other.

"Father, I think we should leave immediately. Now that Duke Miller, the only help, may have disappeared, and the Dolly family is still so shameless, we should leave Nok Capital as soon as possible!" Natasha immediately expressed her thoughts .

"Father, I think so too!" The unscrupulousness of the Dolly family is beyond Ball's imagination, so he understands that if his father and daughter don't leave as soon as possible, I'm afraid it will not be so easy to get out of King Nok by then.

"Well, father, then let's find Narant and leave together!"

Immediately, the father and daughter did not hesitate, and immediately walked towards the long table where they had been before.

Coincidentally, however, the place where the exclamation came from was also in the same direction.

When the father and daughter approached and squeezed through the crowd, they immediately saw what was going on in front of them.

I saw that Duke Miller was already in the crowd at the moment, and in his arms was a four- or five-year-old girl who was gorgeously dressed like a little princess.

At this moment, the girl's face was pale and full of pain, her mouth kept making loud noises and she wanted to breathe, but she couldn't do it at all.

"Lord Duke, little dammit, just now, Miss Rita and several young masters were eating potion fruit at the table, but just when the young lady was eating potion apricot, the second young master accidentally pushed Miss Rita, and then Rita The potion apricot in the lady's hand fell into her mouth, and she choked for some reason!"

At this moment, there were two servants kneeling beside the Duke, and they kept begging for mercy with a face full of fear.

"Shut up, you guys step aside first!" Seeing this, Butler Milo immediately drank the servant who kept begging for mercy, because at this moment, the Duke was extremely anxious, but they were chattering next to him, which was simply courting death.

Besides, the most important thing right now is to save Miss Rita, and other things must be discussed later.

"Milo, hurry up, let the doctor come over!" At this moment, Duke Miller slapped the **** the back, while anxiously instructing Milo's housekeeper.

If it were other things, Duke Miller, the second most powerful man in the Nok Empire, could do a landslide without changing his face.

But it was the most distressed granddaughter who was in danger at this moment, and his face showed a rare anxiety.

The most important thing is that he knows that the girl's situation is very critical. If it is delayed for a minute or two, then this little life will be lost forever.

"Sir, Xiao has just sent someone to give instructions!" Butler Milo responded immediately.

"Sir, the doctor is here!" Just after Butler Milo's voice fell, a servant hurriedly pushed through the crowd and arrived with a middle-aged doctor.

As a duke manor, doctors are naturally always on hand.

Although a strong man like Duke Miller himself can't use it, heirs or servants still need to use a doctor occasionally.

"I've seen adults!" After a doctor arrived, he obviously didn't realize what happened.

"Don't be stunned, come and treat Rita, Rita choked on the fruit!" Duke Miller urged the doctor directly, who had an air bus.

"This..." The doctor was stunned when he heard the words.

If they are sick and injured, they can also treat him, especially since he is still a junior magician and has two healing spells.

But now that the Duke's granddaughter is choked, he has no better way.

It's just that he didn't dare to say anything more at this time, so he could only hurried forward to check.

However, after looking at it for a while, the doctor's face turned pale, because he had no other better way than to learn Duke Miller to slap Leta's back.

But the girl's pain is still the same, so uncomfortable that even tears have fallen out.

"Bastard, is there anything you can do!" Duke Miller also saw the problem and immediately scolded the doctor.

In the past, Duke Miller treated this doctor with a junior magician very preferentially, but now because of the emergency, he can't wait to step forward and give him a kick.

"My lord, the subordinate's magic can heal injuries and restore physical strength, but it has no effect on the choking situation..." The doctor dared not hide any more, and directly told the truth. He also knew that if he continued to fool, if Li Miss Ta had an accident, so he probably won't have any good fruit to eat.

"There is no way?" Duke Miller's expression became even more ugly, but he did not continue to pour his anger on the doctor.

As a dignified duke, he naturally knows that magicians are not omnipotent.

"You, who can help my granddaughter!" Duke Miller immediately looked at the surrounding nobles, and now he can only be a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

It's just that even doctors have no better way, how could these nobles have any way?

A famous noble lowered their heads one after another, not daring to look at Duke Miller.

"Duke Miller, why don't you use your grudge to try to take out the fruit that choked Miss Rita!" At this moment, Natasha spoke.

Others are worried that the innocent will cause trouble later, but Natasha didn't think so much when she saw the girl who was like a little princess.

"Slap with vindictiveness?" Duke Miller glanced at Natasha when he heard the words, but he didn't respond, instead he was caught in a tangle.

This method, he just thought about it.

But let's not say whether the fruit can be shot, but the extraordinary power of Dou Qi is very harmful to young children.

As long as it invades the body a little bit, it is likely to cause damage to the Qi meridians or blood vessels in the body.

If the Qi meridians or blood vessels are damaged, it will be a serious injury in the light, and the serious one will pay the price of life or the Qi meridians will be destroyed.

But now Duke Miller can't think of a better way.

Just like that, the next moment Duke Miller looked at his granddaughter in pain and raised his palm slightly.

Compared with the possibility of being seriously injured or unable to cultivate vindictiveness, it is obviously more unacceptable to continue to let his granddaughter choked on fruit and unable to breathe.

So I'm afraid I can only try it now, at least if it succeeds, then my granddaughter can still survive.

"Duke Miller, wait a minute!"

However, just as Duke Miller raised his palms and moved his grudge slightly, a figure suddenly squeezed out of the crowd.

The figure quickly came to Duke Miller and stopped him.

"What do you want to do?" Duke Miller frowned immediately, now that his granddaughter was on the verge of life and death, his cruel heart was just interrupted by this figure shouting.

He had never seen this young nobleman, but if the young nobleman could not give a valid reason, he would definitely not be able to simply let him go at that time.

"Lord Duke, give me the man, maybe I can do it!"

"Do you have a solution?" The duke was stunned for a moment, then immediately glared at the young noble in front of him.

"Yes, I have some confidence, but the Duke must be quick, and can't delay any longer!"

It is here, Narant.

Just now he took Annie to look for Natasha, but not long after he walked away, he heard exclamations from the original location.

When he squeezed into the crowd, he happened to hear Natasha's proposal, plus the action of Duke Miller.

"Okay, as long as you can save Rita, I, Miller, can promise you any conditions!" Duke Miller did not hesitate.

Whether what Narant said was true or not, he had no other choice.

Moreover, at such a moment, he believed that no one would return to asking for trouble.

After that, Duke Miller handed the girl directly to Narant.

As if Narant had never heard of Duke Miller's promise, he immediately embraced the girl in his arms.

Put the girl's back against her, and then lock her hands tightly around the girl's upper abdomen.

After his arms locked the girl, Narant shrank his arms sharply and restrained the girl's upper abdomen.

After tightening for a moment, Narant relaxed again, and then tightened again. This was to hit the girl's abdomen and want to spit out the stuck fruit.

"This... what is he doing?"

"Yeah, with so much force, will it hurt Miss Rita?"

And Narant's move was obviously not seen by the nobles.

Rita was choking on the fruit and couldn't breathe, but the young noble kept tightening Rita's abdomen.

This move seems to be not only not like saving people, but more like tossing people.

And Miss Rita is such a young child, how many toss can she withstand?

Fortunately, Duke Miller did not speak even though his face was ashen.

A big man like him also has determination.

Since it was handed over to Narant, he would not interfere with many others.

"Isn't it okay?" And Narant was also a little anxious at the moment.

It's not that I'm worried about Duke Miller's guilt, but I'm worried that if it drags on for a long time, the girl in his arms will be in danger.

At this moment, the girl's consciousness in his arms was obviously blurred, and even the struggle became weak.

In this way, Narant gritted his teeth and decided to use more strength.

Just worried about hurting the girl, so the power is controlled.

But the current situation is obviously that saving people is the most important thing. As for the injury, that is no longer a concern.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

In this way, Narant once again tightened and relaxed Rita's upper abdomen.

And the surrounding nobles saw that Narant's actions were even more complicated, and their expressions obviously became more strange.

"Haha, this kid is dead this time!"

But in the crowd at the moment, Cardi was overjoyed when he saw this.

Because, he felt that Narant was going to be less fierce this time.

Just because of his strange method, let alone saving people, Miss Belita will be strangled by him before she is choked to death.

And if this guy can't save Miss Rita in the end, then everything he's doing now will be a sin~www.mtlnovel.com~ In this case, it will inevitably lead to Duke Miller's anger.

"It's true that there is a way to heaven and you don't go, and there is no way to the abyss, you have to break in by yourself!" Cardi finally summed up Narant's meddling this time.


However, just as he was thinking about it, a cyan thumb-sized fruit suddenly flew out of Miss Rita's mouth in front of him.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

As the fruit flew out, Miss Rita, who had been silent before, let out a series of coughing sounds.


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