Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 765

Chapter 765

The dance and dance with Natasha were husband and wife, and they complemented each other. Although they did not become the focus of the audience, they also stood the attention of many nobles around them.

Especially those young nobles, when they saw Natasha's beautiful face and hot and graceful figure, their saliva was almost drooling.

It's a pity that as long as you are not blind, you can see that the two are concubines, and Natasha's eyes are soft and tender and have not left Narant for a moment during the dance.

In this way, in the end, these young sons could only cast their hateful eyes on Narant, jealous that the pig who didn't know where it came from actually shoved such a much larger cabbage.

Of course, although I think Natasha is already a master of flowers, there are also many sons and brothers who are used to swaying and want to wave their hoes, so they all inquire about the identity of such a beautiful woman as Natasha, and want to dig Dig into the corner of Narant.

As for the result, it was all in vain. I am afraid that apart from Cardi of the Dolly family, no one knew Natasha's identity.

And Nakadi didn't know where he went. In short, Narant never saw him after entering the manor.

"Narant, do you want another song!" The musicians on the side of the scene came to an end, but Natasha was still a little unfinished, and continued to pull Narant to prepare for another song.

"My eldest lady, we've already danced three songs in a row. If I jump again, I'm afraid that the noble sons around me will swallow me alive. Your charm is too great!" Narant immediately joked after hearing this.

"Narant, you're so bad!" Natasha blushed when she heard the words, because there were indeed many young masters who were staring at her.

Of course, Natasha knew that Narant was making fun of herself, so she was shy and angry when she laughed and scolded her.

And her expression made her heart sway when she saw the noble sons around her, and she almost had a nosebleed.

"Haha, okay, my eldest lady, you go to the sidelines to rest for a while, little girl Annie is still waiting, wait for me to finish dancing with her, then I will come to dance with you for three songs, and I will definitely do it tonight. Let you dance enough!" Narant's eyes were full of special meaning.

Natasha, who knew the depths of Narant's lover, naturally knew what Narant was thinking, and didn't answer. She gave him a big white eye with sullen anger, and then returned to the previous long table with graceful steps.

"Annie, come and dance with the adults!" With a smile on the corner of Narant's mouth, he turned to look at Annie.

The little girl Annie had been following the two of Narant before.

Except that this little girl doesn't like to talk, that is, she doesn't care about other people's eyes.

Therefore, even though it was very strange to stand alone in this scene before, she did not feel any discomfort.

Hearing Narant's order, Annie lowered her head a little bit, obviously this girl was not confident.

And Narant naturally knew that this little girl would definitely not be able to dance, so he simply stopped talking and went up to put up the girl's hands.

"Just follow the footsteps of adults, let's take your time!" Nalan pulled the girl's somewhat stiff hands and began to lead her to slowly dance to the music.

The girl's footsteps were very unfamiliar, and even said that she had no footsteps at all, and she would step on Narant's feet from time to time.

However, instead of saying anything, Narant kept praising and encouraging the girl.

Gradually, Annie's downcast face showed a trace of the same look, and her eyes seemed to be filled with anger.

With this anger, her original numbness and emptiness immediately disappeared a lot.

After a full five minutes, the song finally ended with the musician's performance.

And the little girl Annie was also in a hurry from the beginning, and slowly she could move slowly following Narant's steps.

"Annie, the song is over, let's go have something to eat first, and then the adults will come back to you for another song!"

"Well, thank you sir!" Annie nodded immediately.

Immediately, Narant returned to the original long table with his lucky daughter.

"Hey, what about Natasha and Marquis Ball?"

However, when Narant came to the original long table, he found that Natasha and her father Bauer were not here.

And there are only a few children in their teens beside their long table at the moment. The children are male and female, and they are half-eating and half-playing with all kinds of delicacies on the long table. A maid and maid followed.

Narant didn't care when he saw it. Instead, he raised his head and glanced at the field, looking for Natasha and Ball.

"Isn't it going to Duke Miller?" This thought suddenly popped into Narant's mind, and it was really possible when he thought about it.

However, it would be great if the two of them had spoken to themselves when they went there.

Then I will go to the housekeeper Milo to talk to me first, and ask me what I got rid of yesterday.

I have sent so many wines by myself, whether it is successful or not, the Duke of Miller will definitely give a reply.

As for the reason why Nalande didn't tell Natasha and his father about it before, it was because Nalande didn't know if it could happen.

So, if you wait for the approval letter, it's not too late to tell them.

How can I think that Natasha and Ball went to Miller without notifying themselves.

In fact, this was a misunderstanding by Narant.

If Natasha and Ball took the initiative to find Duke Miller, then at least Natasha would definitely take the initiative to speak to Narant.

But it was Milo's housekeeper who sent a servant to look for it just now.

Originally, the servant was going to take Narant with him, but when he came, he just asked if it was the Frank family, so Ball and Natasha responded and were immediately invited by the servant.

And Natasha saw that Narant and Annie were dancing, she hesitated for a moment and didn't go up to disturb.

After all, there are enough people who want to come to Narant to help her, and even the golden invitations are exchanged by Narant, so it is just right for her to go with her father at the moment, so as not to have to worry about Narant later.

"Duke Miller, congratulations on your happy birthday, I heard from the servant that you are looking for me?" In a leisure area on the side of the hall, Duke Miller sat on the sofa in the center.

Natasha and Ball were sitting on the side, and their faces were a little restrained at the moment.

At this time, a middle-aged nobleman in a gorgeous dress came to the front of several people and spoke to Duke Miller.

The middle-aged aristocrat glanced at Natasha and Ball, but there was some playfulness in his eyes.

And this middle-aged aristocrat is none other than the current patriarch of the Dolly family, Marquis Piccolo. At this moment, Mr. Cardi is also following behind Marquis Piccolo.

"Marquis Piccolo, thank you for coming today, come and take a seat first, let's sit down and talk!" Duke Miller gestured politely towards Piccolo.

Immediately, Marquis Piccolo hesitated and sat directly opposite Natasha and Bauer.

"Marquis Piccolo, I wonder if you know these two?" After Piccolo was seated, Duke Miller asked with a faint smile.

"Lord Duke, although this is the first time I've met these two people, I have heard from my eldest son, Kadi, that he is one of the new nobles who just migrated from the Glory Continent, a member of the Frank family, right?" Piccolo also smiled, but this smile made people uncomfortable no matter how you looked at it, like a gray wolf looking at a sheep.

"Speaking of which, I really didn't expect that they would find you, Lord Duke. I don't know what you are going to do with me this time. For your sake, my Dolly family will try to be satisfied!"

"Well, Dolly, although the Frank family came from the Glory Continent, they joined our Nok Empire after all. Since they are nobles of the same empire, we should all help each other..."

"I heard from them that you are going to cooperate with them to run caravans and some shops that sell goods?"

"Yes, Lord Duke, my Dolly family just wanted to develop an industry during this time. It doesn't happen that the Frank family also has this intention, so I think they are not familiar with the territories of our Nok Empire, so I want to invite them together. Cooperation!" Piccolo didn't blushed when he spoke, and said the matter of Ming Robbery as if it was a favor.

Although Natasha and Bauer could not wait to scold immediately, they also knew that this was not the time for them and others to speak.

And Duke Miller also smiled, "Bick, your Dolly family can think of taking care of the newly added nobles, this is indeed a good thing, but I heard that you are not going to give any gold coins and manpower, but Are you going to take half of the profits of the Frank family?"

"Lord Duke, I do want half of the profits from the Frank family's business. However, without gold coins and manpower, such a thing will definitely not exist. Our Dolly family will definitely not take this half of the profits in vain."

"For example, our Dolly family will help the caravans and shops manage the nobles in the duchy. You also know that some nobles are stingy. They will often embarrass the caravans that go to their territory to trade."

"As for the new nobles like the Frank family, their caravan must be difficult to avoid encountering some embarrassing things for the nobles."

"And as long as our Dolly family manages up and down, we can put an end to such a thing. This is not something that any random family can do."

"In addition, the Frank family doesn't know much about the various territories of our principality. Our Dolly family is also preparing to collect information on each territory for them. Whether it is buying or selling goods or purchasing supplies, it will definitely be more convenient."

"So, Duke Miller, we don't get much of the half of the share!" Marquis Piccolo was very confident, so his words were almost clear, and he didn't seem to worry about what Duke Miller would say.

"Huh? Is that so? That really took some strength!" Duke Miller was a little surprised at the attitude of Piccolo today, and he said it so bluntly.

However, he didn't want to do anything else. His idea this time was just to let the Dolly family get a small share of the profits, so Duke Miller simply said: "But Marquis Bick, although you have made a lot of efforts, after all Most of the things are handled by the Frank family, and the gold coins for buying shops and purchasing goods are also from the Frank family, so your vassal is still a little high."

"Why don't you do this? Your Dolly family should get a little less of the share, lest this matter get out and let other nobles hear it and think that your Dolly family is overpowering others!"

"Do you want a little less?" Marquis Piccolo pondered a little when he heard the words.

On the contrary, Natasha and Ball looked at each other on the opposite side, and a glimmer of hope rose in their eyes.

They didn't know until after they came here that Duke Miller already knew about them, and it was all because of the Narant wines.

Natasha and Ball were naturally pleasantly surprised by this, and Natasha was even more moved by Narant.

Although, now this Duke Miller is only letting the Dolly family take a few percent of the profit, this is also what they had planned when they came.

If they really want the Dolly family to completely cancel the suppression of their Frank family and continue, they feel that the success rate is not high.

Even if Duke Miller could do it, he probably wouldn't fully agree for a few gold coins. ,

Moreover, taking 10,000 steps back, even if the first two conditions are met, they successfully solved the Dolly family this time.

It is inevitable that Cali, Geely and other families will jump out in the future.

Therefore, it is the most perfect solution to let the Dolly family need a few layers of profits, but still become the umbrella of the Frank family.

For example, if the Frank family is willing to give out the pure profits on both sides to the Billy family, it will be regarded as a guardian payment to the Dolly family.

Even if the Dolly family is more greedy, 25% or 30% can be the final bottom line.

It's just that Frank thought very well, but the Marquis of Napic didn't do what they wanted.

After listening for a moment, Marquis Piccolo smiled and said, "Duke Miller, originally, you have already come forward, then our Picque family must take care of your face, but this time the matter of the Frank family is really serious. Can't make concessions!"

"Huh?" Duke Miller was stunned when he heard the words, his brows furrowed slightly, obviously Bick's toughness exceeded his expectations.

After all, with his Duke's face, it would be easy to say that he would give in 100%, but now the other party is not giving back at all.

"Lord Duke, don't be angry. Originally, if it was really just a matter of our Dolly family, I would definitely give in. It's just that His Royal Highness the Second Prince is among them, so I really can't be the master!" Dolly sees Mi Duke Le frowned, and then added in a low voice.

"Second Prince?" The Duke miraculously showed a little surprise.

"Yes, Your Excellency, now that the son of the second prince has grown up, I heard that His Royal Highness wants to build a beautiful manor for his son, but it is a pity that the construction of the manor cost a lot, so I entrusted me to see if I can find some good ways to make money. ."

"And the eldest son of the second prince is also my grandson. As a grandfather, I naturally want to help, so... please make atonement for the duke!" Piccolo spoke with an air of self-compassion. Let the confidence.

Duke Miller is very powerful in the Knok Empire, but the only thing to worry about is the royal family.

Although the whole empire could hold him down, only His Royal Highness might be the only one, but if he was not stupid, even if he was a few princes, Duke Miller would definitely have to show his respect.

So ~www.mtlnovel.com~ At this moment, even the second prince has been moved out, so Duke Miller really can't say anything more.

He did not suspect that Dolly was lying to him, because Dolly dared not.

In addition, Duke Miller's intuition also believes that this is true, and it is indeed the second prince who wants to gather funds.

However, it is difficult to say whether it is to build a manor for the children or to do other things.

"In this case, the Marquis of Piccolo will continue to attend the banquet!" After a moment of thought, Duke Miller prepared to end today's matter and not interfere.

Although he also wants to repay the favor of Narant wine, it is definitely not worth it to cut off the second prince's fortune because of a few pots of wine, especially since the second prince may have other plans...


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