Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 590

Chapter 590

"Lord Goddess, please save us!"

"Lord Goddess, please save us!"

Since Narant couldn't work here, some savages with a bright mind immediately looked at Vinnie on the side.

When they wanted to come, Vinnie was a divine messenger, who was the embodiment of kindness and kindness, and they definitely couldn't bear to starve them to death.

"Sir, can't you really take them in? Let them exchange their labor for food!" Vinnie seemed to be persuaded, a little unbearable, and immediately spoke to Narant.

"Vinnie, you also understand the situation in the territory, I really can't feed them so many barbarians for a long time, even if this winter has exhausted the gold coins in my castle, and, as I said earlier, if it causes The dissatisfaction of other people, then our Storm Leader will definitely be in chaos in the future!"

"My lord, why don't you let them join Storm Territory as your territorial citizens? This way other territorial citizens will not be dissatisfied, and they can continue to work hard for you in exchange for food and beer."

"This... all become my subjects? Is this too many?" Narant looked embarrassed.

"Sir, if you let them go back now, and there is no prey for them on the grassland, they will definitely not survive!" Vinnie couldn't bear it.

And the barbarians below panicked.

Now it's not a question of whether they want to stay, let alone whether they want to drink that beer.

But a return to the grassland means that you can only starve to death and live, and no creature is willing to die.

"Lord noble, just take us in, we have great strength and can do a lot of work!"

"Yes, Lord Noble, look at the fields we cultivated during the winter, we will never be lazy!"

For a time, the savages of the grassland all begged out, just asking Narant to be able to take them.

"This..." The embarrassed look on Narant's face became even stronger, "Oh, okay!"

After hesitating for a moment, Narant finally softened.

"After all, it was the nobles who plundered your territory that made you fall into such a desperate situation. Although I, Narant, can't stop what has happened, I don't have the heart to let you die on the grassland!"

"If you are really willing to be my serfs, then I will accept you!"

"Although my wealth is not enough to support so many of you, I can only ask my fiancee for help. My fiancee is the future earl. I believe she can understand my current choice!"

"My lord, thank you for your kindness!"

Vinnie fell to her knees immediately.

"Your Majesty, thank you for your kindness!"

Even the goddess Vinnie knelt down, and the savage in the grassland below was naturally embarrassed to stand, and also knelt down a lot.

"Get up, since you will become my subjects in the future, I will treat you equally!" Narant said with a look of hope.

"Yes, thank the Lord for your kindness!"

"Thank you Lord for your kindness!"

In the face of Narant, this is another "actor's cultivation" and Tuo's operation. The rhythm on the field was completely taken away by him, and the barbarians were sold one by one before Narant counted the money.

"Well, get up, my citizens, although you won't leave now, this beer is still going to be distributed to you! Pete Boots, come and distribute beer to our new citizens!"

"Yes, my lord!"

Immediately, Pete Boots went to the carriage and began to distribute beer to the barbarians.

And the savages of the grasslands have had new identities before they understand what's going on.

Of course, when you get that delicious beer, and then think that you will no longer have to suffer from hunger in the future, and can live happily like this winter season, other things are no longer important.

Moreover, Narant later announced that they can all go outside the castle to worship the giant wolf totem, and these barbarians are even more happy.

And Raymond and other twenty monster knights also mixed into the crowd at the right time, spreading the fact that they had become bloodline warriors.

Seeing this bloodline knight never seen before, all the barbarians recognized this kind and magical lord even more.

After completely subduing the grassland barbarians in this temporary camp, Narant did not stop there, and immediately took the giant wolf and the convoy to the depths of the grassland.

When passing through the space rift, Narant condoled to the guards stationed again and the remaining seven wolf knights.

After confirming that there was no problem with the state of the crowd, and leaving enough food and beer, Narant continued to move toward the southwest.

After three days' journey, he finally came to the Wuzhi Mountains again.

At this time, there is also a temporary camp here.

Certain coolies are also all steppe barbarians.

Narant repeats his old tricks here, and the next effect is needless to say, one by one the savage barbarians of the grasslands were subdued by Narant.

Of course, although Narant had some means to make the Fillers submit to him, in fact, he did not deceive them.

Because of the existence of space-time cracks, even if these barbarians return to the grasslands, it is impossible to live on hunting as before. ,

Because all the beasts and animals have fled the blazing steppe because of that death.

They don't have the intelligence to ponder whether the dark creatures are being suppressed, but flee their original habitat by instinctively feeling threatened.

As long as the cracks are not eliminated, they will not dare to return to the grassland atmosphere.

After subduing the thousands of savages here, Narant distributed the remaining beer.

However, they did not let them retreat to the edge of the grassland, but continued to order them to stay here.

To fully declare his Narant's ownership of the grasslands, a symbolic city or fortress must be built on the grasslands.

So Narante was going to let the barbarians build a large fortress from rocks quarried from the mountains.

Not only can it prevent threats that may come from the Holy Continent in advance, but it can also declare its sovereignty over the blazing grassland.

After handing over this task, Narant led his men and horses towards the mountain trail and entered the Sacred Continent.

When I set foot on the Sacred Continent again, the scene of the forest sea in front of me has changed.

The snowy scene two months ago is gone, replaced by a green ocean that can't be seen at a glance~www.mtlnovel.com~ Narant did not move forward rashly, but let Shirley, Little Loli and Bessie The two probed in advance, and then led the team step by step forward.

"My lord, Xiao Huihui said that he didn't find the terrifying giant bear last time!"

"My lord, I also asked the surrounding big trees just now, and they said that the big bear hasn't been around here for a long time!"

"Also, my lord, these trees say that this is the second time they have seen creatures like us. Except for small animals, they have never seen other existences like us!"

"Well, then let's start walking through the deep forest!"

When he got the report from Little Loli and Bessie, Narant finally led the team into the jungle again.

This time Shirley's report was investigated by Xiao Huihui, so the security is higher than the last time.

In addition to judging whether there is danger nearby, Bessie's report also shows that the vicinity should be a real virgin forest, and there has never been a human race.

In this way, if Narant wants to complete the system's side quest this time, he can only continue to move forward.