Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 589

Chapter 589

"I have seen the nobles!"

"I have seen the goddess!"

When the barbarians gathered on the outskirts of the camp, Narant took Vinnie directly to the wooden fence.

The barbarians were also very respectful, and immediately knelt down and saluted.

"Get up, everyone, how are you all doing this winter!" Vinnie, who had been instructed a long time ago, spoke first, because she was going to play emotional cards first.

When Narant returned to the castle, Vinnie stayed in the camp, and Vinnie stayed for half a month.

In the past half month, she has been treating the injuries and illnesses of these savages. Whether it is new or old, she treats them gently.

Therefore, in the eyes of the savage people in the grasslands, she is already the status of the high-ranking divine envoy, and she is simply a gift from the gods to the mortal world to benefit their savages.

"Thank you, Lady Goddess, we have had a good winter this winter, we can eat enough, and we don't have to worry about the severe cold!"

The barbarians who stood up below immediately responded enthusiastically.

"Well, since I'm doing well, then I'm relieved! Everyone, now our Lord Narant of Stormland wants to say a few words to you!"

Vinnie smiled sweetly, and then handed over the topic to Narant.

The barbarians who heard the words looked at Narant one after another, a little uneasy about what Narant was going to say.

Although they are upright and have no scheming, there are also a few barbarians who can guess what Narant's arrival today may be about.

"You barbarians, it is an honor to cooperate with you this winter, and I have seen the hard work of your barbarians!"

"Now that the winter has passed, the earth has begun to warm up, everything has awakened, and it is time for me to fulfill the promise I made to you!"

"I know you don't like me as a noble. After all, it was the nobles who drove your ancestors to the Fire Prairie!"

"To be honest, I don't agree with what the nobles did more than a hundred years ago. This land belongs to your barbarians, but they took it by force. Why can't we all live together peacefully? This is really different from robbers. There is no difference!"

"It's just, unfortunately, I'm only seventeen years old now. Things that happened more than a hundred years ago can't be changed!"

"However, in order to express my apology to your ancestors, I will make some compensation for you later before you leave and return to the depths of the grasslands. It is my personal wish!"

After Narant took over the topic, he had a panoramic view of the expressions of the barbarians below, and immediately started a show of "noble cultivation" with sincere expressions.

Under Narant's description, the eyes of the barbarians gradually became complicated.

Although there has been a lot of improvement in the nobleman of Narant, the hurdle in his heart still cannot be eliminated.

Now that I heard Narant's "artistic" words, since he "earnestly" criticized what the nobles did at the time, he was even more stunned.

This made the barbarians instantly distinguish Narant from the nobles who invaded them a hundred years ago, and let go of their hostility towards him subconsciously.

Thinking of the living camp and meat beer that Narant provided them this winter, they instantly felt the kindness of the Lord.

And at the end, when Narant said that he would fulfill his promise and allow them to return to the depths of the grassland, the barbarians immediately exploded.

Isn't this situation bad now?

They can not only eat enough to eat, but also drink and eat meat. More importantly, they did not bow to the nobles. This is the result of mutual cooperation.

In this way, the barbarians originally felt that as long as the lord did not mention it, they were not going to mention the matter of leaving.

But now the Lord Lord took the initiative to mention it, which made them all at a loss.

"Ah? Go back to the depths of the grassland, what can we do? Will we have no delicious beer to drink in the future!"

"You know how to drink. Are we not willing to return to the grasslands for food and drink?"

"Uh, are you willing to return to the depths of the grassland?"

"If it's just for beer and meat, of course I'd give it up... But, didn't you see it when you came last time? The terrifying cracks in time and space are still there, and dark creatures will continue to run out, who can guarantee waiting Will we encounter it again after we go back, so I think we should stay on the edge for a while longer, and then go back after ensuring that there is really no problem in the future."

Narant did not immediately stop the barbarians below, but let them hum and buzz.

Especially after hearing the comments of these barbarians, the corners of Narant's mouth could not help but cocked slightly.

I didn't expect that there are talents among the barbarians, and they even stated the reasons for wanting to stay here so fresh and refined. It seems that the upright barbarians are not necessarily 100% upright.

"Okay, everyone, it's getting late, have you decided which people are going to return to the depths of the grassland, come forward now, and each can receive a small can of beer."

The more they want to stay, the higher Narant's attitude must be, so that it will be easier to manage in the future and make them completely surrender.

When Narant's voice fell, the savage crowd immediately became quiet, and they all looked around with their heads lowered, but no one really stepped forward.

The corner of Narant's mouth twitched, and then he nodded slightly to the barbarians in the crowd.

Immediately, a hesitant voice came from the crowd, "Sir Noble, can you continue to hire us, the grassland is too dangerous right now, although the dark creatures are temporarily suppressed, but as long as the space crack exists for one day, the threat will be forever. exist."

"More importantly, because of the dead air in the space cracks, all the animals in the grasslands have fled the grasslands. Even if we return to the grasslands, if we can't catch prey, we will starve to death!"

"Yes, Lord Noble, if there is no prey, we will starve to death when we go back!"

"Yes, let us stay here and work, so that we can not only eat meat, but also drink beer!"

Immediately, several barbarians in the barbarian crowd echoed.

Of course, these barbarians were arranged by Narant.

No matter in the previous life or in this life, Narant knows a truth. If he wants to achieve great things, he can't do it without any reason.

These trusts were picked from the clansmen of Maiye Village in Raymond, so they were not afraid of being seen through.

And a few caregivers also expressed the hearts of these savages in the grasslands~www.mtlnovel.com~ Especially when they heard that there was no more prey on the grasslands because of their deadness.

Even the few steppe barbarians who wanted to leave immediately hesitated.

"What you said makes a lot of sense. It is indeed dangerous for you to return to the grasslands now, and you can't hunt food at all!"

"But... you barbarians, although I am a noble, I am only a baron lord!"

"There are tens of thousands of people on my territory. Now I distribute meat and beer to you, and the money I spend is the tax collected from them."

"They are also working hard for me, but they are not treated as well as you, and they have to pay me taxes. If it takes a long time, there will definitely be someone complaining about my lord!"

"So, I definitely can't do such a thing. Although I also sympathize with you barbarians, I, a baron noble, are really powerless!" Narant's face was full of sincerity and embarrassment.

"This... Does it really want us to go, but if we let us go, we will have no way to live!"

Seeing that Narant was really not going to keep them, it was these barbarians who were in a hurry.