Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 552

Chapter 552

The lower part is a three-headed dog of **** in a crawling suit.

One of the three-headed dog's head has been chopped off, while the other two heads are stunned and terrified.

In the upper part, Narant was wearing armor and a majestic cloak. He stepped on the neck of the three-headed dog with one foot and held the head of the three-headed dog with a sword in one hand.

The huge body of the original three-headed dog of **** was deliberately reduced on this statue, but Narant's body became huge.

In this way, the majesty and majesty of his lord is vividly set off.

There is also a line of words engraved on the bottom pedestal, Storm Lord Narant Berwick personally killed a three-headed dog of hell, and hereby erects a statue as a souvenir!

"Narante, if you like it!" Natasha was finally satisfied when she saw Narante's head and the expression of satisfaction.

After the night of shooting stars, she immediately found Mario and asked him to help gather all the masons in the entire territory.

Then they made a lot of money to make it day and night. Now that Narant is good, everything is worth it.

"Natasha, thank you!" Narant took back his polishing, to be honest, he had never felt such a feeling of being so sought after by the goddess in his previous life.

"Then how are you going to thank me!" Natasha heard a charming smile on her face.

"Then how do you want to thank?" Narant glanced at her bulging airbag instantly, and the meaning in his eyes was self-evident.

"You... what are you looking at! I just want ordinary gifts!" Natasha saw this look, and she was always bold and felt from time to time under the eyes of all the people.

"Haha! Natasha, I'm talking about ordinary gifts, I promise to be ordinary, let's go, let's go back to the castle first, and then I will give you gifts!"

Seeing Natasha's beautiful and delicious appearance, the old driver Narant could not bear it, and took her directly to the castle...

Time turned, and it was three days later.

This morning, Nalande sent Natasha away.

Natasha originally planned to stay in Narant's castle for a few more days, at least ten days and a half months.

However, because Narant asked about redeeming the relatives of the guards that day, she was very attentive, so she admitted that she wanted to stick with Narant and chose to return to Tulip City to help him handle this matter.

According to Natasha, if it was in previous years, this matter would be easy to handle. Let her Frank family randomly send a caravan from the small desert country of the caravan camouflage city, and then go directly to the northern principality to complete this matter.

But because the two have had an unprecedented war this year, and are still in a high level of confrontation, if they continue to send their own caravans, there may be great risks.

Therefore, it is necessary to invite a real caravan of small desert countries to get rid of them.

Although this will cost a lot of money, it is the only way.

Moreover, the caravan must find a reliable one, so as to ensure that the ransom will not be swallowed.

After all, in the Northern Principality, it is definitely necessary to pay first and then release people.

Therefore, Natasha needs to contact and arrange this matter in person to avoid Narant's loss.

Naturally, Narant was very moved by this. From last night, "thank you" Natasha until this morning, so she reluctantly sent her away.

After Natasha left, Narant went to the garden alone, and then started chanting words.

"Fire element wandering between heaven and earth! Please obey my call and gather in my palm...fire magic!"


"Haha, it's done? Could it be that I am a magic genius, and I succeeded the first time!"

At this moment, Narant was sitting alone on a slate, holding a delicate wooden staff in his right hand, and was overjoyed looking at his left hand.

Just last night, the magic power in his body finally converged to the size of a soybean, so he couldn't wait to come to the back garden early this morning and start to practice his first spell.

This spell is the fire spell used by magic apprentices.

And just when Narant's first attempt to follow the Encyclopedia of Magic and Spells was completed, a handful of flames immediately appeared on the palm of his left hand.

The flame was fiery red, and it was suspended five or six centimeters above Narant's palm, but Narant couldn't feel the heat, and some just felt warm.

Narant was quite pleasantly surprised that he released the fire spell for the first time.

As a traveler, in his opinion, magic is much taller than fighting spirit.

And this flame appeared out of thin air in the hand, and it was a proper legendary magician in the previous life.

In addition, although this is just an apprentice spell and has no attack power, it also means that he has officially become a real magic apprentice.

"Well, it's warm, and a little comfortable. This flame can't be fake, right? It's not worth it!"

After rejoicing, Narant couldn't help being curious about the flame in his opponent.

At the moment, he walked directly to the side of the bush, and then broke off a branch.


"Hey, the temperature is not weak, this is comparable to the gas stove in the previous life!"

When the twig was placed on the flame, Narrant no longer doubted its power.

The thumb-thick branch was ignited by the flames in an instant, crackling.

"Let's try the water gathering technique again!"

The experiment of fire technique is over~www.mtlnovel.com~ Narant is ready to make persistent efforts to start learning other spells.

Immediately looked at the release description of the Water Gathering Technique.

"Water element wandering between heaven and earth! Please obey my call and gather in my palm... Water Gathering Art!"

"What's the matter? Isn't this water gathering technique also the most basic magic apprentice spell?"

When Narant finished singing, the previous situation of releasing the fire spell did not occur, but this time he failed.

"I don't believe it anymore, I'll try it again! Water element wandering between heaven and earth! Please obey my call and gather in my palm... Water Gathering Art!"

"Not yet?"

This time, Narant really felt a little frustrated, and the self-knowledge of the previous magic genius dissipated immediately.

"No, there must be something wrong. It stands to reason that this apprentice magic is entry-level, there is no easy or difficult point, and the magic power in my body is also enough to release these spells!"

"and many more!"

Suddenly, Narant looked at the staff in his hand.

This staff was naturally seized from the magician of the church last time.

Narant saw that the magician was holding a staff when he released the fireball technique last time, so he didn't even think about picking it up before.

As the saying goes, people rely on clothes and horses to rely on saddles, and a magician does not have a staff, so what is the difference between a manure digger and a manure scoop.

Picking up the magic wound, waving the staff and singing loudly, it is naturally full of force.

But Narant suddenly woke up now that he couldn't release the water gathering technique, which was probably related to the staff in his hand.