Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 551

Chapter 551

After waiting for the big stone to exit, Narant looked at Shirley's little loli, "Sherry, my lord has a task for you here too!"

"Sir, please instruct, Xue Li swears allegiance to you!" Little Loli's body stood up straight after hearing the words, and she learned the previous movements of Big Stone.

"Okay, it doesn't matter to you what you pledge to allegiance to the death. Your lord doesn't need you to fight. Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, your lord will find a hunter to catch some birds. All you have to do is tame these birds and sign a contract to let them They are as obedient as little ash!"

"Ah, birds? Well, my lord, Shirley likes to tame birds the most!"

Xiao Huihui can be said to be the most outstanding bird that Shirley has trained, and she has also won the most awards from Narant for Shirley.

So, as soon as she heard that it was a domesticated bird, Shirley's little head immediately resembled a chicken pecking at rice.

"Very good, then you all go down to rest or train first!" Narant waved his hand immediately and called back a few women.

After the girls left, Narant also walked out of the parliament hall and happened to meet Thomas in the corridor.

"Thomas, where's Miss Natasha?" Nalande was a little puzzled, how could Natasha disappear when he came back so loudly.

And he still has something to do with Natasha, which is about how to redeem the family members of the guards.

As the largest business family in the Onyx Principality, the Frank family must be more familiar with this aspect than Narant.

Therefore, he needs to ask Natasha about the specific operation process.

And if you can pay the Frank family to help, that's even easier.

"Sir, Miss Natasha should be in Maiye Village now. Miss Natasha has been in Maiye Village a lot these days!" Thomas' eyes were a little strange.

"Maiye Village? Did Natasha do something these days?" Narrant knew Thomas very well, and he knew something must be going on from the look in his eyes.

"Uh, my lord, why don't you go to Maiye Village to take a look at this?" Thomas didn't dare to say more.

"Okay!" Nalanda nodded, then directly rode the white dragon towards Maiye Village.

"Uh, is this all arranged by Natasha?" When Narant came to Maiye Village, he showed a strange expression.

Except for pedestrians and hawkers, the original streets of Maiye Village were empty.

But at this moment, on the streets of Maiye Village, a wooden pole was erected every tens of meters, and the flag of Storm Collar was already hung on the wooden pole.

Of course, it didn't stop there. Narant stood at the entrance of the village and saw a lot of people surrounded the square at the moment, and there seemed to be a large object erected in the center of the square.

Narant couldn't help but continue on horseback, and after a while, he came to the vicinity of the square.

"Move it a little, yes, it's here, just put it here, put it carefully, don't knock it!"

As soon as he approached the square, he heard a familiar female voice, it was Natasha.

At this moment, Natasha hadn't noticed his arrival, but regardless of her image, she was instructing dozens of barbarians to carry some objects surrounded by several castle maids.

The object looked quite heavy and tall, and it was only possible to move it by lifting it with a thick long wooden pole by more than 20 barbarians.

However, the top of the object was deliberately covered with a cowhide tarpaulin, so Narant couldn't see the exact appearance, it looked a bit like a sculpture.

"Ah, it's the lord!"

"The Lord is here!"

"I have seen the lord!"

"I have seen the lord!"

Because he was sympathetic to the hard work of the guards, Narant did not bring his personal guards. He came alone at the moment, so his arrival before did not attract people's attention.

All these serfs looked curiously at the large object in the middle of the square.

However, at this time, the serfs who just walked out of the roadside alleys broke Narant's identity.

All of a sudden, the serfs around the square fell to their knees one after another.

And Natasha also heard the movement, and then she turned her head and looked over with her beautiful eyes.

When she saw Narant on the steed, she immediately showed surprise on her beautiful face.

"Narant!" Natasha exclaimed with joy, and then quickly threw away several maids and moved towards Narant.

"Narant, you're back!" Natasha didn't jump into Narant's arms in front of the crowd, and stayed more than one meter in front of Narant.

"I just came back not long ago. I heard that you are in Maiye Village, so come and see!" Narant rolled over and dismounted and replied with a smile.

"Narant, you don't blame me for advocating the arrangement of your territory without authorization, right?" Natasha smiled sweetly, seeing Narant looking around at the flags, and asked tentatively.

Of course, although the demon girl asked this, there was no trace of fear on her face.

"Of course not, this flag is even more beautiful! In addition, I have also issued an announcement these days to change this Maiye Village to Maiye Town, so these flags are just hanging up to set off the festivity!"

"Giggle! I knew you wouldn't be angry, Narant!" Natasha smiled when she heard this~www.mtlnovel.com~ By the way, Natasha, those flags are quite normal, they were covered with tarpaulins in front of them. what is. "

"Narant, take a guess. I originally wanted to give you a surprise, but I didn't expect you to discover it now!"

"Surprise me?" Narant heard the words and already understood a little, and then said with a smile: "Then I'll take a guess!"

"So heavy and tall, and looking at the silhouette, it must be a statue!"

"Then, you are still trying to surprise me, then this statue must be related to me, isn't it my statue!"

"Narant, it's not your housekeeper Thomas who told you!" Natasha was a little discouraged, and she couldn't help but suspect that Thomas had leaked her surprise.

"Is it hard to guess?" Narant rolled his eyes. Since it was a surprise for himself, it was impossible to get a statue of someone else, right?

"Natasha, Thomas didn't say a word, just told me you were in Maiye Village!"

"Okay!" Natasha reluctantly showed a look of grievance, but the grievance just turned into a smile, "Since you know Narant, let's see if you like the statue I prepared for you or not. !"

A demon girl is a demon girl. There is no conflict between a frown and a smile. After speaking, Natasha said to several barbarians: "Take off that tarpaulin and show it to your lord!"

Several barbarian coolies immediately responded when they heard the words, and then untied the ropes tied outside.


With the tarpaulin lifted, there is no doubt that this disconnection will leak.

"How about it, Narant, do you like it?" Immediately, Natasha looked forward to Narant.


Narant's eyes lit up when he saw this.

The statue has a total height of more than six meters and is divided into two parts.