Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 372

Chapter 372

Soon, Narant was led by Boris to the baron's castle in this territory.

At this moment, the entrance to the baron's castle was wide open. What surprised Narant was that there was an old butler and two male servants at the gate of the castle.

The three were clearly welcoming the king and several counts.

Is there a leading party in this fantasy world?

Narant was very curious, and now followed Boris forward, wanting to hear what was going on.

And when the two got close, Narant was even more surprised when he heard the conversation in front of him.

"Your Majesty the King of the Onyx Principality, the villain is Baron Belom's housekeeper. It is my honor to have you here!"

"Well, we settled here at noon today, and temporarily borrow your baron's castle for a while."

The king's attitude towards the castle steward was surprisingly good, not like an intruder at all, but like a guest from afar.

"Welcome to His Majesty the King. In addition, the 100 gold coins for nursing care prepared by our Lord Baron this year have been prepared, please check them!" The old butler said and waved to a servant behind him.

The valet immediately and respectfully presented a small wooden box treasure chest.

As the wooden box treasure chest was opened, more than a hundred golden coins were revealed inside.

"Very good, we will continue our journey after lunch!" The king nodded and became more satisfied, and then let the attendant put away the wooden box, and entered the castle with a group of counts and guards, and the old butler also Also followed in.

"This" witnessed everything throughout the whole process, but Narant still couldn't reflect it.

"How about Narant, you haven't heard of it before, have you?" Boris finally found a sense of superiority, "This is the biggest receipt of our Qiu Zheng!"

"The Northern Principality has a flat terrain, and there are at least a hundred large and small noble lords in a county."

"Although these noble lords, big and small, can hide in the big city of the earl when the war comes, their castle can't be moved!"

"So, these 100 gold coins are for the ransom paid by our autumn expedition team not to destroy their castle!"

"And we came to the autumn expedition, naturally not just to destroy the castle, but because of these castles, we can earn nearly 10,000 gold coins every year, and we are also happy to engage in the noble door on the border of the Northern Principality. trade!"

"Sure enough, I have learned a lot." After listening to Boris's explanation, Narant was an eye-opener.

However, after thinking about it, in this world, even nobles can redeem each other with gold coins when they are defeated and captured.

Therefore, it is not too uncommon to pay for the safety of the castle.

"Of course, Narant, don't think that all the territories of the Northern Principality do this. This is what the minor nobles of the Earl of Brock and Earl of Barnby, which are closest to our Onyx Principality, did this."

"If it goes beyond these two counties, then every step forward requires a castle to be captured."

"This is also part of the reason why our autumn expedition team often only stayed on these two counties in previous years!"

"I see!"

In fact, whether Narant understands these things is not very important, because his identity is only a little knight, and he is as inconspicuous as a drop of water in the ocean in an army of 100,000.

After resting in the first noble territory of the northern principality for more than an hour, the team continued to move forward.

In this Baron Castle of Belom, the king only left a team of ten to guard the castle, and all the rest were on the road again.

And this kind of operation, as the team continues to move forward, is still happening.

Even because some noble territories are not on the way, the king and several counts will send a small team to go to the door to charge.

And those little nobles in the northern principality were also quite sensible, and there were no accidents such as ambush, and they all went around and paid the protection fee.

After all, once there is a problem, the castle will not be guaranteed.

The construction of a castle requires a huge amount of money and time, and even requires the efforts of a generation or two, so no small noble will make an unwise move.

The king and the big nobles collected money in the front, while the small nobles like Narant could only follow and watch.

This year, the commoners of the two counties of the Northern Principality ran faster than rabbits. Whether it was a small town or a village, the house was empty.

This made many small nobles disappointed, and they didn't get half of the benefits when they went all the way.

Of course, this situation also has a benefit for the king, that is, it can make these little nobles look forward to the attack on the big city of the earl.

During this period, King Culver even issued an order that after the capture of the Earl's City, except for the Earl's Castle, other areas in the city were handed over to the six earl families.

As for who can get the most benefit in Earl City, it depends on the ability of each earl.

This made a group of vassals and minor nobles happy. It was an earl city.

The Earl City in the Northern Principality is no worse than the Tulip City, and even more so because of the abundance of products, these little nobles feel that this is a grand carnival.

Under the temptation of such huge interests, the team finally came to Maple Leaf City, the big city of the Earl of Brock, which everyone was thinking about day and night.

Maple Leaf City, this is a much wider city than Tulip City.

Its location is the same as that of other big cities, built by mountains and rivers.

However, the hill behind the Maple Leaf City is naturally incomparable to the Tulip Mountain. Its height is only more than 200 meters at most~www.mtlnovel.com~ and the entire hill has been flattened, and there is a mountain on it. The majestic Earl's Castle overlooks the entire Maple Leaf City.

As the army pressed down on the territory, the alarm bell rang in Maple Leaf City immediately. Even if Narant and others were located a few miles outside the city, they could still vaguely hear the basic bell.

"I don't know how Lord Earl will arrange it. I hope that this city can really be broken this year!" Boris and Rael looked at Maple Leaf City with bright eyes.

When Boris came, he didn't really intend to get any military exploits, but when he got the king's order, he couldn't help but be moved.

"Boris, Rael, you two should take it easy, don't get carried away by the interests!" Narant looked at the appearance of these two guys and couldn't help but feel a little worried.

In such a big city, if you have a life to get money, you have to have a life to spend.

"Narant, I know, hehe!" Boris laughed slyly, Narant's reminder was completely superfluous, and he cherished his life more than anyone else.

Attacking such a large city with a population of hundreds of thousands, it is naturally impossible to start the attack as soon as it arrives like a child's play.

Rather, it requires extremely cumbersome offensive preparations.

First, choose a suitable location outside the city to set up camp.

This location is both convenient for the team to attack the city, but also to ensure safety.

Afterwards, it was to release the Rangers to investigate the surrounding situation to ensure that their own team could attack the city safely.

After completing these tasks, the prelude to the siege is ready.

The most important thing about the prelude to the siege is nothing more than two points.

One is to prepare all kinds of siege equipment.

Such as ladders, large shields and other equipment.

In addition, there is a gap outside the Maple Leaf City, that is, a moat that is more than 50 meters wide.

Therefore, if you want to attack with magic weapons, this moat must also be solved!