Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 373

Chapter 373

In the end, the large army of the Onyx Principality chose to camp on a high **** outside the city.

It took more than a day to complete the camp.

After the camp was completed, the work of making siege equipment and burying the moat began the next day.

At this time, Narant and the others were finally called over by the Count and began to arrange tasks.

For now, the task is still very easy, it is all preparatory work.

For example, some vassals are arranged to make the siege equipment needed to siege the city.

And some nobles need to send people to participate in the reclamation work, and this work accounts for the largest number.

In addition, some were assigned to suppress enemy attacks on the city walls and assist coolies to fill the river.

In the end, the guys like Boris and Rael were arranged to fill the river.

Although Narant was explaining, he was also assigned to help cover.

Without him, it is Narant's bed crossbow and more than a dozen longbowmen.

In this regard, Narant naturally had no objection. The day after setting up the camp, Narant took the five ballistas that had been installed and a group of subordinates to gather outside the camp.

When he arrived at the gathering outside the camp, he realized that he seemed to get up a little late, because many of the subordinates of the minor nobles had already started to work.

Since the river is to be filled, it is also necessary to dig soil.

There are seven or eight thousand serf coolies already wielding their hoes and working hard with baskets.

The carriages responsible for transporting the dirt also began to be loaded.

Fortunately, the team in charge of screening has not yet begun to act.

The king rode on the brown monster horse, and the six earls listened to him.

Surrounded by a group of silver armored iron guards, the flags above the team rang with the autumn wind.

As for the team participating in the cover, they gathered around according to each family, and the number was nearly 4,000.

There are four or five hundred people in the Tulip Family alone, including Narant's father Andrew.

What surprised Narant was that there were also two second sons who participated in the competition, followed by dozens of longbowmen.

However, the last time I heard Boris say that these guys may have borrowed troops from the family, it is not too surprising that there are so many longbowmen.

When Narant looked at the crowd, the surrounding crowd also began to look at his team.

Especially the two second sons and the young people who followed their respective fathers.

As they looked, they began to point and whisper to Narrant's team.

This is not to brag about Narant's bed crossbow, because Narant's bed crossbow is still covered with cowhide tarpaulin at the moment, and it can't be seen at all.

They were talking about the twenty medical teams in Narant's team.

Today Narant brought his medical team with him.

Each member of the medical team was actually equipped with leather armor and a helmet.

These equipments were originally not available. Later, when Narant found that he had seized so many equipments, he simply picked out some brand new ones for the girls to match.

Of course, they had no swords or crossbows in their hands, but a wooden box.

More importantly, on their right arm, there is a white sleeve.

A red cross embroidered on the white sleeves stands out.

Such a strange shape instantly attracted everyone's attention.

"What is Narant going to do? He even put on equipment for these girls? Do you want them to go to the battlefield?"

"I don't know! Originally I heard that Narant was more attractive. There were ten girls in the team of less than 200 people. Now he dares to bring them all out, and he is preparing to let them go to the battlefield. As the back garden of the castle?"

At the same time, the voice of discussion began to spread.

In the end, the news continued to spread, and finally spread from the queue of the Tulip family to the queues of other earl families.

Narant was already in the limelight because of the conflict with Tony and the eldest prince, as well as the incident with Stella and Natasha.

Now hearing about the unprecedented incident of bringing girls to the battlefield, everyone turned their heads to look at the Tulip Family team.

Even the king and a group of counts heard the news and looked at Narant's team.

"Bernard, what's the matter with your vassal? Are you going to let the girl go to the battlefield?" The king asked Bernard curiously.

The last time Rakoff was scolded by Narant as despicable and shameless, the king was also impressed by this little sergeant.

"Your Majesty, I don't know about this either, young man, maybe he's a little more playful!" Bernard was also puzzled. The news about the girl in the Narant camp was spread by someone who had a heart and passed into his ears. middle.

Bernard only thought that Narant was still young and ignorant. After all, he was also a veteran. Which young noble is not good at this?

But now that this was brought to the battlefield, it attracted public opinion, which made Bernard feel that Narant was out of proportion.

This is a serious battlefield, not in the Onyx Duchy.

It is simply unbelievable for girls to wear armor like this.

Fortunately, the king just asked casually, not angry.

Bernard thought for a while, and immediately gave an order to the messenger beside him.

"Sir Narrant, Lord Count, please come over!"

It didn't take long for Narant to receive a notification from the earl's messenger~www.mtlnovel.com~ OK! Narant was speechless, guessing the possibility of the earl calling him.

"I have seen the count!" Soon, Narant rode a warhorse to Bernard.

In order to keep a low profile, he did not ride the white dragon today.

"Well, Narant, what's the matter with your girls?" Bernard nodded and asked directly.

The king and the earl and the heirs of the great nobles also looked at him.

Stella also glanced at Narant with a puzzled expression.

"Lord Count, these are the ambulances I trained!"

"Ambulance?" Everyone was stunned.

"Yes, Your Excellency, the soldier who rescued the wounded on the battlefield!" Narant nodded earnestly, "There are twenty serfs behind those girls. Look at the stretcher they are holding, just to carry the wounded!"

"Haha, Sir Narant, so your girls are all doctors?" Bernard didn't answer, but Rakoff, who was beside him, laughed out loud.

The surrounding counts also laughed and said nothing.

Narant glanced at him, then continued to reply to Bernard: "Although they are not doctors, they have learned to stop bleeding and bandaging for some trauma!"

"Haha, let me just say it, even my iron cavalry family only has five qualified doctors, how can you have twenty doctors as a little Sir, and it's still a girl!" Rakoff felt that Narant was sophistry.

In his view, the doctor, that is also very rare.

A good doctor, after the great nobles know it, will be regarded as a talent income, and he only has five qualified doctors.

Usually it is for the castle and the knights.

If the girls like Narant were not doctors, it would be nonsense to treat the wounded on the battlefield.