Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 20

Chapter 20

Cursing inwardly, Narant moved closer to the shore. He wanted to take a look at the 'sea monster' on the beach and make a final confirmation.

"Sir, it's dangerous there!" Quick and the others were frightened by the dozens of huge 'sea monsters' in the sea. They were all nervous. Seeing Narant walking towards the beach, they immediately stepped forward to dissuade them. .

"That's not a sea monster, but a kind of fish!" Narant was speechless and took a few steps forward. He had already seen the 'sea monster' stranded on the beach. Where is this sea monster, Obviously it's a whale.

With its gray skin and a huge body that is seventeen or eighteen meters long, this made the serfs with little knowledge imagined to be terrifying sea monsters.

"Fish? Such a big fish?" Quick and the others looked at each other. They had never seen such a big fish before, so the mouth would probably swallow the carriage in one bite.

"It's called a sperm whale. It's a super-large mammal... fish, but they don't eat people, they only eat small fish!"

"That's it! Your lord, you are really a wise and learned noble!" Seeing Narant's firm words, Quick and the others were finally skeptical.

Because they also saw the sperm whale on the beach. It didn't have the terrifying tentacles and mouth full of fangs recorded in the knight's novel. On the contrary, except for its huge size, it was really no different from ordinary fish.

"My lord, then... can that sperm whale be eaten too!" Kenby Cow Dung had already escaped from fear, and the next moment he asked what he was most concerned about.

In the eyes of the serf, in addition to being full, he is still full, so with such a big fish, he immediately thought that if he could live in the belly of a whale, wouldn't he be able to eat the fish while lying down.

"Yes!" Narant showed a smile on the corner of his mouth as he watched the sperm whales chasing the flying fish in the sea.

Although I don't know why sperm whales like to eat slippery flying fish, it means that the blue elf has shown its value.

Although whale meat is unpalatable, it is also meat. A sperm whale weighs dozens of tons, enough to feed thousands of people for months.

In addition, the whale oil in sperm whales is a good material for making lamp oil, which is not only durable but also has no odor when burned.

"Does this count as a crooked hit?"

Although Narant doesn't have the ability to send the serfs into the sea to hunt whales, this whale directly solves the current food problem, allowing him to quickly complete the side quests released by the system.

As for the Lure fishing plan, of course, it must continue, and it can be used as a commodity to export to other territories to make money.

"Kenby Cow Dung, now you go to the village and let all the serfs come to the beach with baskets and other tools!"

"Yes, my lord!" Kenby Cowdung smiled like a chrysanthemum. He had already guessed what the lord was going to do.


"Sir, your subordinates are here!"

"Follow me with the guards!" Narant waved his hand and walked towards the beach.

Because the whale is huge, not only are the serfs such as Kemby Cow Dung afraid of it, but even the murlocs and sea monsters have been hiding far away, which just makes Narant and the others set foot on the beach.

When Narant and the others approached, the sperm whale was dead. It was estimated that it was stranded on the beach last night, and the last bit of strength had been exhausted just by twisting its body.

"It's really big!" Even if the burly and stout Quake stood in front of the sperm whale, he was like a chicken.

"All the guards obey the order and start cutting the fish now! Be quick!"

"Yes, my lord!"

Afterwards, Narant and others started a vigorous fish-cutting movement.

After the sperm whale was cut open, blood was flowing, but neither the guards such as Quake nor the villagers who had just arrived at Doom Village were all laughing from ear to ear.

Looking at the pieces of white whale meat, everyone seemed to smell the sweet fish soup.

"You all hurry up, if the murlocs and sea monsters come around, the fish will be gone!" Kempi Cow Dung urged the villagers while carrying dozens of kilograms of meat.

At the same time, he kept saying in his heart, 'This is white fish! ' After reading this sentence, Kenby Cow Dung felt that he was full of power.

In this way, most of the whales weighing dozens of tons on the beach were dismembered in just one afternoon.

"Well, aren't these murlocs any longer?"

Narant looked at the murlocs and sea monsters who had been cautiously approaching to a distance of less than 100 meters, and felt that he could almost stop cutting meat.

Although there is still a small half of the whale meat that has not been cut, they have obtained almost ten tons of fish meat.

Withdrawing the long sword, Narant came to the edge of the beach and began to wash the blood on his hands.

"Huh? What is this!" But just as he finished washing his hands, the waves pushed a hard object to Narant's feet.

This is a white-gray object the size of three fists, a bit like a stone, but not a stone.

"Wouldn't this be ambergris?" The next moment, a bold idea suddenly popped into Narant's mind, sperm whale plus slippery flying fish...

Narant has seen pictures of ambergris on the Internet before, and more importantly, sperm whales, the creatures that produce ambergris, hunt around here today...

Narant is not too dirty~www.mtlnovel.com~ Immediately picked up this hard object, which was suspected to be ambergris, its weight was much lighter than expected.


"Sir, what are your orders?"

"You cut the sperm whale's stomach open to see if there is something like this in my hand." Narant raised the lump of suspected ambergris.

"Yes, my lord!" Without any hesitation, Quick and a few men immediately began to cut open the internal organs of the whale that was to be discarded.

"Sir, there really is, but it's a little smaller than yours!" After a while, Quick ran over with a piece of gray-white ambergris still stained with whale blood.

"Okay, haha!" Narant was overjoyed, and now there is no need to doubt it, this must be ambergris.

"Come on, those murlocs are starting to lean over!

Afterwards, Narant gave an order and abandoned half of the whale carcasses and began to evacuate from the beach.

"Murloc sea monsters are so hateful! There are so many fish and meat!" As Narant began to evacuate, Kenby Cow Dung and others expressed their hatred for the murloc sea monsters.

Narant didn't feel a pity. Yesterday, the blue elf settled down on the coral reef, and the creatures it attracted were flying fish that can make people or other animals diarrhoea.

And the gathering of flying fish attracts the gathering of whales.

Narant speculates that it is because the whales have foreign bodies as large as ambergris, so they hunt down the flying fish and eat them, so that the ambergris can be pulled out of their bodies.

If this speculation is true, it means that there will always be sperm whales outside the storm territory of Narant, and more importantly, it is likely that a steady stream of ambergris will be pushed ashore by the waves.