Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 19

Chapter 19

Making money can't be rushed, it can only happen naturally. Narant suddenly thought of something, so he said, "Thomas, besides you, is there anyone else in the castle who can read?"

Although he knew the population of the territory, Narant wanted to arrange a detailed census. He wanted to include the family information of all the serfs, such as the age group of the serfs, and whether they had any specialties, etc.

In this way, he can rely on the population to arrange the affairs of the territory.

"My lord, it seems not!" Thomas replied cautiously. Although the three servants in the castle were also from Tulip Castle, they were illiterate.

Thomas himself was trained as an elite valet.

There are only dozens of such elite servants in Tulip Castle, who have received training in writing and arithmetic.

Under normal circumstances, they will become the deputy of the butler of Tulip Castle, and they are specially sent to manage some manors or other industries with economic interests.

Of course, occasionally they will be rewarded by the Count to his vassals.

For example, Narant, Thomas came to him and became an excellent housekeeper directly, which could save Narant the trouble of retraining housekeepers.

"No?" Narant worried. In this world, literacy is considered a high-end talent, and such talent is hard to find.

"Sir, I...my sister can read!" At this moment, a weak voice came from the edge of the long table.

"Huh? Vivian can read?"

"Yes, my lord, my sister went to school for two years before!"

It turned out that Vivian and Lilia lived in Tulip City before they were exiled to Storm Collar. Their parents owned a tailor shop, so Vivian had the opportunity to study for two years.

Of course, knowing how to write was useless before Narant came to Stormland, so no one knew about Vivian's literacy.

In fact, apart from Vivian, Lilia is also literate, but she learned from Vivian's teaching, so her studies are not comprehensive enough.

"Very good!" Narant was overjoyed, Vivian is really a treasure girl, and Narant gave Lilia a piece of white bread directly, "Lilia, go get your sister!"

"Yes, sir, thank you sir!" Lilia was surprised when she saw the white bread. She happily took the white bread and quickly ran out of the restaurant.

When Vivian came to the restaurant, Narant handed over the population statistics to her.

And Narant also made a table, which is more detailed than the household registration book in the previous life. It not only records the family members, but also records the skills they are good at.

After Vivian got the order, she immediately took her second guard team to start the operation.

After lunch, Narant went directly to the study.

"System, I want to draw a lottery!" The once-week system lottery draw can be used again. Last night was busy, and Narant only has some free time to draw the lottery.

Following Narant's words, the big lottery wheel appeared on the retina.

"Huh? Affinity fruit, charm fruit?" To Narant's surprise, the lottery fruit that appeared this time has changed.

The Fortified Fruit and the Agility Fruit have been replaced with the other two.

"Start the lottery!" Although he was a little disappointed that there was no enhanced fruit, Narant also knew that the future would be long.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for winning a charm fruit, please collect it in the system panel!"

"Although the original owner is a little weaker, he is still handsome. If you give me the charm fruit, won't you be the most beautiful boy in the future?"

Narant was speechless, but still took out the charm fruit and ate it.

It's still delicious, and the entrance is still polarized, but Narant couldn't feel the effect after taking it. Even if he went to take a picture in front of the bronze mirror, he still looked like himself.

"If you can't see it, you can't see it. In this world, strength is the most important thing!"

Two days later, Narant has been free for the past two days and has been cultivating vindictiveness in the castle.

The fishing rod is ready, but it will take some time for the bait to be made by the blacksmith.

"My lord, the mayor of Kenby Cow Dung came to the castle to report that a huge sea monster appeared by the sea!" Just as Narant was practicing, Quick followed Thomas with a worried look on his face.

"What? Huge sea monster?" Narant was startled.

"Take me to see Kenby Cow Dung!"

In the front hall of the castle, Kenby Cow Dung was brought in.

"Sir, that huge sea monster is all gray, with a terrifying and loud cry, and it is at least this big... and it is still a large group. They are chasing the flying fish, and there is a sea monster that has already run to the shore. Side, still twisting there!" Kenby Cow Dung's eyes were full of lingering fears, and he gestured hard in front of Narant.

He even made a big circle around the clearing to show how huge the sea monster was.

"How about the villagers? Are there any casualties?"

"Sir, except for the one on the coast, all the other sea monsters are in the sea. I have told the villagers not to approach the sea, so no one was injured or killed!" Kemppi Cow Dung replied.

"Quick, call all the guards to set off!" Narant was relieved to hear that the sea monster did not ravage the Village of Doom.

But this kind of thing~www.mtlnovel.com~ His lord must go to find out.

"Yes, my lord!"

Soon, Quick gathered all fifteen swordsmen guards.

As for Vivian, because Narant asked her to do the census, the archer team had been taken away by her.

Regardless of the fact that there are only a thousand people in the territory, but only relying on her to register, the workload is still very large.

Riding the war horse and letting the guards get on the carriage, Narant and his group quickly drove to the coast.

Because the guards didn't have to walk this time, just after more than half an hour of rushing, Narant and the others came to Doom Village.

"The Lord is here!"

"The Lord is here!"

When Narant and his party arrived at the entrance of Doom Village, all the villagers gathered at the entrance of the village in shock. After seeing Narant, they all cheered, as if they had seen the savior.

"I have seen the lord!" Afterwards, the serfs fell to their knees one after another.

"Get up, don't get close to the coast, just go with us, Kenby Cow Dung."

"Yes, my lord!"

After giving the order, Narant got off his horse and headed towards the coast with the guards.

Walking carefully along the way, Narant and the others approached the coast a few minutes later.

"Lord, look, those sea monsters are still in the sea!"

They didn't dare to get too close to the coast from the last time. Narant and the others just stood on the rocks that were enough to observe the situation in the sea.

Just as he reached the high point of the reef, Kenby Cow Dung pointed to the sea and exclaimed.

Narant and the others followed the direction Kenby pointed.

"This is the sea monster that made me so nervous?" Narant rolled his eyes, feeling the urge to strangle Kenby's cow dung.