Warhammer: The Beginning Is The Crisis Of Annihilation - Chapter 469

Chapter 469

Chapter 469 These ants of the human race! ! (seeking subscription)

This primeval forest is terrifying.

Behemoths often appear.

The roaring sound shook the sky, as if it was about to tear the world apart.

Those ancient trees that were as thick as sky pillars also trembled, and their leaves fell rustlingly.

Among the mountains and ravines, all kinds of terrifying and strange beasts are rampant.

A snake python with a huge body and a head like a hill crawled through the virgin forest, leaving a shocking and conspicuous trace.

The python is hundreds of meters long, and it takes three or four people to embrace it at its thinnest point.

When standing up, the body alone is tens of meters long.

Red eyes as big as water basins, like two blood moons.

Join immediately turned on the hidden state.

He hid his breath, stood on a giant tree, looked at the giant snake, and was slightly amazed.

Such a giant snake is comparable to a small titan in size.

Haven't waited for him to comment.

A terrifying, mountain-like behemoth jumped up and grabbed the head of the giant snake.

It was a super-large orangutan, walking upright, astonishingly huge, as tall as a mountain.

He has black hair all over his body.

Take a step, and a huge footstep appears on the ground.

The eyes inlaid on the face shone with a golden glow, sharp and captivating.

The overall Qi and blood are like a sea, like a terrifying **** and demon.

The giant python was grabbed by the huge orangutan, and its thick tail swung desperately in the primeval jungle.

The fight between the two caused the mountain to shake violently.

Finally, the python was killed with a single punch.

The giant mountain-like beast bit the snake fiercely, and dragged it into the depths of the dense forest.

Join witnessed the whole process from the side.

The struggle between those behemoths is almost the same as that of Titans.

also has the power of ether beyond imagination, and can control and release various abilities.

The mystery of this world is beyond imagination.

"The concentration of ether is beyond imagination, and even animals and plants have been mutated."

Yon muttered to himself.

A suspended light curtain that only he could see appeared in his eyes.

Various data jumps quickly inside.

Like other planets in this universe, it is huge, beyond imagination, almost comparable to a star.

Gravity doesn't change much.

No collapse occurred either.

Obviously, the rules of physics that sustain this planet are very different from those of other universes.

The power of too dense ether distorts the original physical rules, making it an existence that goes against common sense.

Join had to lament that the heavens are so big that there are no wonders.

There is also the mysterious dimensional space attached to the space structure of this planet just like the bubble.

Join did not provoke those giant beasts.

His mission is to detect possible resistance forces in the world, and to resolve them as silently as possible, paving the way for the arrival of the empire.

Occasionally, he would also hunt down some giant beasts, allowing the proton detector and the auspicious instrument built into the armor to detect these giant beasts in more detail.

The genetic sequence of every cell has been infected by the power of the subspace.

According to the standards of the empire, they can all be said to be monsters polluted by the evil forces of chaos.

But there is no obvious pollution or mutation on their bodies.

The veil of subspace and reality is also extremely powerful and difficult to break through.

This civilization coexists harmoniously with the warp in a unique way.

Use the core of the realm to transform subspace energy, and spread it to various worlds with the help of some special means, so that these guys can use extraordinary power to embark on the so-called path of practice.

Join looked at the information panel suspended in front of him, his face under the visor was a little dignified.

Forgotten civilization takes a different path from the empire.

They are a pure extraordinary civilization.

These animals have become so scary.

Those creatures are afraid that they also have super power.

If the empire wants to take it down.

I'm afraid it will take a lot of effort.

But Jon is not very worried about the final outcome.

Because such a civilization is naturally at a disadvantage compared with the empire.

There are strong and weak beings on the path of practice, because no matter what the circumstances, there are only a few who can use the energy of the subspace as they wish.

This is why psykers are powerful, but they have never been the mainstream.

Compared to the normal population, the proportion of psykers is very small.

That's why on the road of practice, one has to screen Dao Soul, Life Soul, Spiritual Root, Muggles, etc.

Actually, the ones screened by those civilizations are psykers.

The projection of psykers in the subspace is stronger than that of other creatures, and they are born with various incredible superpowers.

Only psychics can embark on the so-called path of practice.

The role of others is abandoned.

is regarded as a useless resource, the only value is to cultivate the land and give birth to the next generation.

Whether a civilization is strong or not depends on the efficiency of resource utilization.

The more thoroughly resources are utilized, the higher the level of civilization.

The psykers of the empire were cultivated in the firewall established by the Holy Emperor, until they could independently deal with the dangers of the warp, they would leave the protection of the Holy Emperor and travel in the etheric ocean.

Ordinary people, through learning, training and participation, are invested in various fields of the empire as available resources, allowing them to become small screws in this huge machine and contribute their own value.

The individual value of ordinary people is very small.

But as long as the quantity is large enough, incredible changes will occur.

Thanks to the efforts of these ordinary people, the empire has a lot of wealth.

The wealth can be used for various grand projects.

Allows the empire to invest unimaginable talents in various fields for research and development.

A speedboat that can only take one person can always be far ahead of the aircraft carrier when it starts.

But when entering the ocean, the speedboat will fall into the dilemma of continuing to advance, and it will be difficult to continue, and retreating will waste all previous efforts.

However, the aircraft carrier can face the strong winds and waves, advance steadily, and reach the other shore.

This civilization possesses as much power as an empire, and probably no less in terms of population.

After all, it has a territory of nearly 150 million light-years at the supercluster level.

But their extraordinary system is destined to be unable to match the empire.

The parts of the empire were held tightly together by the Holy Emperor.

However, many practitioners in this world are fighting with each other, killing each other for the so-called elixir and exercises. There is no spirit of cooperation and win-win, and there is not much pioneering spirit.

Such a civilization is meaningless no matter how long it exists.

They just keep going in circles.

If there is a war, the victory will belong to the empire.

It's just a matter of how long it takes.

Man Village, a small village where human beings live, is located on the edge of wilderness mountains.

Ancient runes are inscribed on boulders scattered around the village.

Those runes can obscure the breath of humans, and make many beasts in the mountains disgust and fear.

The principle is like when walking in the mountains and forests, you can avoid being harassed by other wild animals by smearing the feces of beasts.

When the morning comes, the brilliant morning glow falls like broken gold in the lush forests and dangerous peaks.

People in the village also woke up one after another.

This village lives on hunting and is in a very primitive state.

Many utensils are made of stone and bone.

Not even iron and bronze objects can be seen.

Basically equivalent to the Tribal Age.

If he didn't know how to build houses with stones, Jon would have directly divided it into the era of primitive tribes.

The men in the village are all physically strong, as powerful and vigorous as tigers and leopards at every turn.

"The weak and the strong prey on the strong in this world. If you want to survive, you must be strong enough. Otherwise, you will be reduced to blood and slaves."

A middle-aged man wearing animal skins, with bronzed skin, loose black hair, and eagle-like eyes.

He was standing in front of the village entrance, teaching those clansmen a lesson.

The clansmen nodded one after another.

After a while, they walked to the open spaces everywhere, and began to exercise their bodies and practice their fighting skills.

Join was standing not far from the village, blending into the shadows.

There is an elderly psyker in the village.

is the village head of this village, with gray hair, and needs to hold a walking stick to support him.

The sixth sense of the old man always feels that something is wrong.

But he released his consciousness a few times and scanned around the village, trying to see if there were any enemies, but he didn't find any.

Dazed but couldn't find it, he stood at the entrance of the village, watching their Raven Guard.

Nurtured by the wind of ether, it has been strengthened to a certain extent. Even ordinary people can easily move hundreds of catties of boulders and throw them hundreds of meters away.

No obvious traces of corruption were found, and the soul remained pure.

Join evaluated the people in the village.

He could tell at a glance that many people got physical enhancement because they lived in the strong etheric wind.

They are not psykers, and projections in the Warp are not strong.

No matter how you practice, there is no way to become stronger.

Unless there are special drugs and items that can enhance their projection in the subspace, they can embark on the road of practice.

Psykers don't have to be born with it, they can be created later.

Some psychotropic drugs, strong emotional stimulation, etc.

Yon participated in several battles in this universe.

He knows that some practitioners can use so-called elixir, elixir, or ancient relics to help them embark on the path of cultivation.

The empire also has some auxiliary equipment that can help an ordinary person become a psyker.

The principles of the two are the same, they both enhance the projection of the subspace, so that it can use the power of the subspace.

The sun rises slowly and walks to the middle.

The air also became stuffy.

Yon observed for a while, carefully examined their souls and brains, and made sure that there was no corruption.

He wrote in his observation diary.

It can be regarded as a potential target, and it may be possible to lobby them to form an indigenous army to alleviate the shortage of troops.

Lurking sabotage and launching an uprising behind enemy lines has always been the Raven Guard's specialty.

In this field, when the Emperor led the Great Crusade, there were contenders.

That is the Alpha Legion and the Night Lords Legion.

It's a pity that these two legions have been labeled as traitors, and only those with permission can view the files.

Only the Raven Guard and their sub-chapters are good at it in the records of the Imperium.

Join is going to visit other places to see how to mobilize the humans in this world.

The gap between the rich and the poor, the weak being oppressed by the strong, acts of power, etc.

As long as there is a gap, he can continue to expand it to achieve his goals.

Join was about to leave, but saw a five or six-year-old doll wearing animal skins attracted by a butterfly, and ran out of the village in a panic.

Chasing the butterfly with gorgeous wings in the wilderness, out of the shelter of Stonehenge.

approached the original dense forest.

There are countless ferocious beasts in the primitive dense forest, even if you hunt outside, you have to gather in groups to ensure safety.

The village can survive safely because of the cover and protection of the runes on the boulder.

A little doll ran out like that, it was decidedly more dangerous than good.

The deafening roar of the lion came.

A golden beast with sparks coming out of its nostrils jumped out of the forest.

When he saw the child, he jumped on it.

The fangs in the **** mouth are thick and thick, and a child can chew it to pieces in just two bites.

The child was only five or six years old, and when he saw the giant beast, he was completely terrified.

I even forgot how to cry.

Just staring blankly at the giant beast rushing over.

Seeing that he was about to die.

A pitch-black figure rushed out of the air, knocking the giant beast into the air.

Before the beast realized what had happened, a short sword pierced its throat, and with a sharp stroke, it was cut open.

Dark red blood spurted out directly.

As soon as the blade turned, the sharp blade pierced into the brain of the beast, causing it to die before it could even utter a final whine.

The whole process is extremely fast, less than one breath.

The beast was killed.

The child in animal skin looked at all this in a daze, his little head still hadn't understood what was happening before him.

Watching an iron-clad giant easily hunt down a terrifying beast that made the hunting team in the village feel troublesome.

Join looked at this cute child, and shook his head involuntarily.

He walked up to the kid.

The palm that was clenched just now was slowly released, and it was the butterfly with gorgeous wings that the child had been trying to catch just now.

It's hard to imagine how he can catch a butterfly with this palm that can easily crush a beast without killing it.

"Take this. Be careful next time and don't run around." Jon's voice came from the sounder behind the grille, a little hoarse.

Although the child didn't understand what happened, but when he saw the butterfly he liked, he still took it foolishly.

Jon heard footsteps coming from afar.

He turned and disappeared into thin air.

When the strong adults arrived, all they saw were the beast corpses on the ground and the children holding butterflies in their hands.

Other than that, nothing was found.

There are no footprints or breath.

It was as if this child had killed that beast.

The recovered children told them that a very tall and very big black-armored man killed the beast and gave him the butterfly.

"What does that black-armored man look like, kid." The elderly village head asked very kindly, in a gentle tone.

The kid shook his head.

"I didn't see his face, I just remember his big, golden, two-headed eagle on his chest."

What the child said made the clansmen look at each other in dismay.

The elderly village head even searched all his memories, but he couldn't think of any tribes and towns in this area that used two-headed eagles as their emblems.

The setting sun is brilliant, reflecting the clouds all over the sky.

The blood-red sunset glow reflected on the formerly glorious giant city, as if drowning this ancient human city with blood.

Pingyan City is one of the best human cities, but now there are countless tragedies.

Among the worlds, all clans are fighting for the top.

The human race has always been in a weak position, being killed by other races at will, or used as slaves.

Pingyan City has a female saint sitting in the town, so it is safe and has become the habitat of the human race in this world.

But with the passage of time, this female saint also slowly dried up, and her peak was no longer there.

Some ancient tribes who already had ideas about Pingyan City also took the opportunity to attack.

Prepare to take down Pingyan City, and use all the human races here as slaves, to feed on blood, or as trade goods.

Pingyan City is protected by a giant magic circle.

In the sky, dark clouds rolled, and the drums of war shook the sky.

Countless banners were waving, and chariots carved with ancient mythical beasts rumbled.

Terrible energy filled the air, as if it had crushed the sky.

The cold light of the sharp sword flickered, and the radiance of the treasure armor seemed to appear. I don't know how many strong men have come.

On the wall of Pingyan City, many powerful human races in armor all showed fear.

With so many powerful enemies, Pingyan City will be destroyed today.

A middle-aged man in armor, sitting on a strange beast, holding a long spear, walked out of the magic circle, and stood in front of many opponents.

Even if there is only one person, he is fearless.

Independently before the battle formation, glaring at each other.

"You bully people too much, do you really think that our human race is weak? Can you bully at will?"

In the sky, a huge silver warship is covered with complicated runes, flowing with mysterious brilliance.

On the boat, a strong man of the Ichthyosaur tribe with horns on his head, strange appearance, and covered with scales stood with his hands behind his back with a cold expression on his face.

"A group of uncivilized ants are too lazy to talk nonsense with you. Today is the day of your death. If Pingyan City is broken today, all the human races in this world will be used as cattle and horses, as our blood food."

After he finished speaking, he clenched his fists with both hands, and the seal of law appeared on the fists.

The whole body's blood and strength soared, with boundless domineering, and divine brilliance throughout the world.

A majestic mountain appeared behind him, accompanied by the power of destroying the world.

The sky rumbled, and the fists manifested infinite power.

The middle-aged man only had time to raise his spear in defense.

The strong man of the fish and dragon clan came with endless fists,

Seeing that the spear was broken by a punch, the middle-aged man was directly blown off, blood stained the sky, and fell to the ancient town below.

The bright red blood splashed into the sky.

There was a burst of mournful and angry curses in the city.

"The Great Commander."

"Animals, fish and dragons, bullied our human saints and seriously injured them, it is extremely shameless."

"When I can't wait for pigs and dogs, bully at will."

"Even if they die today, they will have to pay the price."

Many human monks clenched their fists with their eyes wide open.

Several people who were full of energy and blood clenched their fists, their hair danced, and their anger reached the extreme.

"A group of trash, it has no other purpose except to become the blood food of the strong clan. Stand up, I will kill one of them." The strong man of the fish and dragon clan said coldly, making no secret of his murderous intentions.




Many strong men from other races roared with astonishing aura.

The murderous aura turned into substance, terrifying beyond compare, stirring up the aura between heaven and earth.

Clouds came over, covering the last glow of the **** sunset.

"Break the city, after today, the human race in this world will be our blood-eating slaves." The strong man of the fish and dragon clan issued an order.

I saw many warships erupting with brilliance, the brilliance was unmatched, the terrifying aura appeared, and countless murderous intentions burst out at the same time.

Thousands of brilliance burst out at the same time, bombarding the magic circle guarding Pingyan City, causing waves of ripples.

A moment later, several top powerhouses joined forces to activate a supreme treasure, and shattered the magic circle with the help of its power.

"Kill all these ants." The strong man of the Ichthyosaur clan said in a cold tone, "Such a weak race does not deserve to live on this land."

(end of this chapter)