Warhammer: The Beginning Is The Crisis Of Annihilation - Chapter 468

Chapter 468

Chapter 468 Genocide and Latent (seeking subscription)

The huge Gu Juji is like a moving steel fortress.

The bloated body is covered with layers of thick iron sheets, and the exhaust pipe on the back is so huge that it can even stuff a gritter into it.

In Gu Juji's body, a huge furnace was rumbling, providing power for this moving mountain of metal garbage.

Every few seconds, there's a huge puff of exhaust, whining.

Gu Juji is an important war machine for green skins in ground combat.

Each one is unique and unique.

It was created by Big Tech and his countless grit helpers.

Don't think they have anything in common.

Even if it is a screw, it will not be of the same model.

After all, the most prominent feature of the orc style is to do whatever you want.

One of Gu Juji's hands is equipped with a giant hydraulic press, and the end is welded with a heavy and big Super Chop, or a super giant chainsaw sword and power claw.

This thing can easily crush an entire team of infantry with just one stroke, and even a heavy tank can be easily crushed with a few more strokes.

The other hand was installed by the big fighters, just looking at the super-large barrel that can make people's legs weak.

In addition to the arms, on Gu Juji's huge body, Dajiba will also try to install various giant big chugs and the largest barrel that can be emptied.

In the simple cognition of orcs, the more chugs, the bigger the muzzle, and the stronger the power.

These behemoths can smash all enemies on the battlefield to pieces.

Amidst the excited screams of the mechanic boy, Gu Juji took heavy steps, trampling the masonry along the way into powder.

Controlling Gu Juji, he slammed his fist on the giant rune puppet.

The rune puppet blocked the opponent's punch with its giant shield.

The sound of the two colliding was like the roar of thunder, covering the entire battlefield.

The giant sword held tightly in the hand of the rune puppet was shining brightly.

The tauren who manipulated the rune puppets injected his power into it and activated the magic circle.

With a single blow of the sword, Gu Juji's arm was chopped off.

It burst out electric sparks and oil, and even caused an explosion.

The power claw equipped on Gu Juji's other arm also produced crackling arcs.

The sharp iron claw covered by the power field slammed into the rune puppet's chest.

The solid stone was smashed to pieces in an instant.

The battle between the two sides was extremely cruel, like two mythical titans fighting.

The other rune puppets also confronted Gu Juji.

Their battle swept across the remaining ruins of the city.

makes it even more dilapidated.

Uruk took the opportunity to lead the boys around the big guys who were fighting.

Go after the surviving tauren from the other side.

The protective circle of the city has been broken.

A large number of well-cultivated tauren powerhouses died tragically.

The surviving tauren are basically civilians.

There is no longer any established combat power.

Only some brave tauren warriors are still fighting hard, trying to stop the massacre of their people by the green tide.

They were being driven, screaming.

A lot of them look like farts who are scared to cry.

The orc boys surrounded him from all directions.

Several enemies in battle armor with radiance bursting out from their bodies are roaring and roaring, punching and killing the orcs.

They leveraged the power of the subspace, bursting out with infinite power with every punch and kick.

The orc boys surrounded them.

They are all strengthened imperial orcs, not only restored many powerful instincts of the ancient holy biological weapons, but also obtained the blessing of imperial technology.

Far stronger than before.

Plus there is a special WAAAAAGH force field protection.

The extraordinary power of the tauren can't do much harm to them.

A tauren wielding a greatsword is knocked to the ground.

The orcs swarmed up, brandishing their weapons, and dismembered him directly.

"Kill them." Uruk shouted excitedly.

This kind of **** WAAAAAGH is always the most exciting.

Although Uruk held a big chug that kept firing in his hand.

But he loves these muscular tauren.

prefer to blow them up with one shot.

The orc boy holding a modified gun also cheered and shot at the only remaining tauren.

All kinds of gunshots roared, and the flames on the muzzles flickered.

Those huge tauren were beaten to pieces one after another.

All kinds of stumps and broken arms are flying around.

Crying and screaming mixed together.

Some strong tauren tried to protect the little tauren and rushed out.

However, their desperate efforts failed to bring any use.

It was soon overwhelmed by the overwhelming green tide.

After a few screams, they were silent again.

The tauren who controlled the rune puppets saw that all his people had been killed, so he also yelled in despair.

They want to die with Ku Juji.

But the cunning machine fighters didn't give them this chance. They called Cyclonus Boy and beat each other together.

After finishing off the last surviving tauren, Uruk also turned his guns to deal with the rune puppets.

The rune puppet that was set on fire twitched under the terrifying firepower.

There are more and more cracks on the huge body.

Its joints are quickly broken.

The whole body is crumbling.

During the last mournful roar of the tauren who controlled the rune puppet, the rune puppet was on the verge of falling, and finally hit the ground with a loud bang.

By the last rune golem, it was too late when he realized that his companions had all been defeated.

Its feet were blasted by a giant cannon and it was blown to pieces.

A powerful rune power erupted from the broken place.

The whole body also staggered a few times.

It swung the huge sword in its hand, trying to drag a few unlucky ghosts back before it was completely destroyed.

"Let this fool have a taste of our power." Uruk shouted,

He gave an order, and all the orc boys increased their firepower.

Uruk also raised his giant chug and pointed it at the opponent's head.

Accompanied by a loud gunshot.

The giant bullet pierced through the head of the rune puppet.

Intensive firepower bombardment, the rune puppet finally couldn't bear it anymore.

Its legs could no longer bear the terrible pressure and began to collapse.

Always not afraid of death, the explosion speed car with fire from the exhaust pipe swoops down from the sky.

Amidst the screams of excitement, the drill bit on the front of the car directly passed through the opponent's chest.

When the fragmented rune puppet fell to the ground, it billowed thick smoke.

The tauren died like this.

Leave a huge city ravaged by green orcs.

"Boss, boss." Morgarik ran over with a seized greatsword on his shoulder.

"You idiot, where did you go?" Uruk slapped the opponent's green, bald head with a slap, and said angrily.

He wanted to find this **** just now.

The result has never been found.

It will come out only after the fight is over.

Shouldn't be scared and hide!

This approach is greatly insufficient WAAAAAGH.

"I was crushed there." Morgrik pointed to a collapsed building and said, "I just climbed out now and found this."

Morgrik took out the sword with a large door panel, with complicated runes engraved on it.

There is white light flowing between the faint, exuding a cold breath.

Uruk glanced at the opponent up and down, and after confirming that he was not lying, he took the big sword in the opponent's hand and swung it a few times violently.

Very smooth.

I scratched it randomly and found it is also very sharp.

Steel can be cut casually.

I went back and asked the mechanic boys to modify it and make it into a big axe. It should be pretty good.

"Very good." Uruk nodded, "Boys, grab all his good things for me, and go to other places after you grab them."




Hearing what their boss said, they all screamed excitedly and went to search for their own spoils.

On the other side, the orc warlord Scarface is also encouraging the orc boys to attack.

Aim for more victories than other warlords.

This is a world belonging to the tauren.

It is similar to the previous Abyss Fortress, a place of ruins left by ancient civilizations.

The tauren established their own civilization here and built many splendid cities.

Stories about extraterrestrial demons have long been circulated in the Tauren world.

Except for the screams of the spirit world.

Some Maymoths who escaped from the Abyss Fortress with the help of ancient relics escaped to this world and informed the local tauren of the demon invasion.

"Flee quickly, the green-skinned demons with the double-headed eagle emblem will come soon, and they will burn and kill everything along the way."

"Nothing can keep us from our own homeland, and all demons, whatever they may be, will be destroyed by our valiant resistance."

Maymoth knows how terrible those demons are.

Seeing that the tauren were stubborn, they didn't waste time persuading them.

They hurriedly left the tauren world, and with the help of ancient relics, they crossed the void and fled to a further world.

Destruction came upon the world of the tauren as Maymoth said.

It didn't start out on a big scale.

In just a few months, a green tide has formed.

A huge hole was torn open in the sky, and in the strange light, countless green demons descended.

They wore hideous armor, held terrible weapons, and had red eyes.

The Tauren family united under the call of the number one powerhouse - Bloodhoof.

All the powerful form a united front against the demons.

But those monsters are pure weapons of war, tireless and unafraid of sacrifice.

Relying on the huge number and weird weapons, they quickly broke through one city after another.

The hermit powerhouse and many holy places, sects were forced to unite under the pressure of foreign enemies.

But the flames of war spread rapidly, and the strength of the enemy caused the coalition forces to retreat steadily, and finally collapsed and fell apart.

Part of the tauren fled to Blood Sacrifice Mountain under the leadership of Bloodhoof.

There are magic circles left by the ancient sages, which can block those demons.

Part of the tauren were cut off, and led by another strong man, He Bin, they entered the vast mountains, trying to use their dangerous terrain to fight against the demons.

The orcs led by Scarface Fang are responsible for destroying the tauren who fled into the vast mountains.

The two sides fought repeatedly in the mountains.

The tauren control the power of the subspace, and use the inheritance handed down from ancient times to fight against the orcs.

Scarface uses numbers and advanced technology to gradually compress the enemy's active area.

The vast mountains have been continuously bombed by orcs and baptized by powerful subspace energy, and have turned into a barren desert.

Looking up, everything was scorched black.

The depth is as deep as 100 meters, and gullies of kilometers can be seen everywhere.

Either it was blasted out by artillery, or it was bombed by the Tauren secret technique.

He Bin tried his best to command the surviving tauren to fight.

Encourage the tauren to fight to the last moment to defend their homeland.

Unfortunately, there are many things in this world that cannot be changed by oneself.

Courage is a beautiful quality.

But it is not the key to deciding the war.

Technology and strategy are.

Orcs look very stupid, but they are natural weapons of war.

They were born to kill the enemy, to start a war.

The tauren suffered heavy casualties, and finally retreated to the gate of Yushanzong, the last sect in the vast mountains.

They have no escape.

Outside the sect's magic circle, there are endless green-skinned demons.

The alchemy room of Yushanzong is already full of wounded people.

The sound of wailing and crying can be heard endlessly.

The healing elixir has been exhausted.

Even monks who can still fight can only get a few pitiful coins.

There is no way to tell the elixir to these injured people.

They have no other way but to die.

He Tan no longer scolded those crying clansmen like cowards like before.

Days of fighting had drained their blood and burned their courage.

Their world is over.

The splendid civilization was reduced to ashes.

Those shameful demons came with the banner of the double-headed eagle and destroyed everything.

He Jin doesn't know what's going on with Bloodhoof!

Blood Sacrifice Mountain is the place of ancient sages, and perhaps some clansmen will survive.

After a brief treatment of the injury, He Tan walked out of the alchemy room.

The sturdy hoofs stepped on the bluestone slabs, rattling.

The giant magic circle enveloped the sky of Yushanzong, emitting a purple-blue halo.

Every once in a while, the magic circle will tremble, and even the mountain gate will tremble accordingly.

The demons are bombarding the circle with their weird weapons.

They don't have many crystals left, and they can last until tomorrow morning at most.

Here, there are the last 5,000 monks, from all realms.

But those who can survive here are mostly high-level ones.

There are many tauren in low realms, but they are easy to die.

Except for the monks, the rest here are civilians.

There are more than 25,000 of them.

Those demons are so cruel that no tauren can survive in their hands.

At the beginning of the war, Bloodhoof ordered a large number of civilians to be sent to safety.

The foundation of the monks is the common people. Without the common people, there will be no new monks.

Protecting civilians is protecting their future.

Unfortunately, with the defeat of the war, a large number of civilians were massacred.

When fleeing into the vast mountains, He Yan and others escorted nearly ten million civilians into various sects.

Including the small towns and villages in the vast mountains, there are tens of millions of civilians.

But now, they only have 25,000 left.

The cruelty of this war is something He Tan has never experienced before.

The shock of piles of corpses piled up like mountains is a million times more terrifying than the open and secret fights in the practice world in the past.

This is a war of genocide.

The demons are dedicated to the complete destruction of the tauren race.

Walking around the Yushan Sect, some Tauren warriors saluted He Tan.

They looked exhausted, but still fighting spirit.

Giant puppets stood in the open space, and the refiners and their apprentices were trying their best to restore those terrible scars, ensuring that they could participate in the next day's battle.

The rune flying boat was suspended in the sky, and the monk driving the flying sword carried the refined shells up.

Hebin patrolled around, and all the tauren were silently preparing.

The last battle will break out at dawn tomorrow.

"We will fight until the last moment." He Tan said in his heart, "No matter what the outcome is."

The coordinates are being corrected.

Soul detection method detected, evading.

The curtain is being torn open, descending into the real universe.

A series of voices echoed in the mind of the Raven Guard-Captain John.

He felt like his body and soul were about to be torn apart.

The ultrlong-distance single-body teleportation made him feel an indescribable pain.

But relying on his strong physique and the blessing of the heart of the empire, he was able to carry it over and successfully landed in a virgin forest.

Stealth mode has been activated, the proton detector has been released, and is detecting nearby intelligence information, please wait patiently.

At the announcement of the empire system, Jon stretched his muscles.

The armor's servos ebb and flow with his movements.

More than 5,000 Raven Guards were sent to different worlds, as scouts of the empire, to investigate the civilization named Forgotten.

The implication is that they are the descendants of that super civilization, a group of forgotten people.

Calgar decided to find out what the situation of this civilization was, and then formulate a detailed war plan.

The Raven Guard, who is best at lurking and fighting behind enemy lines, is regarded as the best person to gather intelligence.

Yon and several warriors were sent to this world.

Their task is very simple, that is to collect intelligence.

If possible, assassinate the local strongman by the way.

Ensure that when the empire comes, it can receive the entire world smoothly.

To fight against such a vast civilization, it is impossible to rely on military power to do it recklessly.

The place is too big.

Even if it goes all the way to extinction, halfway through the fight, you will find that the planet that was burnt into glass has been transformed into a vibrant planet by the other party.

It will also excessively waste the resources of the empire itself, and even get into trouble because of the war.

It is necessary to fight while colonizing.

Let the empire take root there, and then it can destroy the opponent in one fell swoop, without much support from the empire itself.

The information sent back with the released proton detector.

A small map formed in Jon's mind.

Not far from him, he found a huge city and some scattered villages and towns not far from the forest.

Humans and aliens live together.

After confirming the direction, Jon decided to go over and see what information he could gather!

(end of this chapter)