Warhammer: The Beginning Is The Crisis Of Annihilation - Chapter 215

Chapter 215

Chapter 215 The Expansion of the Empire (Subscribe)

The lower cabin of the Glory of Macragge was fortified layer by layer and was closely monitored.

It can be said to be the core protection area of the entire Queen of Glory class warship.

Guilliman designed it with the highest level of security.

Anti-subspace force field, sacred runes, various physical technologies and spiritual energy methods are applied there.

If you want to infiltrate and attack from the outside world, unless you destroy the entire Queen of Glory-class battleship, it is just a dream to enter the bottom cabin.

The bottom cabin is full of Guilliman's secrets.

Every leak out, will cause an uproar.

In addition to the degraded Kaur who is similar to personality duplication, there is another important secret that he and Vinsenhorn imprisoned the demon and forced the demon to sign a slave contract with him.

This kind of proper radical behavior, once exposed, will inevitably arouse strong reactions from the people of the empire.

The dungeon is filled with the remnants of a large number of enslaved demons.

So far, many demons have been forced by Guilliman to sign unconditional slave contracts.

In the face of Guilliman's powerful power, those demons had no power to resist.

The absolute annihilation effect of the Emperor's Sword also terrified the demons.

In humiliation, he signed various treaties that could be called human rights-free, and was forced to serve Guilliman and collect intelligence and various information for him.

A lot of information about the subspace was obtained by Guilliman in the dungeon, torturing demons.

After the Battle of the Learning Star, Lorgar, Perturabo, and Fulgrim were also imprisoned here, and became fellow prisoners with the demon prince Cherubelle, guarded by Vinsenhorn.

Dungeons are full of runes that suppress demons.

Even the Demon Primarch could not resist the power of so many runes.

Trapped in his own prison.

In addition to this, there are also various force field devices that isolate the subspace.

The Demon Primarch cannot be nourished by the warp, so weak that he is as powerless as a mortal to escape from his prison.

The arrival of Guilliman and others made Lorgar, Perturabo and Fulgrim extremely ashamed.

Attacked them with all kinds of crazy words.

Guilliman glanced at them, "A group of prisoners are still yelling, isn't there any humiliation of the loser?"

The words were very indifferent, but they almost made the three demon primarchs fry.

"Guilliman, one day you will pay for your arrogance." Fulgrim screamed.

"You said it." Guilliman smiled. "When you were in the Vitria galaxy, you once said that I would pay for it. Unfortunately, you were wrong. Now you will pay the price." Fulgrim, you lost and became my prisoner. You will be locked in a cage, sent back to Terra, hung on the walls of the palace, and spurned by countless people of the empire."

In the past, the Zerg invaded the Charadon star area, and Calgar was ordered to resist in the Vitria star system.

The battle was fought very hard.

Calgar almost fell there.

It was Guilliman who arrived in time to save Calgar.

Fulgrim presented Guilliman with the cursed wreath during the victory parade by manipulating the governors of the controlled planets.

"Don't forget, you once lost to me. You will always be my defeat, Guilliman." Bound by countless chains blessed by the Emperor, Fulgrim growled, "Soon, the entire empire will I know how embarrassing you are."

Guilliman smiled even more happily, "Who knew that I was defeated by you? The right to revise the history books is in my hands, and the people believe what I say. My words are the truth of history. Who can question me? You Do you think they will trust a traitor, or will they trust a good imperial regent who saved them?"

"You were caged and put on display like a poor animal that a three-year-old could spit in your face. You think you can convince them you beat me? They They will only believe in your despicableness and shamelessness, use brotherhood to assassinate a great hero, and only get a temporary victory by chance, and they will despise you even more."

Fulgrim frantically shook his long and twisted head, roaring hysterically, humiliating words such as Guilliman, you are shameless.

Guilliman stood in front of Fulgrim, "Think about the battle in Thessala, how arrogant you were, Fulgrim."

Coughed twice, Guilliman imitated Fulgrim's tone at that time, and said what the other party had said.

"I am no longer a resident of this world of ashes, but a radiant subspace creature. How stupid you are, believing in lies that can defeat the gods, look at your miserable appearance, even if you kill With the death of Horus, the empire is doomed. Surrender, Guilliman, surrender at the feet of the great God of Pleasure, and indulge yourself until the day when the universe is destroyed."

Guilliman learned it perfectly, vividly demonstrating Fulgrim's arrogance during the Battle of Thesala.

Comparing it with the current prisoners is undoubtedly a huge irony.

Corax, Donne and others all laughed.

Fulgrim trembled with anger. As the **** of pleasure, he should be the laughing stock of these bastards.

But he couldn't do anything, not even break free from his chains.

The only thing you can do is to widen your eyes and look at these people who laugh at you with hatred and hatred.

But that would be of no avail, it would only make Corax and the others happier.

"Fulgrim also declared in the Battle of Terra that he would step on the ruins of the palace, enter the palace, and overlook the entire Terra under his feet." Dawn added, making all the Primarchs laugh Louder.

Hearing Dawn's words, even Vinsenhorn, who had always been silent, laughed.

The same goes for other pastors.

How arrogant and rampant he was in the past, how embarrassing and ironic he is now as a prisoner.

Guilliman looked at Dorne solemnly, "Brother, the great Fulgrim has fulfilled his lofty ambitions. He is indeed going to take over Terra. He will be hung on the highest defense tower of the palace wall. , overlooking the entire Terra. As long as he is hung high enough, he can indeed overlook the entire Terra.

"In that case, wouldn't the great Fulgrim have fulfilled his lifelong wish? It's really amazing. He has accomplished a great cause that even Horus failed to accomplish." Corax also switched Tone, speaking with the tone of those lunatics during the Great Expedition.

Ferrus and Leman Russ also imitated the yin and yang tones and mocked.

Fulgrim's big words after the siege of Horus were repeated.

performed a full-scale whipping on his mind.


Fulgrim only felt a sweetness in his throat, and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

The whole person also fainted.

Under the humiliation of several Primarchs, he finally fainted, otherwise he would only be more angry.

"What a piece of rubbish, what kind of mood did he use to say those words?" Looking at the unconscious Fulgrim, Ferrus shook his head, "Arrogant, stupid enough to think he got it truth."

"Aren't those idiots so arrogant! Like this one." Guilliman pointed his finger at Lorgar, who was also captured, and said mockingly, "Proclaiming to reveal the truth of the universe to mankind, so arrogant that he seems to be the only one who understands this world Like the mystery that makes everything work."

"Don't try to humiliate me with your words, Guilliman. Such an approach is very low-level." Lorgar looked at those Russ and others looking at him, and said, "I have nothing for you. Fear, the path of the gods is correct, you have achieved a temporary victory, but you are destined to lose this war."

"You will see the end, Lorgar, and then you will know how wrong you were. I have the confidence to win the final battle, so I don't mind if you live. You will see the gods On the day of dusk, you will see the battle of revenge, and how the gods who claim to be high die."

Guilliman looked at Lorgar and said every word.

"Your arrogance will cast your tomb, Guilliman, you think you are sure to win, but in fact you are just a plaything." Lorgar said in a deep voice, "No one can match the wisdom and power of the gods, not even you. It's an ant. When the final battle comes, we will all be free, step on the ruins of the empire and your corpses, and welcome a new era."

"Haha." Guilliman laughed, "It's a pity that you are doomed to be disappointed. The twilight of the gods is inevitable. I have something to tell you, Lorgar. I have become the Grand Pope of the state religion. The Emperor's Holy Code became the Grand Pope, it's really impermanent, I didn't expect that I, who burned the perfect city in the past, would become the Grand Pope of the Imperial sect today.

"Of course, I was able to achieve such achievements because of my unique insights into beliefs. Of course, idiots like you can't compare. Otherwise, why would the emperor want me to be the Pope, but burn your perfect The fundamental reason is not that he doesn't like religion, but that your understanding of faith is too shallow, just like the holy scriptures you wrote, which are simply nonsense, and are not at all comparable to my imperial scriptures."

"I'm not as knowledgeable and talented as I am. Only by mastering the mysteries of belief can I lead the entire empire to believe in the emperor correctly."

Guilliman took out a heavy gilded book and showed it in front of Lorgar.

"Liar." Seeing the cover, Lorgar roared, "You even copied the special way of writing your name in the holy book I gave you back then. Your imperial scriptures are copied from me, shameless."

Lorgar, who felt that he could ignore Guilliman's humiliation, broke through the defense when he saw the imperial tome.

Burn my perfect city, and still be the Pope.

The most outrageous thing is that all the books about being the great pope were copied from me.

What hatred? ?

What hate? ?

It makes you do such a brazen thing, Guilliman.

"It's just that the cover is the same, and some core concepts are also the same." Guilliman said, "How can this thing of belief be called plagiarism?"

Lorgar stared at Guilliman, who smiled brightly.

How shameless it must be to do such a thing.

Lorgar's entire face turned purple.

If he could break free, he would probably want to rush out and strangle Guilliman to death.

Guilliman looked at Lorgar's appearance, shook his head, sighed in a strange way, then turned and walked away.

Go to the front of Perturabo's room.

Petura glared at him. If Guilliman dared to humiliate him, he would retaliate.

Let the other party know that the Iron Lord's strength cannot be shaken by trivial tricks.

Guilliman glanced at Perturabo twice, "Forget it, he doesn't deserve to be talked about by us. What is such a small person worth talking about? What can I say, a tool man, there is nothing to say."

These words made Perturabo's mental preparations feel like punching cotton, he couldn't get up and down, and felt uncomfortable.

Especially that sentence tool man, there is nothing to say.

even stepped on his tail.

The reason why Perturabo chose to betray the Emperor was that he was regarded as a tool man.

Doing all kinds of dirty work, but not getting the corresponding rewards.

Perturabo roared angrily, insulting Guilliman as a tool man.

But Guilliman activated the sound-proof force field one step ahead, and Perturabo's voice could not be heard.

All he could see was Guilliman standing in front of him with a smile on his face, pointing to his ears to indicate that he couldn't hear.

It was the first time Perturabo had seen a Primarch so despicable, so shameless.

Torturing others with this kid-like trick.

If you scold someone, you can directly isolate the sound, if you can't hear it, it just doesn't exist.

He was so angry that he spurted out a mouthful of old blood like Fulgrim.

The whole person almost passed out.

Hated so much that Perturabo was about to gnash his teeth.

After torturing the three traitors, everyone's mood improved visibly with the naked eye.

Even if it is a primarch, it also has human emotions.

It is also a rare blessing to see the three demon primarchs vomit blood and tremble with anger.

After dealing with the matter of the three demon primarchs, everyone walked into the depths of the dungeon.

Corax looked at the prison, and he could feel the demonic breath flowing in it.

Intensely rich, just like substance.

A question emerged in Corax's mind, how many demons have there been here? ?

He looked around and the empty cells, and he could still see the items used to summon demons and the runes that had been wiped off.

Obviously, Guilliman also has his own little-known secrets under the stalwart image of the imperial regent.

"What's the situation here?" As the Primarch of the Space Wolves, even though he has matured a lot, he is also a straightforward person, "This place is full of disgusting breath of the living."

"A place where I communicate with demons." Guilliman said with a smile, "Demons and traitors live in the Eye of Fear and control the initiative of the war, but the empire knows nothing about their actions and can only be beaten passively. For this reason, I have always wanted to establish an intelligence network that can monitor subspace by enslaving demons, and collect information in advance to prevent traitors from attacking the human empire."

If Guilliman's remarks had been made ten thousand years ago, Dorn would have jumped out immediately, accusing Guilliman of violating the Emperor's code.

Now, he just glanced at the objects stained with blood and demonic breath, and remained silent.

In this rotten universe, unscrupulous is the normal thinking of people.

requires the ruler to maintain moral perfection, and also requires him to achieve victory over Chaos.

Somewhat impractical.

"Bring us here, besides letting us humiliate these demon primarchs, I'm afraid you have something else to say?" Ferrus looked at Guilliman and asked.

Others also set their sights on Guilliman.

Even though they are not as good as Guilliman, they are all Primarchs after all.

Wisdom and observation are top-notch, so it can be seen that Guilliman has other ideas.

Guilliman didn't hide it, and nodded to the brothers, "Yes, there is something to be said for bringing you here. This matter is of great importance, and I can only bring you here to transfer my The plan came out in full."

"What plan drives you so mad to enslave those demons?" Dorn asked.

Guilliman said in a deep voice: "The empire has no way to monitor the direction of the subspace forces, and has always been in a passive situation. This situation must be changed. The lack of intelligence will make the empire suffer. For this, I need An intelligence network that can monitor the subspace forces will tell me the dynamics of the various forces in time, so that I can make preparations in advance."

"It's a pity that I don't have the manpower to control these demons in the subspace. Simply using contracts to control them is not very effective. I need someone to help me build this intelligence network."

Russ said bluntly, "You mean you want an intelligence chief to help you manage those enslaved demons in the warp and collect intelligence?"

"That's right." Guilliman said, "I need such a person to help me. I know that you each have tasks, but this matter is related to the overall strategy of the empire, and it is also related to whether human beings can deal with the chaos in time." To respond to the invasion. For this, I had to find one of you to complete this task. Which of you volunteered to take on this matter?"

"If you think I'm trustworthy, maybe I can help you manage those demons." Corax said, "The Raven Guard is good at stealth warfare, and intelligence gathering is even better."

"As a brother, I certainly trust you." Guilliman said, "The subspace intelligence network is very important and will play a pivotal role in the future. If Corax is willing to accept this burden, I am naturally very happy."

"Corax is the stealth master among us, and he is indeed the best at this task." Donne also spoke.

Ferrus nodded, agreeing with this statement.

"Then Corax will take over this intelligence network." Guilliman looked at Corax and said, "I believe you, Corax, you are the perfect person for this job."

"Then why don't you talk to me about it directly?" Corax said jokingly.

Guilliman looked at the others, "They have the power to know and compete. We must be honest with each other, and there must be no concealment or deception, otherwise it is very likely that the forces of chaos will take advantage of it."

"You are very considerate. The Horus Rebellion is a disorder. I don't deny that my father's actions are all for the benefit of mankind, but his cover-up behavior will make people suspicious. Under the slight provocation of Chaos If this happens, the misunderstanding will intensify, and the two sides will become angry." As a loyal supporter of the former emperor, Dorn agreed with Guilliman's approach.

So did Ferrus and Leman Russ.

If there is no sincerity between them, how can they talk about fighting chaos.

After discussing the matter of the Subspace Information Network, there is nothing to do.

Before reaching the Phantom Star, Corax, Russ and others left Guilliman's fleet with those imperial heroes who possessed a strong will and could be active in the subspace.

They have no plans to return to the Empire, and they still need to complete some tasks in the warp that the Emperor set a long time ago.

"One day, we will return to the Empire and participate in that final battle." Corax said to Guilliman before leaving.

Guilliman nodded, "I believe."

After saying their goodbyes, Corax and the others left.

They have unique skills, even without ships, they can travel in subspace.

The loss of the Trinity and the many heroes of the Empire has left many crew members with grief.

They desperately hope that these heroes can return to the empire.

In that case, it will inevitably bring encouragement to the people of the empire.

It is a pity that they still have their own difficult tasks and need to continue to fight in the warp.

After the two sides separated, Guilliman and Dorn jumped out of the webway with the fleet.

The battle for Ghost Star continues.

Imperial ships are constantly bombarding the demons on the surface in low-Earth orbit, making them pay a heavy price for their stupidity.

On the surface, loyal guardians have built giant fortresses to block the demons that are constantly pouring out.

After all the imperial fleet came out, the Eldar Prophet Natas was ordered to close the webway entrance.

When it is opened again, it is time for human beings to fully march towards the Eye of Fear.

The demons were once again blocked on the other side of the webway, they could only roar impotently, unable to cross the seal and descend on the ghost star.

Guilliman left an army on Phantom Planet.

And plans to humanize the ghost star and build a fortress.

Prepare to make the whole world an environment suitable for human survival.

The webway entrance of Ghost Planet will play a crucial role in the future Eye of Terror battle.

Guilliman must plan ahead and be prepared.

Completely control the ghost star in the hands of the empire.

After completing these tasks, the moment of parting between Guilliman and Dorn is coming.

Guilliman could not return to Terra, so the task of escorting the Demon Primarch was handed over to Dorne.

Dorne will return to Terra.

Standing on the bridge of the Glory of Macragge, Guilliman and Dorn had a final conversation.

"You will be given a new task to accomplish what our father failed to accomplish in the past." Guilliman watched the people coming and going on the bridge, and countless projection screens emitted a faint halo.

Captain Breher is assigning a fleet led by Dorn to return to Terra.

He assigned some of the black ships controlled by those outstanding gray knights and nuns of silence to transport the demon primarch to Dorne.

The matter of the Demon Primarch is of great importance. If they are allowed to escape, they will inevitably leave behind.

For this reason, those who return to Terra are all elites.

In addition to mobilizing elites, Captain Breher also sent messages to other fleets according to Guilliman's wishes.

Request the assistance of those fleets to ensure the safe return of the Daemon Primarch to Terra. Hang on the walls of Terra.

"What mission?" Dorn glanced at Guilliman, and then, like Guilliman, set his gaze on the busy bridge.

Humming servo skulls fly back and forth, relaying messages from various departments.

The mechanical priests took heavy mechanical steps, checking the data in the database and the connections between those devices.

Adhering to the passion for the God of All Machines, they are very rigorous in their work, checking every possible problem in each component.

The machine slaves followed behind them, carrying various tools to assist their masters in maintaining the machines.

"Humanity needs webways." Guilliman said, "but the failure of the Emperor's webway plan can also be seen. Once humans want to build webways, they will inevitably attract those evil gods. For this reason, I need a And someone who can lead the imperial forces to fight back against the demons."

"Dorne." Guilliman looked at Rog Dorn, who was wearing yellow power armor, "You have architectural talents beyond other brothers. In the old battle of Terra defense, you were in Horus and the gods. Persisting in madness for so long is enough to prove your excellence."

"I hope to get your help to become the leader of the webway project, responsible for the construction and protection of many projects of the webway, and to prevent the destruction of the gods. Once human beings have the webway, they will be able to get rid of the interference of the subspace and let the chaos weakened influence."

After speaking, Guilliman took out the crystal that stored the knowledge of the Eldar Webway.

The crystal is very clear, exuding a faint halo.

The technology of the Eldar is different from that of humans. Humans are iron and fire, while the Eldar are spirit and soul.

Various spiritual bone warships, spiritual bone Titans, and creations such as crystal memory, it can be seen that the two civilizations are completely different.

"Is it really okay to entrust such an important task to me?" Dorn looked at Guilliman, he didn't hear much fraud from his brother, and he was full of sincerity and trust.

But the network channel project, which is enough to determine the future of mankind, still makes Dawn a little uneasy.

As the commander-in-chief of the Battle of Terra, Dorne knew how crazy the traitors and demons were.

Also knows how much the Emperor has paid for the Webway project, but in the end he has to sit on the Golden Throne.

Dawn was worried about whether he could take on such a heavy responsibility.

If you fail, it is a trivial matter to bury yourself in it.

Buying the hope of the future of mankind will make Dorne restless.

"I believe you, Dorne, you have talents that none of us have, and those demons and traitors will cry like farts because of your iron fist, and they will crash like waves on the walls of your avatar superior."

Guilliman looked at Dawn and said firmly, "You are the best person in charge of the Webway Project, I believe in you, Dawn, and you also have to believe in yourself, our father's failure has taught us enough lessons . We're going to be successful, that's a certainty."

Dawn's infrastructure talent is placed on network channel engineering, which is definitely a professional counterpart.

Relying on his city defense, the gods will inevitably send massive minions into the webway.

Guilliman can secretly promote his own firewall plan.

Hearing Guilliman's words, Dorn was silent for a moment, and took the crystal from Guilliman's hand.

The relevant knowledge of the webway has been stored in Macragge's database as a backup.

Guilliman appointed Dorn as the chief designer of the Webway project, so he naturally gave him the crystal that recorded the original data.

"I promise to complete this task." Dorn said, "I will never fail you, and I will never fail humans."

"I believe in you, Dorne." Guilliman said, "I believe that you can build the webway well, and you can also protect it well."

After leaving Phantom Star, Dawn returned to Terra with his fleet, preparing to officially start the Webway Project with the assistance of Kaul and others.

Guilliman ordered the fleet to go to Vigilus.

After dealing with the webway, it's time to go to Vigilus.

He has to send a signal to the Chaos traitors and demons that Vigilus must not be lost from the hands of humans.

Make the posture that the human empire must defend the Nachmond Corridor.

In order to further confuse the traitors, and lure other traitors and minions of evil gods to the Nachmond Corridor. Take the pressure off the rest of the empire.

At this time, Calgar was still fighting in the Nachmond Corridor, clearing out traitors and Chaos Demons.

After the Vigilante was reversed, Calgar has tried various methods, but there is still no way to restore the Vigilante's anti-subspace force field.

Exhausting all methods can only delay the closure of the Nakmond Corridor.

Abaddon, who was severely beaten, also became active again, vowing to completely close the Nachmond Corridor.

Guilliman examined the various battle reports from Calgar.

Assessing the strength of both sides.

This is a big show.

If played well, the traitors and demons will be convinced that without the Corridor of Nachmond, Guilliman will have nothing to do.

Then many plans will go well.

The demons will focus on the corridors of Nachmond, or the webway project in Dorne.

Guilliman has to control the reinforcements.

Not too much, Abaddon's Black Legion was destroyed in one fell swoop, and the opponent went directly to other places.

There are too many casualties, and the devil will feel that the bones are hard to chew and give up.

It can't be too little, too little is easy to see the problem.

On the Glory of Macragge, Guilliman played out the Battle of the Corridor of Nachmond in full swing.

Make sure the war dances under his baton.

The rapid development of the No. 1 outpost stunned many traversers and shocked the ancestors of the Holy Family.

Various steel buildings have sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

All kinds of advanced equipment are emerging in an endless stream.

It is even more exaggerated than the game explosion.

In just two years, the power of the empire has expanded rapidly, becoming another super fortress.

A large number of human beings chose to surrender to the empire out of security and stability considerations and became a loyal imperial citizen.

The large population loss made the Church of Suffering have to find a way to stop this kind of thing.

Churches around the world have launched various terrifying punishments for betrayers. Once anyone is found to have the idea of surrendering to the empire, they will be sentenced to death, and even family members will not be spared.

The power of the Church of the Lord of Suffering quickly became a disadvantaged party from the beginning.

A large number of civilians who were originally loyal to the Church of the Lord of Suffering and ruled by the Holy Family have all thrown themselves into the arms of the empire.

In a world shrouded in fog and full of crises, the empire's technology and powerful military strength are undoubtedly extremely attractive.

After churches dedicated to the emperor were built, the mist was expelled from the empire's territory and suppressed to the edge of the territory.

So are those monsters.

The emperor's church gave some special blessings, correcting the space-time structure of the territory, making it impossible for those demons and monsters to enter.

Any demons and monsters that try to force their way in will be consumed by golden flames.

Within the control of the empire, security has been greatly guaranteed.

In the past, survival was a very difficult thing.

In order to ensure survival, people must be careful so as not to die from strange attacks.

For example, the mutated person should be killed in time, the dead should be incinerated immediately, don't go out at night, don't turn around when someone calls your name behind your back, etc.

are all experiences summed up in various tragic events.

At Outpost 1, these rules are gone.

Relying on technology and powerful military power, the empire has defeated those monsters so that they dare not easily enter the human territory.

In terms of the army, the empire is also growing rapidly.

With the efforts of many mechanical priests, the fighter slaves cultivated came out of the factory like the products of the assembly line.

Fighter slaves use human cloned brains and flesh and blood wetware to ensure that there will be no more abominable intelligence.

This practice is the norm of Mechanicum.

The Mechanicum and the entire empire have a great demand for machine servants.

Impossible to obtain a steady source of brains and wetware from civilians.

Many machine slaves transformed by the people of the empire were transformed because they participated in the riots.

The local residents did nothing, believed in the emperor, completed their work, and were arrested as wetware.

Then the empire is really no different from Chaos.

Use the people of the empire who have sound personalities and have not betrayed history as the source of wetware.

The Mechanicum in this area will also face the pressure of the Inquisition, and may even usher in a large-scale purge.

May even be declared excommunicated and rebellious, and be hunted down to death by the Tribunal.

Using biotechnology to cultivate flesh and blood wetware without self-awareness is the norm in the empire, and it is also the specialty of the Mechanicum.

As a member of the new imperial army, Qiu Chen was as shocked as other traversers when he saw those so-called machine slaves.

The technology of the empire is completely different from the technology they recognize.

Those machine slaves can be used as superheroes.

Machine Nu's muscles swelled due to the injection of biochemical agents, and looked very strong.

After comparing, Qiuchen found sadly that his thighs were not as thick as others' arms.

Those machine slaves, each one is a real hunk.

That strong body looks like it can kill a big bear with one punch and tear a yak with one hand.

The machine slave's weapons and equipment are also very advanced, including incineration guns, cannon guns, various electronic prosthetic eyes and unmanned intelligent equipment.

In addition to the machine slaves, many defected traversers and civilians were included in the team, equipped with exoskeletons and the latest weapons, and became a member of the ordinary army of the empire.

After the military force became large, the empire launched an attack on New Testament City, sweeping up all the towns along the way.

All humans are required to pledge allegiance to the Empire and accept the rule of the Divine Regent.

And demanded to abolish the belief of the Lord of Suffering and accept the belief of the Emperor.

The defenders of the Church of the Lord of Suffering were defeated, and the traversers who formed the demon hunters were also extremely unscrupulous. No imperial army could occupy the town before they surrendered.

Facing the powerful offensive of the empire, the territory controlled by the Church of the Lord of Suffering quickly fell and became the territory of the empire.

New Testament City.

At this time, there is no prosperity in the past, only fear and anxiety.

The imperial army was in full swing, and even those fog monsters were directly crushed by the huge imperial army.

Aware that the terrible patriarchs of the empire tried to negotiate peace, but were flatly rejected.

The purpose of the advance team of the empire is very clear, that is to completely smash the rule of the Holy Family and the Church of Suffering, and make this world a bridgehead for the empire to go to other universes.

The Holy Family did not give up resistance, they called on believers to resist to the end for the Lord of Suffering.

There must be a spirit of sacrifice that would rather be broken than broken.

Encourage people to stop the empire's attack by all means. For this reason, they will not hesitate to cooperate with monsters and demons in the fog.

"We must fight to the end, the great Lord of Suffering is watching us, and we must not compromise with those damned heretics." A church pastor stood on the square, motivating people's emotions, and let them fight firmly for the Lord of Suffering .

"For the Lord of Suffering."

"For the Lord of Suffering."

The people are also very excited.

New Testament City has always been firmly controlled by the Church of the Lord of Suffering.

Every resident of New Testament City is a devout believer of the Church of the Lord of Suffering.

Encouraged by a few words, they all became fanatical.

To sacrifice for the great Lord of Suffering.

The Church of the Lord of Suffering wantonly distributes guns and casts cannons, intending to block the offensive of the empire from New Testament City.

The underground space of the Church of the Lord of Suffering.

exudes a pungent **** smell.

The corpses of several priests lay on the ground.

All had their throats slit.

Strange runes are depicted on every inch of their skin.

Obviously, they are all sacrifices, sacrificed by the ancestors.

Several ancestors of the Holy Family are communicating with the fog creatures.

The pressure from the empire forced them to restart their cooperation with the fog creatures.

In the past, they used this method to cut off the connection between the shards of the Lord of Suffering and the main body, and drove each other out.

Now, they can only use the power of the mist creatures and the fragments of the Lord of Suffering to fight this war of great disparity.

Several Progenitors promised to provide enough sacrifices to the Mists every year in the future.

In exchange for the help of fog creatures.

Several ancestors also absorbed the fragments into their bodies to enhance their own strength, and the mighty power belonged to themselves, ready to sweep the imperial army that dared to invade.

On the wall of New Testament City, Zhou Chen, a member of the Holy Family, stood on a cannon, staring at the fog in the distance, with hatred in his eyes.

Those damned Imperials are about to destroy his hometown.

He vowed to resist until the last second.

The Holy Family will never compromise with these evil invaders.

In order to protect New Testament City, and also to protect the people of New Testament City.

The Holy Family will fight to the last man.

Zhou Chen believes that his sacrifice is valuable, in order to defend the great Lord of Suffering, and to defend the human beings living under their protection.

"They're almost here."

In the slums of New Testament City, a group of ragged people gathered together, and they were ready to revolt.

"The **** Holy Family has reached the end of the day, and they will be liquidated." A commoner whispered, "The days of those fools showing off their power are over, and the great empire has come to rescue us."

"Are we really going to betray the Lord of Suffering?" Another commoner whispered, "Will we be called ungrateful?"

"In the past, we had no choice but to endure the exploitation and enslavement of the Holy Family, but now, we have a brand new choice, why should we endure their exploitation and enslavement? More importantly, the power of the Lord of Suffering has long been sacred The family stole it, the Holy Family exploited us through the Lord of Suffering, they are not our savior."

"A big ship that originally belonged to everyone has been controlled by several people. Now, we want to resist and take back the big ship, but you think it is ungrateful?? Are you kneeling for a long time and can't stand up? Do you think the Holy Family can let us live?" Are they kind enough to come down?" Another woman who looked quite wise said, "They just need a group of slaves who can be enslaved, and enslaved us in the name of the Lord of Suffering."

(end of this chapter)