Warhammer: The Beginning Is The Crisis Of Annihilation - Chapter 214

Chapter 214

Chapter 214 The Demon Primarch, who is going to be transported back to Terra (seeking subscription)

Corax calmly glanced out of the corner of his eye, sweeping the eyes of those officers and chapter leaders.

Saw the passion and loyalty in it.

When Guilliman arrived, everyone was silent.

They were all looking at Guilliman, maintaining a listening posture, waiting for the great leader to speak.

All eyes moved as Guilliman advanced.

The Honor Guard escorted Guilliman to the main podium.

No one spoke in the entire venue, not even whispers.

Only the sound of people's breathing and the mechanical hum of mechanical priests and soldiers equipped with prosthetic limbs can be heard.

Guilliman glanced at the crowd as a silent response to them.

This got people even more excited.

"Let us cheer for this moment." Guilliman's voice could be heard clearly by everyone without any amplification, "We have welcomed back a group of great heroes of the Empire. Guardian. Lord of the Wolf, Lord of the Raven, Lord of the Medusa, and Lord of the Fist, if you would waste any time listening to the sermons of my father's priest of faith, you would listen to them from the fairy tales I have seen their names."

"When mankind is facing such a crisis, their return will strengthen the empire like never before. Victory will definitely fall on our side, and the fate of the forces of chaos is irreversible. The future of mankind will surely be brilliant, Those who come after will not suffer the same pain as we did."

Guilliman pointed to the four returning Primarchs, his voice was firm and powerful, and the crowd burst into cheers.

They shouted the names of several primarchs, very excited.

After waiting for a while, Guilliman pressed down his palms, calming the excited crowd.

"According to the procedure of discussion and my father's speech before sitting on the Golden Throne, they have the power to participate in the affairs of the empire. Considering that there are several of them, they will not leave the Eye of Terror for the time being. For this reason, some things have to be It has been discussed here in advance. The imperial system has undergone earth-shaking changes, and they, as the adjudicators with power over the imperial system, deserve their support in order to make the process more reasonable."

Guilliman looked at Corax and the others, "You can put forward your views and opinions on the existing reformed imperial system, and you have the right to vote."

Considering that he abolished the high lord council system, Guilliman still had to do some superficial work to enhance his persuasion.

And use this to convince all the people of the empire that the system he is currently implementing is supported by the emperor and the primarchs.

Some things seem trivial, but they are very important.

For example, the name is justified and righteous.

The concept of these things is very broad but very important.

If they can get the public endorsement of other Primarchs, the appeal of those nobles who rebelled under the banner of the Emperor will drop sharply and lose their original prestige.

Today, Guilliman's reforms have achieved a lot.

The strength of the empire has increased, and the combat effectiveness of the army has also risen linearly.

The probability of the empire losing a battle has dropped significantly.

The lives of civilians in the empire have also improved visibly to the naked eye.

However, Guilliman's reforms have been under covert attack by those who oppose him.

Those rebel nobles will attack one point, which is the deadliest point.

They will say that Guilliman's various reforms are a betrayal of the Emperor.

This situation is similar to the gentry of Ming Dynasty attacking the emperor and saying that he violated the ancestral system.

Those gentry said it with peace of mind, and they can still take one bite for the good of Ming Dynasty, and the ancestral system cannot be violated.

Even if the emperor dared to do something, they could confidently say that it was the rule left by Emperor Taizu.

Even if the emperor wanted to restore Daming wholeheartedly, he would be scolded like hell, and even be opposed by others in the name of the ancestral system.

If Zhu Yuanzhang came back to life on the spot, and slapped each of them, telling them that he meant it, the situation would be very different.

Who would dare to object to this kind of thing? ?

The current empire is like this. Guilliman relies on his powerful army and technology to forcefully suppress those imperial nobles who try to stop him.

There are many rebellions who dare to directly pull the army to fight Guilliman, but compared to the opposition, they are always a minority.

Many were afraid of Guilliman's liquidation, and gave up resistance after weighing the pros and cons.

But they lost their wealth and power, so they would naturally feel dissatisfied.

Those people dare not openly rebel against him, but they can continue to spread various rumors to him.

In this case, many civilians will also be influenced by these people, thus hating the empire.

At this stage, Guilliman is called the savior, and his reputation has reached the highest in history.

Many people even regard it as a god.

Human nature is complex.

When time goes by, those people will take the life they get for granted.

Especially when the Peace Generation is born.

They did not experience the alien invasion, and the imperial troops were formed and killed.

The inhabitants of the entire planet are enslaved by aliens, and they become tragic containers for cultivating alien larvae.

I have never experienced a chaos massacre, a **** war where women and children did not survive.

They enjoyed peace, a life of equality and prosperity that Guilliman had created for them.

In a peaceful environment, they will only see the shortcomings of Guilliman's governance.

Even if a subspace firewall is established at that time, all kinds of propaganda will be strengthened.

There will also be stupid people running out of the firewall.

In an environment full of malicious words and few words, some people will be vigilant, thinking that the heart of chaos will never die when it destroys human beings.

There are also some people who will be very excited, thinking that they have seen the truth of the empire like a fool like Lorgar.

Silently joined the pursuit of the gods who pay attention to the law of the jungle, survival of the fittest, no shady operations, and no injustice.

Become a so-called advanced person who firmly hates the empire.

Because of some ordinary things, they will stand up and call for democracy and freedom, asking the empire to leave them alone, asking the empire to learn various ideas from the kingdom of the gods, so that the people can gain real freedom and have the opportunity to seek the path of eternal life.

They will ask again and again to let the empire relax various laws, so that they can get freedom of religion, freedom of votes, and various freedoms.

As for the ongoing war, they will say contemptuously, it's none of my business.

This kind of thing sounds unbelievable, thinking that those people would not be so stupid.

But Guilliman knew that this kind of thing would definitely happen.

Especially in the galaxy, such a huge territory.

Wait until the end of the war to unify the galaxy, the time span must be very large.

The new generation grows up under the protection of Guilliman, and most of them will gain knowledge and become excellent.

Among them, there will be some idiots, self-righteous.

I feel that putting into the arms of the gods and enjoying the light of freedom and democracy is the destination of human beings.

Guilliman, a cruel dictator, must be brought down and swept into the dustbin of history.

At that time, these people will probably hate even the Emperor.

See the 10,000 years the Imperium struggled to survive as dictatorial tyranny and the Primarch's failure.

They believe that it is under the rule of humans and emperors that the empire will fall, decay, ignorance, dictatorship, and cruelty.

Turn a blind eye to the siege and persecution of the gods.


The gods treat human beings as playthings, and they still carry out massacres in the Eye of Terror.

After Cadia fell, they slaughtered for days and nights.

also bewitched the former Horus to rebel and killed hundreds of billions of humans.

It must be slander without any evidence.

is made up by the empire.

If it is true, post the name and see if there are hundreds of billions.

If you can't post it, it's just a fabrication.

Those idiots will imagine how beautiful the kingdom of the gods is from just a few words, and even the moon is shining golden and unbelievably round.

Will envy those who live in the kingdom of the gods, thinking that they have got real freedom and a real good life.

There is no evil tyranny, as long as you work hard enough, you can succeed.

I envy Slaanesh's indulgence, I envy Khorne's daring to fight and kill, I envy Tzeentch's erudition and seeking knowledge, I envy Nurgle's kindness and the harmony of his homeland.

These people will also have a sense of morality, demanding the protection of those endangered aliens, and thinking that everything is entitled to live.

The extermination of xenomorphs is a terrible crime that cannot be forgiven.

They will march again and again, demanding that the empire stop the extermination activities against aliens.

Require the empire to formulate laws to protect them, protect the alien race, and allow them to coexist peacefully with humans.

As long as there is any behavior against the aliens, they will attack them in groups.

Humans have original sins in launching wars against aliens. They want to formulate various laws that are biased towards aliens, advocating the importance of aliens.

Maybe, they will hang banners on Terra one day.

Down with dictators and build a democratic world. Protect the aliens, the galaxy is the home of every race. Defeat Guilliman and usher in a new future.

Those who put up banners will be worshiped as heroes by fools.

think it was their righteous deed against the brutal rule of Guilliman.

is a symbol of their courage.

is a sign that they are more advanced than other humans loyal to the Empire.

Those humans loyal to the Empire are stupid, and they are the wisest.

They turned a blind eye to Guilliman's efforts to reform people's livelihood.

Turn a blind eye to Guilliman's military actions in defense of human rights.

Also turned a blind eye to Guilliman's efforts to pursue the dream of universal transcendence.

They will enjoy everything Guilliman created with peace of mind.

When encountering setbacks, he would curse Guilliman angrily.

Think that he is blocking them from enjoying freedom and democracy, and he is blocking his way of enjoying life to the fullest.

It was the evil Guilliman who launched the war to exterminate other races, he was too cruel.

Let countless soldiers of the empire suffer heavy casualties, just for his false name.

Obtaining the public support of other Primarchs can reduce the occurrence of such stupidity.

You can also seek more reasonable support for your suppression.

Corax and others have already learned about Guilliman's reform measures.

The high lord parliamentary system has been criticized since its inception.

It would be foolish for a group of short-sighted mortals to rule the galaxy.

They cannot gain the approval of others through strong performance, and can only gain more support through various interest distribution and concessions.

It has led to the phenomenon that bad money drives out good money.

Not everyone has such a heavy sense of responsibility for humanity.

Compared with protecting the entire human race, they care more about the benefits they can get.

An unselfish genius and a rich man who can cede benefits.

Many congressmen chose the latter in the end.

Throughout the ages, many things can be seen clearly by anyone.

If a country wants to prosper, it should distribute benefits well, so as to prevent conflicts from intensifying.

Human nature is selfish.

Enjoy it by yourself, and think about enjoying it with future generations.

will weave a chain of interests and consolidate its position.

Just thinking about how much credit he has made, why not let his descendants enjoy it.

Why do I have to let the opponent study hard for ten years to defeat him?

Mortals will continue to be bound by various desires and emotions, and eventually the entire empire will be bound.

This person cuts a little from the interests of the empire for himself, and the other cuts a little from the interests of the empire for himself.

Everyone feels that they just cut a little bit, which is not a serious crime.

But it was this accumulation that made the empire overwhelmed.

It is the Emperor's wishful thinking for mortals to rule the Empire.

No matter how good the ambitions of those mortals are at the beginning, in the end, they will become a mess.

Regarding the many measures of the imperial reform, Corax and others did not put forward any negative opinions, they just perfected and understood the contradictions.

The narrators used various devices to record this moment.

After the Eye of Terror is released, they will spread these images to all parts of the empire.

Let the world know that Guilliman's rule was endorsed by several Primarchs.

The main purpose of the meeting was for several Primarchs to publicly express their support for Guilliman's position.

There are relatively few discussions on strategy and military affairs.

Ferrus cannot leave the Eye of Terror, he no longer has a real body, and he must be like a demon if he wants to enter the real universe.

Russ has other tasks, and he also indicated that he will not return to the empire for the time being.

Corax wants to continue hunting the traitors of the Eye of Terror, and also said that he will not return to the Empire.

Dorn said that he would return to the empire together to assist Guilliman in building various defense measures for the empire.

For this reason, it is meaningless to discuss strategy and military affairs.

The meeting lasted half a day.

The four Primarchs firmly supported all of Guilliman's reform measures, and bluntly stated that the Emperor also recognized Guilliman's various actions.

Such a statement made everyone participating in the meeting excited.

The words of the Primarchs not only gave Guilliman greater prestige, but also implied that the Emperor had not fallen.

He is still leading people to attack the enemy and fight for mankind.

After the meeting, Guilliman let the others go, leaving the four Primarchs behind.

led them into the bottom layer of the Glory of Macragge, where the captured demon primarch and demons were imprisoned.

There are some things, there is no need to hide Corax and others.

After all, they have all been in contact with the subspace, and know how strong the power of chaos is.

"Are you still coming to humiliate us?" Seeing Guilliman and others coming, Fulgrim roared furiously in the iron cage.

Perturabo's face darkened when he saw Donne.

Dorne said after the end of the Horus Heresy that he would definitely transport Perturabo back to Terra in an iron cage.

Now, he is locked in an iron cage.

It is conceivable that once he is really shipped back to Terra, his dignity will be gone.

Lorgar's complexion was also very ugly. He originally thought that he would be sure and easily handle Guilliman.

As a result, he was loaded into it by himself, and became a prisoner, and was about to be transported to Terra.

What a shame.

Four thousand words dedicated

(end of this chapter)