Urban Evil Doctor - Chapter 724

Chapter 724

"Lin... Lin Chen, can you show me the ring on your hand?"

Everyone looked at Grandpa Han in surprise, because this was what he said from his mouth!

In particular, when they saw the face of Father Han almost flushed with excitement, they were even more dumbfounded!

From a young age to a big one, Grandpa Han is a hard-core tough guy who has collapsed in front of several children. They have never seen his father excited like this!

Ring? What ring?

Everyone looked at Lin Chen's hand, and then looked at his right middle finger!

There is a black ring that looks very simple.

I can't see any material. Some are like iron, but they have a kind of stone texture. There is a dragon on the ring, a blood-red dragon!

The blood-red dragon on the black ring, with a strong contrast of colors, looks lifelike, with a dignified and majestic look!

This ring seems extraordinary, but it actually looks quite like spreading the goods. Mr. Han does not speak, and no one will notice this ring at all!

"Dad, what's so good about his ring? It's estimated that it's just spreading the goods!" Han Zhiyu said disapprovingly.

The rest of the people were puzzled.

"Shut up!" Old Master Han tiger glared and yelled at Han Zhiyu, almost shouting.

Han Zhiyu was so scared that his face was white, and there was a sudden silence. At the same time, his heart was aggrieved and his eyes were all red. He didn't understand how Han Han shouted at her.

The brothers Han Zhiyong and Han Father were even more stunned. For the first time, they saw Master Han blaming the little girl so much.

It is impossible, what's so special about this ring? With the exception of Lin Chen, everyone else was a little surprised.

"Lin Chen, would you please show my grandfather the ring?" Han Shuang was also stunned by the grandfather's reaction, and then as if seeing hope, he quickly clenched Lin Chen's hand and asked a bit.

"Oh, of course, no problem." Lin Chen didn't expect that Grandpa Han seemed to know the ring, but he didn't refuse. He took the ring down and threw it to Grandpa Han.

Grandpa Han was surprised, and quickly reached out to catch it.

The ring, which didn't seem big, landed on Han Han's hand, but it made a loud noise, and moved Han Ye's hand down a few centimeters!

Grandpa Han felt the weight of the ring and his face changed again.

He took the ring and looked carefully in his hand, his face changing again and again, and then took it under his nose and smelled it carefully.

Everyone was a little puzzled when they saw it, and I really didn't understand, what's so beautiful about this ring, they even got it under their nose and smelled it!

If they do this with another one, they may feel that they are a neuropathy!

Only Lin Chen knows that this ring, besides its unusual weight, also carries a slight **** smell on it. People who are sensitive to this smell can smell it carefully!

Lin Chen was a little surprised when he got the ring. He was thinking about it, and he didn't know how much blood the enemy had stained on the ring!

After a few minutes, Mr. Han returned the ring to Lin Chen, looking very cautious, as if afraid of accidentally breaking the ring.

In this scene, everyone was secretly shocked, and their reaction was slow, and they knew it at this time, this ring must be very simple!

Yan Shihong burst into his heart, his face changed slightly, and he had some bad feelings.

Lin Chen took the ring back and Dai Hui put his right **** up. At this time, Mr. Han said something stupid.

He looked at Lin Chen and said straightly: "Lin Chen, do you really like Xiaoshuang?"

Not only did the Han family and Yan Shihong be dumbfounded, even Lin Chen was stunned.

"Dad, what are you talking about, he's a country boy, and--"

Although Han Zhiyu was a bit afraid of Mr. Han's anger, she couldn't help but speak. She really couldn't understand how her father's broken ring seemed to marry Han Shuang to Lin Chen!

"I said, let you shut up? You don't understand? Not big or small!"


Grandpa Han slaps directly on Han Zhiyu's face, glaring and yelling.

Han Zhiyu covered her red and swollen face, somewhat unbelievable, with tears in her eyes, and finally gritted her teeth, lowered her head, and dared not speak again.

The old man is obviously really angry!

The rest of the people were startled again. You know, from childhood to old age, Han Han was very fond of this little daughter Han Zhiyu, this is the first time to beat her!

Yan Shihong's face almost became pig liver.

Unexpectedly, Lin Chen admitted that he had other women. As a result, Han Han seemed to choose him!

For the question of Grandpa Han, Lin Chen was a bit difficult to answer at this time. Grandpa Han was so serious about this matter. After answering this question, it will not be a simple sentence "I am a fake boyfriend" after that, it can be exposed!

"Lin Chen!" Han Shuang looked at Lin Chen with some begging. If Lin Chen didn't answer, according to the meaning of her uncle and aunt, she was going to be married to Yan Shihong.

So, no matter what, she hopes Lin Chen will deal with this in advance.

When she said this, she seemed to be expecting something in her heart, a very strange feeling.

Lin Chen smiled bitterly and nodded, "Like!"

There was a happy look on Master Han's face, "Very good! Are you sure you will take care of her for life?"

Han Shuang is also a little embarrassed at this time. What is the situation with his grandfather? The last question is okay to say, this question is almost to allocate myself to Lin Chen!

Her heartbeat twitched, and she glanced at Lin Chen secretly.

Father Han's face is a little complicated, although he was very optimistic about this kid before, but the problem is that this kid has said that there are other women. Looking at him like that, it is estimated that he will not break up with his women.

Is it possible that his father and Xiaoshuang have to share a man with other women?

At this time, Yan Shihong's teeth were about to bite, and a vicious light appeared in his eyes. Looking at Lin Chen, if his eyes were powerful, Lin Chen's eyes would have been torn apart by this time.

Lin Chen was also dumbfounded. What happened to Nima?

I came to be a fake boyfriend and helped Han Shuang through the crisis. I just wanted to take her away, that is, I didn't want to see her being persecuted, but now the situation is too wrong!

He didn't come to the house to raise relatives, and the word Han Han almost entrusted Han Shuang to himself.

It's just like the line the priest said when he hosted the wedding!

For a time, Lin Chen really did not know how to answer it.

Seeing Lin Chen not speaking, Grandpa Han said with a heavy face: "Are you playing with my granddaughter's feelings? Lin Chen, although you are very powerful, but my Han family is not so troublesome!"

Father Han looked even worse, staring at Lin Chen, this guy just said that he liked his daughter, and now he is not willing to say that he is willing to take care of his daughter for a lifetime. Doesn't that mean he is just playing?

Lin Chen is also speechless.

Even if I am willing to take care of your granddaughter all her life, may she not be willing? I'm just fake! At this time, Lin Chen had a back pain in his hand, and he looked at Han Shuang, because it was this woman who secretly screwed him!