Urban Evil Doctor - Chapter 723

Chapter 723

As soon as Han Zhiyu's words came out, Yan Shihong's face showed a conspiracy smile.

In addition to asking people to check Linchen's historical data, he also made people check what Linchen did in the emperor's capital, and wanted to find some stains.

As a result, I didn't expect that, relying on Yan's strong connections, he really found out. The following people came back and told him that Lin Chen had even been to the hotel with Jiang Mengshu.

In his view, when Lin Chen and the female star went to the hotel, they naturally went to work!

So, he let people go to the hotel to take out the monitoring clips with Lin Chen and Jiang Mengshu!

The photos taken by Han Zhiyu were washed out using the video of the surveillance video!

However, there was a place in the surveillance video that made Yan Shihong strange. That was when Lin Chen and Jiang Mengshu entered the room at first, as if they were brought in by two men in black.

Of course, although he was strange, he was too lazy to check anything. It was only for people to pick up the pictures where Lin Chen and Jiang Mengshu appeared together.

Even if Lin Chen didn't do anything that night, but appeared in the hotel together for two days in the middle of the night, and came out from a room, this photo is definitely enough!

Han Zhiyu's photos were placed on the table. The people present, except Lin Chen, could not help changing their faces!

Han Zhiyu looked at Lin Chen and lifted his chin slightly, jokingly said:

"I was wondering before, how can a little bodyguard still be able to pack stars, but now that I know you still have some skills, I can naturally explain it! Huh, how, I didn't expect my mother to have this photo? Dumbfounded Right? Hahaha!"

Both Hanfu and Hanmu had some complex faces. In the middle of the night, Lin Chen and a female star came out of the hotel room. They couldn't think much!

Han Shuang's face also changed, but it couldn't be said how angry.

After all, Lin Chen was just her fake boyfriend, not to mention that this guy directly admits that he has many women, and he has to marry in!

Of course, she was still a little sour in her heart. It was also clear at this time that Lin Chen did not go out early in the morning yesterday, but did not stay in the room the night before!

Mr. Han's face was also gloomy.

The atmosphere in the field solidified and became somewhat suppressed. Except for Han Shuang, everyone was glaring at Lin Chen at this time, including Han Shuang's parents who originally supported Lin Chen at the beginning!

Some are really angry, and some are gloating!

"Oh, Mr. Lin, you're a bit shameless? They are all Xiaoshuang's boyfriends, and they are still messing with the relationship between men and women. Are you worthy of Xiaoshuang? Just like you, you are not worthy of Xiaoshuang. Frost, you are playing with her feelings!"

Yan Shihong stood up in awe-inspiring manner, pointing at Lin Chen to scold, and his eyes were already showing the light of victory.

"Yan Shihong, you don't have to worry about my business!" Han Shuang yelled at Yan Shihong.

Yan Shihong stunned for a while, and then became a bit gloomy. It wasn't expected that this time, Han Shuang even protected Lin Chen!

"Don't care? Han Shuang, are you crazy? Didn't you see the picture?" Han Zhiyu sneered.

Father Han looked at Lin Chen and said in a deep voice: "Lin Chen, what the **** is going on? What do you really have to do with Jiang Mengshu?"

Although Lin Chen was kind to him, he never allowed it. Anyone dared to play with his daughter's feelings!

Before Lin Chen answered, Han Zhiyu preemptively said: "Second brother, are you stupid? Do you think he will admit it? He will definitely say that he and Jiang Mengshu are normal friends!"

She looked at Lin Chen and joked: "Such words, you just keep fooling children!"

"Shut up!" Han father glared at Han Zhiyu, looking at Lin Chen with grief in his eyes, "Lin Chen, do you really have any other women?"

Han Zhiyu pouted and whispered, "You ask him what's the use of this? Of course he won't admit it!"

Lin Chen looked at her and was shaking her head, obviously Han Shuang, who asked herself to say no, couldn't help showing a bitter smile on her face.

It seems that his counterfeit boyfriend can't bear it anymore.

Father Han was pretty good to him. He didn't need to cheat each other. Furthermore, he didn't want to lie about such things!

He looked at his father Han and nodded, "Yes, uncle, I do have other women."

The other women he mentioned were not Jiang Mengshu, but there was no need to explain them at this time.

Jiang Mengshu or other women are the same for the Han family!

Han Shuang's face was bitter, as expected, this guy really said it, and at the same time, she suddenly envied Lin Chen's woman in her heart.

This guy is really unwilling to let his women suffer a little grievances, even if they are not, he will definitely not cover up on such things.

As soon as Lin Chen's words came out, all but Han Shuang were stunned again.

They also felt that Lin Chen would definitely die without acknowledging it. Unexpectedly, Lin Chen admitted so generously!

"Idiot!" After Yan Shihong froze for a moment, he almost couldn't help laughing out loud and scolded in his heart. In his opinion, Han Shuang was already in his pocket!


Father Han was also taken aback by Lin Chen's simple answer. The key is that Lin Chen's face was still very calm. For a time, he didn't know what to say!

"Young man, do you think you are doing this right? Are you playing with the granddaughter's feelings?"

Grandpa Han finally opened his mouth, and a pair of muddy old eyes stared at Lin Chen, like a lion about to get angry.

Lin Chen shook his head and said, "Sir, do you mean, should I pretend that I don't have another woman?"

Grandpa Han stayed for a while. Indeed, if Lin Chen had another woman, she did not admit death at this time, which is undoubtedly more despising, and even unworthy of being called a man.

In the end, Mr. Han shook his head and said: "In any case, now it seems that Xiaoshuang can't be with you!"

Uncle Hanshuang and Auntie and others all said with a happy face.

Yan Shihong jumped up in anger, and the ecstasy on his face was completely irrepressible.

Han Shuang's face was somewhat desperate. The old man said that he already had a decision, and his decision could not be changed by anyone!

Han Han, Han mother's face was sullen and did not speak. At this time, Han Han no longer supported Lin Chen!

Lin Chen frowned and looked at Yan Shihong, who was proud, and said to Master Han:

"Senior man, even if you don't think Han Shuang shouldn't be with me, shouldn't you choose this idiot?"

Yan Shihong smiled and angered: "Who do you idiot?"

"Look, I made it so obvious that you all heard, you are not an idiot, who is an idiot?" Lin Chen smiled.

"You--" Yan Shihong gritted his teeth in anger, no matter what the occasion, he was not easy to attack, sneered, "I'm too lazy to care about you! Really no quality!"

"Enough!" Han Han frowned, "Lin Chen, our Han family's business is not up to you, you leave now!"

In fact, if it weren't that Lin Chen was so young, it was a congenital strongman, and because Han Shuang was okay, it was because of Lin Chen's association with Han Shuang and other women. Lin Chen will not leave like this!

"That's right, hurry up, our Han family doesn't welcome you!" Han Zhiyu said proudly.

Lin Chen glanced at Han Shuang, and saw her face miserable. Somehow, she felt distressed, shrugged, walked to her, took her hand, and said:

"Relax, as long as you don't want to marry, no one can force you, I can take you away at any time!"

As soon as this sentence came out, it was like a bomb thrown into the lake. Everyone in the Han family changed their face, and it was extremely ugly!

"Lin Chen, do you know where this place is? Do you really think that you are a congenital powerhouse, can you turn it upside down?" Han Zhi stood up bravely, the coercion of the superior on his body filled, right Lin Chen shouted angrily.

"Brother, what are you talking about with this guy? Call the guards and Chen Chen! Let's pack up the guy!"

Han Zhiyu showed a sneer on her face. In her opinion, Lin Chen dare to cause trouble here.

There are a lot of guards outside, and there is also a congenital strong old man Chen, she can't believe this guy!

Although Han father said that Lin Chen is also a congenital strongman, but he is so young, in the eyes of everyone, it is naturally impossible to compare with the battle-hardened Chen Lao!

When Yan Shihong saw Lin Chen being so "stupid", he was so happy in his heart that he wished Lin Chen would be killed directly!

At this moment, it was a very excited, some trembling sound rang! "Lin... Lin Chen, can you show me the ring on your hand?"