Urban Evil Doctor - Chapter 616

Chapter 616

Chapter 616 Seven Ink Plants

The next day, when the sun was rising, Lin Chen was already sitting by the lake, facing the sun and practicing.

His cultivation has not been slack, but if he only relied on this kind of cultivation, let alone stepping into the third layer of "Sacred Devil's Freedom", it is a step further. It will take a long time to reach the realm of the congenital and late.

Originally, it took a little more time for him.

However, now that he has angered the Jiang family, and the Miss Wei family who wants to kill An Xueyao, he also needs to go there, so he must become stronger.

After all, the current strength is still a little bit worse.

After Lin Chen finished his training, Long Xuelan also came out, his expression was cold, as if nothing happened last night.

Under the leadership of Long Xuelan, Lin Chen quickly came under a steep mountain.

The mountain is hundreds of meters high, straight into the sky, like a sword, piercing the clouds and pointing to the sky!

"Follow up!" Long Xuelan said, and then Lian Bu moved and ran directly along the mountain wall almost ninety degrees above the ground.

Lin Chen followed her and ran towards the top of the mountain.

At this time, if the picture is seen by outsiders, it is estimated that they are immortals. After all, this method has already exceeded the stage of flying cornices, completely violating gravity!

Soon, the two appeared on top of the mountain.

The area on the top of the mountain is estimated to be several hundred square meters. There is a small lake, flowers and trees, and countless poisonous snakes and insects!

These poisons are equivalent to the guards here!

Lin Chen's eyes lit up because he found many good things in the flowers and trees!

"Ginseng, Polygonum multiflorum, Ganoderma lucidum... yes, some years!"

Lin Chen walked quickly to a ginseng plant, his eyes were bright, and he squatted down. After checking it, he was excited: "This ginseng is estimated to be seven or eight hundred years old!"

With his eyesight, there is no need to dig out the ginseng, check it out, and the approximate year will be known.

Although the ginseng from the seven or eight hundred years is still a bit away from Tiancaidibao, it has already played a significant role for him.

Lin Chen got up again and went to check other herbs, as if a tomb thief entered the emperor's mausoleum.

"Yes, this Lingzhi also has six or seven hundred years!"

"This is Dragon Beard Fruit! Good thing!"

"Hua Yang Cao! It's also a good thing!"

"Dark blue grass! There is even dark blue grass here!" Suddenly, Lin Chen stopped in front of a few dark blue "weeds", his face full of ecstasy.

"Mo Lancao?" Long Xuelan, who had not spoken on the side, also came over at this time, looking at the few "weeds", his voice with some doubts.

The things here, according to Gu Gu, have been handed down from the Voodoo door for hundreds of years, and some of them do not know the name.

For example, when Lin Chen stared at the dark blue "weeds", she didn't know what it was. If it weren't for the "weeds" crystal clear, it looked a bit extraordinary, she really wanted to be It's a normal weed!

Lin Chen didn't answer her, but excitedly said: "I want these seven ink blue grasses, I don't want any other, as long as you agree, I will now copy "Wan Gu Mo Dian" to you!"

At this time, Lin Chen was very excited.

Ink bluegrass, even in the world of dreams, is extremely rare and can be used to refine "Yangqi Pill"!

"Nourishing Qi Pill", for the innate strong, is simply a big tonic. As long as you eat it, the innate true qi in the body will quickly grow stronger.

At the innate stage, using "Yangqi Dan" to practice is like cheating!

Lin Chen also did not expect to be able to encounter such good things here.

This "Ink Bluegrass" contains Reiki, which can almost be called Lingcao, not a mere thing!

With seven "Ink Bluegrass", seven Yangqi Pills can be refined, and without any accident, with seven Yangqi Pills, he can go one step further and reach the realm of congenital later!

It didn't take long for him to step into the mid-innate period, and now it is possible to step into the later period. If he is known by other ancient warriors, there is definitely an urge to try hard with him!

It's simply more dead than popular!

Some people can't take a step in his life, but he can quickly pass through the immortality!

The reason why Leng Dongliu is called "Pill Immortal" is also because some of the immortals he has developed are, in the eyes of others, no different from Immortals!

"Good." Long Xuelan nodded directly.

These seven "weeds" are of no use to her at all, and she will not refuse them.

"But there is a premise that your "Wan Gu Mo Dian" must really have an effect." Long Xuelan added.

"Relax, there must be an effect." Lin Chen said from himself.

The creator of "Wan Gu Mo Dian", but a female demon with some admiration even cold and cold.

The devil was a character who had been cold for hundreds of years. Her physique was Wan Gu poisonous body. About her, there was a record that shocked the world.

Because she was very spicy and cold-blooded, she was not tolerated by the famous decent people, but later she fell in love with a decent disciple.

As a result, this matter was known to those in the school, and her man was directly executed!

The witch's hair was crazy, and he slaughtered thousands of people in the martial arts overnight, killing the sea of corpses, and no one survived, shocking the entire martial arts!

It was also because of this that she completely angered all the famous deities of the rivers and lakes, was attacked by the group, and finally died of Huang Quan!

Although she died, it was still a legend in the martial arts until hundreds of years later!

Leng Dongliu also got her "Wan Gu Mo Dian" by chance, and Lin Chen also got this exercise from her heritage!

Lin Chenxin said, think about it carefully. The temperament of that female demon seems to be similar to that of Long Xuelan, not like a normal person.

Now that the other party agreed, Lin Chen went back to Diaojiaolou directly and copied "Wan Gu Mo Dian" to Long Xuelan.

""Wan Gu Mo Dian" is divided into three parts, upper, middle and lower, respectively corresponding to the three realms of extraordinary, congenital and acquired! If you want to overcome the pain and symptoms caused by Wan Gu's poisonous body, you need to practice at least middle part. However, you are already an innate master, the next article is still very easy for you." Lin Chen said.

"Extraordinary? The realm above the congenital?" Long Xuelan was frightened by Lin Chen's words.

She is now in the mid-congenital realm, and the "Black Gu Jing" she has cultivated can only be cultivated to the innate peak!

The practice given by Lin Chen could be practiced above the congenital!

She also knew that, above nature, she was called extraordinary!

She originally thought that the exercise given by Lin Chen was specifically used to restrain Wan Gu poisonous body. In addition, there would be no other effect!

Now it seems that this is not the case!

This exercise can actually be practiced above her congenital power. With this alone, she made a lot of money!

After all, in her opinion, she only gave Lin Chen seven "weeds" that were useless to herself!

For a time, her face became a little more complicated, but unexpectedly, Lin Chen treated herself so... so good?

Is it possible that he is really fighting his own idea? Long Xuelan thought.