Urban Evil Doctor - Chapter 615

Chapter 615

Chapter 615 Little Wife Little Wife

Lin Chen reacted this way. What he said just now seems a bit rogue, but the rogue is rogue. He will not apologize.

So, Lin Chen didn't answer, and Long Xuelan didn't speak, and the two stared slightly.

"By the way, this one is for you." Lin Chen broke the tranquility first, took out the wood carving that Grandpa Liu Yilian gave him, and handed it to Long Xuelan.

Long Xuelan didn't reach for it. After glancing at it, he frowned, "What is this? What are you doing for me?"

The woodcarving is a family of three, two adults, a baby child, somehow, Long Xuelan looked at the woodcarving and felt inexplicably cordial in his heart.

She didn't know how Lin Chen sent this to herself, and how could she feel this strange feeling!

"Your father left you." Lin Chen said.

Long Xuelan stunned, and then his face seemed to be covered with frost, staring at Lin Chen, his voice cold into the bone marrow, and said: "Who made you do more business? Get out of here immediately! Throw me this thing I don't have any dad!"

"Are you sure you want to throw it?"

Lin Chen was not affected by her harsh tone at all, but sighed, "He has passed away, this should be the only connection between your father and daughter."

"Dead?" Long Xuelan looked at Lin Chen suddenly, his eyes widened and his face pale.

Lin Chen nodded and conveyed what Grandpa Liu Yilian told him to Long Xuelan.

Regarding her mother's death, she would have to give birth to her, and his father's guilt for her.

Lin Chen's tone is very soft, because, in this simple story, the affection contained in it is great.

In fact, Lin Chen knew that it would be cruel to say this to Long Xuelan now.

Because she knew that her parents loved her, but she had to face the fact that her parents, the two people who loved her, were already dead.

After listening to Lin Chen's words, Long Xuelan's emotions did not seem so intense, but he kept silent and his face indifferent.

Then, Lin Chen found that the woman's eyes were red and tears shed, but she didn't even blink her eyes

On the same day, the person who knew he had always hated loved himself deeply, but at the same time, he knew that the person was dead. Only Long Xuelan knew what it was like.

"You're crying." Lin Chen suddenly felt sorry for the woman.

"I haven't, I won't cry." Long Xuelan's voice was stubborn, but she did weep, and her eyes were a little confused. It seemed that she didn't know what to do about this world.

Lin Chen changed the subject and said: "Your cheongsam should also be changed, not very suitable."

He was really jumpy on this topic, making Long Xuelan stunned, looked at him, frowned, "What the **** do you want to say?"

"I want to say that although Gu Gu is also very tall, but she should be very thin? You see, this dress will be braced by you." Lin Chen said.

The woman is graceful and graceful, with her forward bulging and her back raised. This cheongsam dress looks really hot.

Of course, the reason why he didn't have anything to look for was purely because he didn't want to see this woman crying all the time, and wanted to distract her.

Long Xuelan didn't seem to have so many tears. At this point, the tears had stopped, and the teasing of Lin Chen didn't matter, but asked: "Do you know Gu Po?"

"Well, Grandpa Liu Yilian said, Gu Gu took you away. By the way, she died?" Lin Chen said a little impolitely.

Long Xuelan didn't care, and said: "Dead."

"When did you die? You died after you transformed your body?" Lin Chen asked.

Long Xuelan said: "She was dead before my body was successfully transformed, but she told me what needs to be done later."

Lin Chen heard that, his face was horrified.

Listening to this, this woman turned her body into Wan Gu poisonous body!

Ordinary people, when experiencing the unimaginable pain, are all crazy and difficult to keep awake, and this woman, while enduring that pain, continues to consume various poisons!

Just like, a person uses a knife to dig up the flesh and blood on the body.

It's relatively easy to stab it with the first knife, but you can still bite your teeth and continue under the knife to dig out the flesh and blood, which is terrible!

This woman's endurance, even among the people she has seen in her lifetime, is one of the best!

Long Xuelan saw Lin Chen not speaking, and suddenly said, "Why on earth did you want to save me? Taking advantage of the opportunity just now, my destiny Gu could not exert his usual strength, you are likely to kill me, or maybe Severely hurt me, and then threatened me to take you to the medicine garden, and then ransacked!"

After talking, she looked at Lin Chen, waiting for him to recover.

In her heart, she was really puzzled.

"Why do you think it is?" Lin Chen was also speechless about the woman's suspicion. He didn't tell him all. Was she suddenly kind-hearted? Why did this woman just not believe it?

Doesn't it look like a good person? Lin Chen thought.

"Do you have any other schemes? What do you want to do?" Long Xuelan suspiciously.

Between her and Lin Chen, in her opinion, that is the enemy. She really does not know why the enemy will help herself.

It even helps to communicate things about parents!

Lin Chen was completely speechless. It was really not easy to be a good person, but also to be questioned from the east and the west, to tell the truth that this woman did not believe it!

He simply looked at Long Xuelan's bumpy body, and then said, "I'm plotting you, shall I?"

"Plot me?"

Long Xuelan froze for a while, then a blush appeared on her face, and she gave Lin Chen a fierce glance, and said, "No more nonsense, I cut your tongue!"

Lin Chen was not afraid at all: "Why am I talking nonsense, you look so beautiful, is it strange that I plot you? If I don't plot you, why should I save you?"

Long Xuelan was stunned and could not help it. Is this guy really fighting his own idea?

Her face suddenly turned red.

"Huh, blushing, hasn't anyone said you like you before? No one has confessed to you?"

Lin Chen seemed to find something interesting, and at the same time a little puzzled, but soon, I understood.

Although this woman looks like a country, she is in a high position and is the master of the voodoo door. With her physique and this personality, where may someone dare to confess to her!

Unexpectedly, this woman who looks cruel and violent also has this innocent and lovely side.

I don't even dare to look at her more!

"I didn't blush, you talk nonsense again, I cut your tongue!"

Long Xuelan was annoyed and glared at Lin Chen. "Don't you all have that An Xueyao? If you mess with me again, I will kill you!"

Lin Chen rolled his eyes and said "I killed you" and "I cut your tongue". I guess it was still the mantra of this woman.

He didn't take it seriously: "What if I have An Xueyao, I also have Yiren, Xixi, Rong and Hanyan. Not many of you are added."

Long Xuelan was stunned, this man, there are several women, and so shameless, how dare he say more than one!

"Get out!" Long Xuelan flicked towards Lin Chen with a sullen face.

Lin Chen escaped with a flash, hehe smiled and said: "Okay, I'm going, about the matter of being my little wife, you think about it."

After talking, he patted his **** and left.

He just said that there are 5 women, so if Long Xuelan also becomes another woman, it is naturally a little little wife.

Long Xuelan glared at Lin Chen's back and waited until he disappeared from the doorway before picking up the wood carving Lin Chen put on the bed.

Carefully looked at the pair of wood-carved men and women, they have a love for the child on their faces, there is no slight false.

This kind of love gives people a sense of sacred and solemn!

Long Xuelan's face was complex and silent. It wasn't until about half an hour later that he carefully collected the wood carving as if it were a treasure.

Now, for her, this wood carving and the cheongsam on her body have the same meaning.