Urban Evil Doctor - Chapter 555

Chapter 555

Chapter 555: Opposition

Inside the wooden house.

Han Shuang was already flushed with blood, her snow-white neck was fragrant with sweat, and her eyes were a little misty. The strange feeling in her body became stronger and stronger. She bit her lip tightly and prevented herself from making any sound.

The shadow demon was sitting beside her with a smile, and she was not in a hurry. While tasting red wine, she watched Han Shuang's beauty. Beauty is better than Huajiao. For him, it is the best scenery in the world.

Just when Han Shuang became more and more desperate, and her body's strange feeling was about to drive her crazy, not far away, a cry came suddenly.

"Mr. Adolf, I also hope you can help me this time and let me get through the hardships. In the future, everything I Xu Shanhu will be yours!"

The Shadow Demon whispered, and his face was a little surprised, "What's the matter, is it possible that Qiu Tianxiong is there, and there can still be an accident? The other party also has the existence of the Holy Power?"

After he finished speaking, he seemed a little interested and walked to the window.

"Beauty, wait for me, I will come back to tame you soon." The shadow demon turned back and smiled at Han Shuang, then jumped out of the window.

"Go! Who wants you to come back, you won't end well!"

Han Shuang's in vivo narcotic power seemed to have diminished a bit, and she also had a little effort to speak. She scolded a bitterly and turned her head to look, but she was so surprised that she widened her eyes!

The Shadow Demon dashed directly over the water, and soon disappeared in a large wooden house not far away.

"It's over." Han Shuang's face was desperate, and to this point, the other party was such an inhuman existence, and she was really over!

Tianzi No.1 Wooden House.

Everyone looked at the white blond old man who was already standing in the house, but he still couldn't react. Looking at his eyes, it was like hell.

Walking on the water, this means, let alone seeing it, they haven't even heard it, at most it's seen on TV!

However, there is no doubt that people on TV are fooling people, and they have never believed.

But now, this kind of picture really appears in front of them!

Everyone was so shocked that their eyes would fall to the ground!

This is simply a fairy-like means, even more shocking than the scene where Qiu Tianxiong grabbed the bullet before!

"Mr. Adolf!" Xu Shanhu was overjoyed when he saw the shadow demon coming, knowing that he was willing to shoot.

"what happened?"

The Shadow Demon glanced at Qiu Tianxiong on the ground and saw that he was looking at himself for help, but he couldn't even speak, and he could not help shrinking his pupils, saying, "Who beat him like this? It's so cruel means!"

"I hit it, do you have an opinion?" Lin Chen said.

The Shadow Devil frowned and looked at Lin Chen. Similarly, Lin Chen was also looking at him. The eyes of the two men were fine, cold and fierce, as if there was an invisible confrontation.

The rest were breathless, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

They had already seen Lin Chen's ability, and the old man was just stunned.

At this time, it is simply a fairy fight, where do they dare to participate in peace!

Suddenly, the shadow demon looked a little surprised, looking behind Lin Chen, Shen Sheng said: "Irina, why are you here?"

Standing behind Lin Chen, Irina also knew that as soon as the shadow demon came over, he would be discovered immediately.

But even with the preparation in her heart, Irina found out that the moment the shadow demon saw her heart thumped, a sense of fear spread in her body!

For the people of the "Phantom" organization, the shadow demon is a god-like existence. He has too many legends, it is simply the death of the world, and he is undefeated.

When I met at this time, this feeling turned into tremendous pressure. Irina opened her mouth, but was so nervous that she couldn't say a word!

In an instant, fine crystal sweat beads appeared on Irina's forehead.

At this time, a figure was blocked in front of Irina.

Lin Chen blocked Irina behind, and met the shadow demon's sharp, knife-like gaze, tit-for-tat: "She was brought by me, do you have an opinion?"

The shadow demon's face sank, and all of a sudden, everyone felt that the air in the house was a bit cold.

At this point, there was already a rough guess in the Shadow Demon's heart.

He sent Alva to catch Irina, but Alva has not come back until now, and this Lin Chen has the ability to kill Qiu Tianxiong, Alva's strength is almost the same as Qiu Tianxiong!

"How about Alva? How did you treat him?" The Shadow Demon sneered.

Alva is the most outstanding genius in "Phantom", and he is much stronger than he was when he was younger. Now he is his left arm and right arm, and he is loyal to him!

"Kill!" Lin Chen shrugged, very casually.

"Damn it! You are so daring! You are so **** damn!" In the eyes of the shadow demon, Han Mang is like a wind knife and a frost sword, with a greasy face on his face, which is obviously extremely angry.

The killing of Alva is a huge loss for the "Phantom". It is more like cutting off his hand. How can he not be angry!

He has broken Lin Chen's heart!

Lin Chen was not afraid, smiled and said: "Since you think I should be damn, then you came to kill me? Why so much nonsense?"

The Shadow Demon snorted coldly and said: "Don't worry, you will die immediately, and you dare to kill me, I will let you die better than life!"

Lin Chen said with a headache: "Why do you all like people to die so much? It seems that you want to be like this guy."

Lin Chen pointed to Qiu Tianxiong, who was paralyzed on the ground.

"Huh! He doesn't even worthy of giving me shoes. Don't think you win him. For me, killing him is just a blink of an eye, and killing you is the same!" Shadow Demon sneered.

After finishing speaking, he looked at Irina behind Lin Chen again, and said coldly: "Irina, I will give you one last chance now, get over here, I am really curious, how dare you come to betray me, you Did you forget what was in your head?"

"Idiot, are you proud of threatening a woman?" Lin Chen said contemptuously.

"Boy, you don't know anything, and you don't know the terrible place of our "Phantom", shut up for me! I will pack you up soon!" The shadow demon scorned, and apparently didn't take Lin Chen seriously. Going on.

Lin Chen pouted, "Pretending to be pretty mysterious. After all, isn't it just a micro bomb installed in the minds of the members of the organization to control others? Unsurprisingly, some members are estimated, you will still use Family members are used as a means of control, right? Old tricks."

Saying me, he smiled and taunted again: "I'm sorry, Irina's head has been taken out by me, so your wishful thinking is short."

"You took it out? Impossible!" The Shadow Demon was stunned first, then frowned.

With Lin Chen blocking in front, at this time, Irina's fear of the shadow demon is not so strong, and said: "There is nothing impossible, the micro bomb in my brain, Lin Chen has helped me take it out. ."

While speaking, she moved closer to Lin Chen, which seemed to make her feel more secure.

The Shadow Demon stayed blank, staring at Lin Chen, and said, "Boy, it seems that you must die!"

Irina's movements were seen by him in the eyes, and she felt a little jealous in her heart. Irina was the woman he liked, but now stood beside her and was against her.

Moreover, Lin Chen can take out the micro bomb in the human brain, so for the "Phantom" organization is an existence that must be wiped out!