Urban Evil Doctor - Chapter 554

Chapter 554

Chapter 554 Do you still think I am talking nonsense?

Most people sighed in their hearts. The monster of the night dynasty, as of today, seems to be de-listed.

As for the fight between Lin Chen and Qiu Tianxiong, there is no need to even look at it, and everyone knows what the ending is.

Facing a congenital strong man who can catch bullets, where is such a young man, where is the possibility of a turnaround?

Qiu Tianxiong slashed with a grin on his face. For him, it was not a fight at all, but boring to kill each other.


Lin Chen didn't even turn around, reached out and grabbed Qiu Tianxiong's wrist.


Qiu Tianxiong froze for a while, and then his face went wild. He was a superman-like congenital strongman. Killing an ordinary person was no different from chopping melons and vegetables.

And now, his wrist is clasped!

Qiu Tianxiong instantly realized that he was underestimating his enemies, a flash of dignity and fierceness flashed on his face, and there was a decision in a flash.

This time he has broken bones no matter what, so that the other party is better than death, but to kill the other party directly!


Lin Chen turned around, but grabbed his other wrist, and grinned at Qiu Tianxiong, "You are too slow."

"you you--"

Qiu Tianxiong was dumbfounded. His shooting speed was not much worse than the bullet. This man was even slower!

But the problem is that the other party really grabbed his wrist and resolved his attack. The huge force of his hands, like a rock sinking into the sea, without any ripples!

He flicked his body violently, mobilizing all his muscles and innate energy in his body. He wanted to get rid of Lin Chen's hands. Of course, Lin Chen's hands were made of stainless steel and immobile!

"Don't struggle, I have chosen the second one. Naturally, you have to break your bones, and the struggle is useless."

Lin Chen finished speaking, kicking in Qiu Tianxiong's abdomen.



Qiu Tianxiong was screamed with a kick. At this time, he seemed to become an ordinary person, spit out a blood, his lower body was kicked back by Lin Chen, and if the hands were not caught by Lin Chen, the whole person had already flew out!


"My God! What did I see?"

"The innate strongman can't beat this Chen brother?"

Some people were still sitting on the chair, and all stood up suddenly at this time, staring at this scene with stunned eyes.

Brother Hyena and others showed ecstasy on their faces, and looked excited.

Shaved Li couldn't help but shouted: "Brother Chen is invincible! Kill this king bastard! Hahaha, when you meet our boss, you are a fart, how powerful are you!"

He was also scared by Qiu Tianxiong's hand just now, and at this time he only felt that his eyes were raised and exasperated.

Over eighty years old, there was Mr. Xue, who had fallen in front of the mountain without appraisal, but his face was stunned, as if he had seen the most incredible thing in the world!

Facing a young man in his early twenties, he was so vulnerable that he was so powerful!

The most splendid complexion was Xu Shanhu. At this time, his eyes were wide and his mouth widened, which seemed to become a stone sculpture, as if he had forgotten his breath!

"How could you be so strong! You are also a congenital strong? How old are you, this is by no means possible!"

Qiu Tianxiong was kicked by Lin Chen, his body was very uncomfortable, but this pain was really insignificant compared to the shock in his heart.

He has been famous for decades, and he is well-known in the world, but he is no match for a hairy boy. This is what caused him the most pain!

"Why not? The world is so big, there are so many things you can't imagine."

Lin Chen snorted, twisting his hands hard.

Click, click...

Qiu Tianxiong is a congenital strongman, and his bone strength has almost caught up with steel. However, at this time, his whole hand was twisted into a twist, and the sound of cracking bones came out!


Qiu Tianxiong yelled in pain and looked at Lin Chen in horror. There was no arrogance before half a point. Instead, it seemed that the rabbit met the lion and shouted in horror:

"Stop it! Stop it soon! I won't mix this thing, I will leave now! Please let me go!"

"Leave, what you think is pretty!" Lin Chen sneered.

This man just opened his mouth just to kill himself, or to let himself die better than life, to treat such an enemy, where could he let him go.

Lin Chen loosened Qiu Tianxiong's wrist, and then his hands seemed to become spirit snakes. He touched Qiu Tianxiong's body and tapped his fingers on him, but the movement was too fast, and the people next to him could not see clearly.

Boom Boom...

A popping voice came from Qiu Tianxiong's body, Qiu Tianxiong screamed, and when he fell to the ground, he seemed to have become a mess of mud and could not move.

His mouth was open, his face was covered with sweat beads, and his expression was fierce, and he seemed to endure great pain, but he couldn't even cry out!

Looking at this scene, everyone is a little stiff, and their hearts are shocked, and they are directly scared out of a cold sweat!

Even those who were present were not good people, and they had experienced many scenes of chopping people with swords, and the dead were not unseen. At this time, they were still scared.

It's too ruthless!

They also finally understood why when Qiu Tianxiong gave two choices before, Lin Chen chose the second one if he didn't want to.

It took a long time, because Lin Chen's choice was not chosen for himself, but for the other party!

"Treat enemies, especially those who want to kill me. I hope you know that I will never be soft-hearted." Lin Chen swept around everyone in the house.

These stormy figures in the underground world of Yuehai City, at this time, were afraid to look at him at all, and all dodged or even lowered their heads.

However, he was only in his early twenties. This scene, if known to outsiders, would be absolutely terrified.

Zhu Hao and Zhang Jing almost buried their heads in front of their chests, without blood on their faces.

All the people of the Night Dynasty, at this time, all looked up and their chests were high, with great momentum, with such a boss, they felt great glory!

Lin Chen turned to look at the ugly, sweaty Xu Shanhu and said:

"Originally, I was just going to let you Tieshan Gang come and go back, but since you want to kill me, then things are not so easy. I just said, interrupt your dog legs, now Do you still think I am talking nonsense?"

His words are bland, but he has a kind of gloomy momentum. Xu Shanhu couldn't help but take a step back. It was really too much pressure from Lin Chen!

"I underestimate you! I guess Ye Yiren made you accept the night dynasty, you must be very simple, but did not expect that you are so simple!"

Xu Shanhu's face was green, and he gritted his teeth coldly and said: "However, don't be too arrogant. In the end, whoever breaks their legs and who disappears from Yuehai City is not necessarily!"

Everyone was surprised for a while, what does it mean, this Xu Shanhu will have a stronger card?

Xu Shanhu suddenly ran to the window, facing a small cabin not far away, shouting: "Mr. Adolf, I also hope you can help me this time, let me get through the hardships. In the future, everything that I Xu Shanhu will be Your!"

"Lin Chen, Adolf is the Shadow Demon!" Irina's face changed quickly, she said quickly.

Lin Chen nodded, "It's time for him to play."

To be honest, he is still looking forward to this shadow demon who can kill the innate mid-term. Obviously this shadow demon is definitely not comparable to Qiu Tianxiong!

Suddenly, everyone looked out the window with curiosity!

And then, they were all trembling, like an electric shock, and then screamed in shock.

Not far away, a foreign old man jumped out of the window. Then, he stepped on the waves and ran on the water, walking on the flat ground. When he got close, his body jumped and rushed in directly from the window!