Urban Evil Doctor - Chapter 5554

Chapter 5554

Chapter 5554 I am even more unruly than him!

Liu Rongyue was furious, she didn't expect the other party to be so arrogant, and dare to threaten her own witness in front of everyone in the "Reward and Punishment Pavilion".

What annoyed her even more was that the people in the "Reward and Punishment Pavilion" looked at each other with their eyes and their hearts, as if they hadn't seen anything.

Obviously, just now, Deacon Xue had a serious face, reassuring himself, but as soon as the other party showed up, everything changed.

However, Liu Rongyue was not a fledgling little girl, she had anticipated this situation in advance.

She looked at Zhou Cheng, and said in a deep voice: "Tell me everything you know! As long as you see it with your own eyes, it is absolutely impossible to hide it. You should know that there are ways to deal with your situation directly. Check your memory."

Zhou Cheng almost cried.

Involved in the dispute between these two big men, he is like a small boat on the sea in a storm, unable to control himself, he may lose his life at any time!

If time goes back, he can't wait to slap himself hard.

You shouldn't pick up things with cheap hands. If you didn't feel greedy at the time, there would be nothing later!

"Don't worry, as long as you tell the truth what you see, then I will naturally keep you!"

Liu Rongyue saw that the other party's heart had been shaken, and she spoke again, which was equivalent to giving another candy after a slap.

Although this trick is a bit old-fashioned, it works extremely well.

Zhou Cheng gritted his teeth and said, "I saw with my own eyes that Deacon Zhu attacked Deacon Liu's sister in a sneak attack and sent her flying!"

Liu Rongyue looked at Deacon Xue: "Senior Brother Xue, did you hear that? Please verify the truth of what he said!"

Deacon Xue hesitated, and took out a token from his bosom.

This token is used to distinguish the truth of what the other party said.

Deacon Xue was about to use the power of the token to make Zhou Yi repeat what he said just now, when Deacon Zhu suddenly shouted angrily:

"Well, you don't know how to live and die, you dare to slander me when you commit crimes below? Today, no matter what, I can't spare you!"

No one expected that Deacon Zhu would suddenly explode.

Even if it could be expected, but Deacon Zhu's speed is so fast that no one will be able to stop him.

Deacon Zhu came to Zhou Cheng in an instant, and slapped him on the head with his palm.

"Zhu Mian, stop!" Liu Rongyue's expression changed, and he shouted angrily.

However, since the other party dared to strike, how could he stop because of her angry shout, and with a bang, Zhou Yi was turned into blood mist by this palm, and his mind and soul were instantly wiped out!


A voice like thunder sounded.

When Deacon Zhu turned his head, he saw Lin Chen holding the Xuanyuan Spear, with an angry expression on his face, stabbing him directly between the eyebrows.

"Hmph! Just rely on you?"

Deacon Zhu had a sneer all over his face, and he didn't take it seriously at all. He reached out and grabbed the tip of the Xuanyuan Spear.


A figure blocked between Deacon Zhu and Deacon Lin, and pushed out his hands, two golden rays of light slapped towards Lin Chen and Deacon Zhu like waves, making them both stop.

Lin Chen sneered and said, "Just now you didn't move, but now you're very quick!"

Deacon Xue said with a blank face: "I didn't realize it for a while, but now that I have realized it, naturally I can't let you do it."

He looked at Deacon Zhu: "Junior Brother Zhu, what do you mean? Zhou Yi is an inner sect disciple after all, you just killed him like this, you have to give a reasonable explanation!"

When Liu Rongyue and Lin Chen heard this, their expressions were extremely gloomy.

This guy is not punishing him, he is waiting for Deacon Zhu to make up a reasonable reason himself.

Deacon Zhu's sudden move was not reckless, but before he made the move, he had already thought about how to explain it later.

He said in a deep voice: "According to the rules of the sect, those who offend the superior should be killed! The disciples of the inner sect who slandered the deacon deserve to die! No matter how you look at this guy, he deserves to die. If this is the case, it is not very good for me to clean up the sect. Is it normal?"

Deacon Xue nodded and looked at Liu Rongyue: "The door rules are indeed like this!"

Liu Rongyue's chest heaved with anger, her eyes seemed to spew fire.

Things have not been clarified yet, so why do you directly assert that it is slander?

Now that the other party has killed someone, that is the real death without proof, whether it is black or white, it is obviously the other party's decision!

"Senior Brother Xue, this guy is clearly guilty of being a thief, killing people to silence his mouth, and not paying attention to your 'Reward and Punishment Pavilion' at all! You really can't see it?" Liu Rongyue looked dissatisfied.

Deacon Xue said with a dry smile: "Junior Sister Liu is serious. Junior Brother Zhu has always been impulsive, so why don't you put us in your eyes. In my opinion, it's better to stop this matter. If you are really angry, then let Junior Brother Zhu Apologize to you?"

Liu Rongyue laughed back angrily: "My sister's life, plus the inner disciple's life, he just apologized and passed away? Does Zhu Mian have such a big face?"

"This... the current situation, without witnesses, I can't directly confirm that what happened to your sister was done by Junior Brother Zhu. Or, Junior Sister Liu should wait for the Second Elder to come back? Presumably, with the Second Elder's superb ability, he will definitely be able to do it." Let this matter come to light!"

Liu Rongyue's face turned livid: "That is to say, you 'Reward and Punishment Pavilion' don't care about this matter?"

Deacon Xue looked helpless, and sighed: "This is wrong. It's not that I don't care about it, but that I can't do it because of my limited ability! Unless, Junior Sister Liu, you can produce other evidence?"

Zhu Mian said with a smile: "Junior Sister Liu, if you feel that you have been wronged, at that time, please ask the Second Elder to come forward. If you have to trouble me yourself, then go back to retreat quickly. When will you become an existence of the same level as me?" , It won't be too late to trouble me again.

Liu Rongyue's complexion was as dark as the bottom of a pot, and she couldn't tell that the other party was mocking her for being too weak. If she didn't have her master, she would be nothing.

Although she was full of anger, she also knew that there was nothing she could do with the other party today no matter what.

After a while, the two returned to Liu Rongyue's residence.

Liu Rongyue looked angry, turned her head to look at Lin Chen, and found that the other party did not look angry at all, but was expressionless. It looked like a poisonous snake ready to go. Those gloomy eyes made people wonder. A chilling feeling.

Looking at this scene, Liu Rongyue understood that Lin Chen obviously would not let things go.

She was somewhat satisfied with Lin Chen's performance, and was about to speak when she heard Lin Chen say:

"Go and get all the information you can collect about that guy, and let me have a look."

Liu Rongyue was startled: "What are you going to do?"

Lin Chen didn't answer directly, but with a cold look in his eyes, he said coldly:

"If he is shameless, then I will be even more shameless than him! If he doesn't follow the rules, then I will be even more unruly than him!"