Urban Evil Doctor - Chapter 5553

Chapter 5553

Chapter 5553: Reward and Punishment Pavilion

The jade token is not only Liu Rongyue's status symbol, but also a treasure specially refined for her by her master, Taoyao naturally wants to tell Liu Rongyue that the token is gone.

At the beginning, Taoyao didn't want to make it too clear. It was under Liu Rongyue's questioning that she said that she used the jade card to help Lin Chen break through the realm.

However, when telling the specific reason, Tao Yao also asked Liu Rongyue to promise not to tell Lin Chen about it.

At that time, Liu Rongyue agreed to Tao Yao.

But right now Taoyao may have had an accident, Liu Rongyue was in a state of confusion, so she didn't care about the things she promised Taoyao before.

In her opinion, all this is because of Lin Chen!

He hated Lin Chen so much.

When Lin Chen learned the truth from Liu Rongyue, he froze in place.

He thought that he had broken through to the fourth-rank God King because of the opportunity brought by the original giant beast, but unexpectedly, it turned out that Taoyao used the jade card to help him!

"I was a little surprised at the time, it turned out to be like this!"

Lin Huohuo's voice rang in Lin Chen's mind.

At that time, she was in seclusion and didn't know what happened to Lin Chen. After leaving the seclusion, she was surprised to see Lin Chen break through to the fourth-rank **** king. She didn't expect such a reason.

"I don't know what kind of **** luck you have, but she treats you so well! You really owe this woman a lot!" Lin Huohuo said.

Liu Rongyue sneered: "Now, you know the truth, how does it feel?"

Lin Chen smiled wryly and said: "If I can use my life to exchange her back, then I won't hesitate at all! I can assure you of this!"

Liu Rongyue was quite satisfied with this answer.

She also knew in her heart that it would be meaningless to try to make things difficult for Lin Chen right now, and the most urgent task was to ensure Taoyao's safety.

"What's going on, tell me everything you know!" Liu Rongyue said in a deep voice.

Lin Chen told Taoyao that he had come to find Taoyao, but found another "Yuanyang Mingyu Sword" by accident, and what happened afterwards.

"A disciple of the third elder, is the same deacon of the Dragon Elephant Glazed Tile Sect as I am?"

When Liu Rongyue heard the identity of the sneak attacker, she was surprised at first, and then she looked angry.

From her words, Lin Chen judged that she guessed that she had never dealt with this Deacon Zhu, and she didn't even know the name of the other party.

After Lin Chen learned that her master was the second elder of the Dragon Elephant Glazed Tile Sect, he had an idea in his mind, and immediately asked, "Can you ask your master to come forward and beg for someone from the other party?"

Liu Rongyue's expression was a bit ugly: "My master is not in the sect right now. In fact, he has been away for several months. Earlier, I asked Xiaoyao to wait here. When the master comes back, I will go to ask for it." Asked for a new token, but she refused to listen, and had to go to you right away!"

Every word she uttered was like a knife piercing Lin Chen's heart.

But Lin Chen knew that right now he didn't even have time to be sad, what he had to do was to quickly confirm Taoyao's situation!

"Then use your identity as the second elder's personal disciple to find that important person from Deacon Zhu?" Lin Chen said.

"That's the only way!"

Liu Rongyue nodded, but she knew in her heart that the other party might not give her face.

That guy took action against Taoyao, probably through some kind of channel, knowing that he treats Taoyao like a younger sister, so he guessed that he would definitely give her a treasure!

In short, he shot Taoyao precisely because of his relationship with Taoyao, so how could he be afraid of himself!

What's more, the Dragon Elephant Glazed Tile School is divided into different factions.

Her master, the Second Elder and the Third Elder, had always been ambivalent. If her master came forward, that person surnamed Zhu would be afraid, but if she only came forward, that guy might not take it seriously at all.

But in any case, it is better to go to the other party than to do nothing!

Furthermore, now that I have Zhou Yi's witness in hand, this must have been unexpected by the other party!

With someone's evidence in hand, I don't believe that guy can open his eyes and talk nonsense.

Not long after, Liu Rongyue and Lin Chen appeared in a large hall.

Beside them, there were several other people, namely Zhou Yi with a worried face, several inner disciples of the Dragon Elephant Glazed Sect from the "Reward and Punishment Pavilion", and a deacon surnamed Xue.

The Dragon Elephant Glazed Tile Sect forbids the same sect to fight each other, and any conflicts among the sect members will be decided by this "Reward and Punishment Pavilion".

Even if there is any conflict between the elders, according to the rules, they cannot do it privately, but will be handled by the "Reward and Punishment Pavilion".

Of course, if that's the case, it's not the few people here, but the owner of the "Reward and Punishment Pavilion" - the fifth elder of the Longxiang Liuli Sect and a bunch of deacons.

"My younger sister may still be in the other party's hands right now, so I will trouble Senior Brother Xue with this matter!" Liu Rongyue said to Deacon Xue with a sincere face.

Deacon Xue said with a smile: "Junior Sister Liu, don't worry! Since there is a witness present, and this witness is an inner disciple of my Dragon Elephant Glazed Tile Sect, then this matter"

At this moment, a tall middle-aged man walked in from the door with a cold face.

Deacon Xue's expression froze: "Junior Sister Liu, the person who attacked your sister is Junior Brother Zhu!"

"It's him!" Liu Rongyue stared at Deacon Zhu coldly.

When being accepted as a direct disciple by the second elder, a corresponding ceremony was held. Except for a few core figures of the Dragon Elephant Glazed Tile Sect, everyone else was present.

Although the third elder and the second elder did not deal with each other in private, they did not tear their faces apart.

At that time, the third elder came over, and this person probably came with the third elder, but at that time, Liu Rongyue didn't pay attention to this person at all.

Deacon Zhu walked up to Liu Rongyue, glanced at the people in the "Reward and Punishment Pavilion", and said to Liu Rongyue:

"Junior Sister Liu, what does this mean? I thought you had something to say to me, why did you call these guys over?"

Several inner disciples of the "Reward and Punishment Pavilion" all lowered their heads, and they didn't even dare to look at Deacon Zhu.

The person in front of him is a direct disciple of the third elder, not to mention their inner disciples, even Deacon Xue is a little bit unconfident.

There are also differences among deacons.

Relying on his status as a deacon of the "Reward and Punishment Pavilion", Deacon Xue can bluff ordinary deacons, but in front of this third elder's personal disciple, he is not enough.

"Stop pretending! Don't you know what I mean?" Liu Rongyue said with a cold face.

Deacon Zhu spread his hands and looked helpless: "Junior Sister Liu and I don't get along very well, how do you feel that you have a deep prejudice against me?"

"Don't deal with it much? I'm afraid you often inquire about things around me!"

Liu Rongyue was too lazy to continue talking nonsense, and looked at Zhou Cheng, "Tell me what you saw with your own eyes before!"

Deacon Zhu frowned, looked at Zhou Cheng with sharp eyes, and said with a half-smile:

"What did you see? By the way, I haven't seen you. Could it be that you are also the second elder's direct disciple and don't take me seriously?"

Zhou Cheng's face turned pale.

He didn't have the Second Elder as his backing. He opened his mouth, but he didn't dare to say anything. In the end, he shut his mouth honestly and lowered his head.