Urban Evil Doctor - Chapter 5119

Chapter 5119

illegitimate child?

Hearing this, Rao Shi Qingyu, no matter how indifferent his personality was, he almost laughed.

Lin Chen was full of black lines on his forehead, and he didn't know how this woman's brain grew.

There is no similarity between the looks of the **** of the Qing Prison and herself, why can she have such a weird guess?

He was just speechless, but he didn't get angry because of it.

The Green Prison God Lord didn't know him well. After he was amused, he worried that the words of Elder Tian Lan would anger Lin Chen, and said hurriedly:

"Don't talk nonsense. Senior, his strength must be higher than mine. When you speak, pay attention to your attitude and don't talk nonsense!"

Elder Tianlan was taken aback again, the strength of the young man in front of him is still higher than that of Big Brother Qingja?

You don't even know such a powerful character?

She also knew that God of Qing Prison would not make jokes about this kind of thing, but was shocked and didn't have much doubt.

"I am not only stronger than him, but like the demons, I come from a world higher than the Underworld Realm. But don't worry, the demons and I not only belong to the same force, but they are also rivals!"

Lin Chen smiled: "The God of Qing Prison is now doing things for me, and I will take him away from here in the future to a higher level world. Are you also interested in doing things for me?"

Elder Tianlan was stunned for a moment, and said, "What if I say no?"

"That's a pity, I can only kill you." Lin Chen answered bluntly.

Elder Tianlan smiled bitterly: "Then why should you ask me, is it possible that I still want to die? I am willing to do things for you in the future."

Lin Chen blinked and said with a smile: "For this kind of thing, you always have to ask your own opinion. Maybe you would be willing to die for the Sea God Palace?"

Elder Tian Lan sneered: "For the Sea God Palace? The current Sea God Palace has long made me frustrated, and let me die for the Sea God Palace. What jokes are you making. Not to mention..."

She looked embarrassedly at the God of Qing Prison, and said nothing.

"What's more, your eldest brother in Qing Prison has rebelled. You are naturally a husband and wife?" Lin Chen answered with a smile.

Elder Tianlan's face flushed slightly and did not refute.

The Green Prison God Lord glanced at Lin Chen helplessly, feeling that this senior was different from those strong men he had known before, and his mentality was much younger. Not only did he not have the feeling of being superior, but he was also a little gossip!

The matter between him and Elder Tianlan is a long story, and there is a knot in it. You can stay together if you talk about being together.

Don't want to continue this topic, Qing Prison God Jundao: "Senior, let's go to that palace now, or wait for you to break through before going there?"

"Under normal circumstances, how long does it take to completely master a law with the help of the'Great Dao Shen Yunzhu'?" Lin Chen asked rhetorically without answering directly.

"The length varies, but it's basically a few years."

Lin Chen secretly said in his heart that with the help of the "Dao Shen Yunzhu" to master the law, he relied on the power of the "Great Dao Shen Yunzhu" and did not need to resonate with the origin of the chaos.

In the Undersea Realm, it is impossible to even sense the chaotic origin of the Yunmeng Ancient Realm.

Under this circumstance, it is completely possible to enter the **** prison tower to practice, and it has no effect on the cultivation effect.

As a result, it took less than a month to put it in the prison tower in a few years.

It takes no more than two months to master the two laws!

I can sharpen the knife and chop wood by mistake. I still have this patience for two months.

What's more, the elder Tianlan has just said that the entrance to the space is located in a very hidden place, and it is difficult to find under normal circumstances, so there is no need to worry about being picked up by others.


Lin Chen was shocked, his own thoughts were problematic.

Now I am not only myself, but also a member of the Demon Suppression Army, so when thinking about problems, you should think from the perspective of the entire Demon Suppression Army.

You must absolutely trust your companions and choose the safest way!

In this situation, the safest way is not to wait for oneself to master the remaining two laws, and then go to the entrance of the space to explore what treasures are in the palace.

Instead, he immediately called Senior Dongfang and Senior Yue Kong over to let them go to the palace with Elder Tianlan!

The two of them go, more sure than themselves.

In this way, there will be no conflicts in time.

When they go to the palace, they can go back to retreat and master the remaining two laws!

Anyway, if the two of them go, it makes no difference whether they go or not.

He insisted on following the past, but to satisfy curiosity, to some extent, it was a waste of time.

As for what treasures they get, will they give them a share?

At this point, we need to trust each other! "Without everyone, there would be no small family. Now, I am a member of the Demon Suppression Army. I am fighting together against the evil demon outside the world. If I am a little careless, the Suppression Army will be defeated. Then my family and I have nothing to do. Who can be spared! At this time, the Suppression of Demons

The overall interests of the military should be above personal interests! "

After thinking about this, Lin Chen didn't hesitate anymore, and had plans in his heart.

"Senior, do you plan to wait for the breakthrough and then check it out?" The Azure Prison God Jun looked a little disappointed, and he felt that this kind of thing should be done sooner rather than later.

Although it is unlikely that someone will be the first to board, it is not completely impossible!

"No, just go over and find out now. But not with me!"

Lin Chen's answer made the Green Prison Lord stunned, completely puzzled.

Without further explanation, Lin Chen took out the inch-long jade sword that Dongfang Ji gave him and poured his strength into it.

The jade sword burst out bright colored light, the colored streamers gathered together, the space was distorted, and soon there was a gate that was condensed by the light, which looked very mysterious.

The door slowly opened, and two figures flew out of it.

It is Dongfang Festival and Yue Kong!

During this period of time, Dongfang Ji and Yue Kong had been searching day and night, but they did not find any useful clues. In their opinion, Lin Chen was not as strong as them, so naturally there would be no discovery.

When Lin Chen called them over, their first reaction was that Lin Chen was in trouble.

Therefore, the first time he appeared, he looked left and right with vigilant eyes, and he was ready for a big battle. If he couldn't fight, he would look for opportunities to prepare Lin Chen to drive away.

"Fortunately, I am smart. I pulled Yue Kong over immediately. If I encounter trouble, I will have greater confidence. This kid is too cautious. Who has provoked him? Could it be an outside evil here? "

Dongfang Ji was in a heavy mood. He suspected that Lin Chen was too cautious and was discovered by the enemy. I saw Lin Chen on the mountain below, waving at himself happily.