Urban Evil Doctor - Chapter 5118

Chapter 5118

"and many more!"

The sound coming from a distance caused Lin Chen and Qing Prison God Lord to turn their heads and look at them at the same time.

A woman in her thirties is flying towards this side. Her appearance is not particularly beautiful, but she has a gentle and sweet feeling.

Even though she seemed soft and weak, the aura on her body was not weak at all, she was at the level of a demon god, and was obviously an elder of the Sea God Palace.

"Tian Lan, what's the matter with you?"

The Green Prison God Monarch and this female elder seem to be familiar, at least the attitude is much better than that of the short and fat old man just now.

"Brother Green Prison, you came just right, and I happen to have something to tell you!"

Elder Tian Lan glanced at Lin Chen, then ignored Lin Chen, and when he looked at the God of Qing Prison, his eyes were particularly gentle.

Seeing this scene, Lin Chen murmured secretly, between the two people, I'm afraid there is an adulterous affair, at least this female elder seems to be interesting to the **** of Qing prison.

Green Prison God Jundao: "What's the matter?"

Elder Tian Lan glanced at the pudgy old man who had not left.

"Hehe, you two talk, I'll leave first." The old man was very witty and turned to leave.

Even so, Elder Tianlan still didn't intend to talk here, grabbed the hand of the **** of Qing Prison, and flew into the sky.

"Let's leave here first, and then I will explain the situation to you in detail."

Not only Lin Chen, but even Qing Prison God Monarch became curious, what is it, you must be cautious to such a degree that you can't say it here?

The Green Prison God Lord glanced at Lin Chen, and seeing that Lin Chen didn't intend to stop him, he let Elder Tian Lan take him away.

Lin Chen followed behind them.

The three left the palace above the clouds and came to a barren mountain in Sea God Island.

After the elder Tianlan planted the soundproof barrier, he turned his head and looked at Lin Chen. The meaning is self-evident, that is to let Lin Chen leave quickly, and she wants to talk to the God of Qing Prison alone.

What annoyed her was that the young man had no eyesight and had no intention of leaving at all.

"He is not an outsider. If you have any words, just say it directly." Qing Prison God Monarch said.

Elder Tian Lan still hesitated: "But this matter is related to the life and death of the two of us. I think it is better to be more cautious as you can."

These words shocked both Lin Chen and Qing Prison God Lord.

Lin Chen refused to leave even more, looking from left to right, as if he hadn't heard Elder Tian Lan tell him to leave.

The Green Prison God Lord felt helpless, not because he didn't want him to leave, the problem was that this guy was the uncle, he didn't want to leave, and I couldn't drive him away!

"Just say it!" Qing Prison God Jundao.

Seeing that the elder Tianlan had already spoken to this point, the **** of Qing Prison still refused to let Lin Chen leave, and he was at a loss in his heart. He secretly asked who this young man was, could it be the illegitimate son of Big Brother Qing Prison?

Otherwise, why are you so used to him!

Thinking of this, my heart felt sore. When did Brother Qing Prison have an illegitimate child, he didn't even know?

Lin Chen on the side was also proud that he had a thick skin. If he knew what was in Elder Tianlan's heart, he would have to spit out a mouthful of old blood.

"Brother Qing Prison, you should know that those demons asked Sea God Palace to help them find the space entrances that appeared bizarrely. The palace owner chose to work for the demons and spared no effort to let us find them."

Elder Tianlan was a little bit excited on his face, "I always thought that the entrance to the space that the demons were looking for was likely to lead to a place with great opportunities.

The palace lord chose to be obedient, but I didn't want to! Every time I find a space entrance, I will check it first. "

Lin Chen was surprised to hear that this elder Tian Lan was so powerful, even their palace owner honestly helped the evil spirits outside the world, but when the opponent's running dog, she secretly had other thoughts.

This courageous person would definitely kill her if he was discovered by the evil demon outside the world!

No wonder, being so cautious, just begging to leave.

The Green Prison God Sigh sighed, but he was not very surprised.

He whispered secretly and told Lin Chen that the reason why Elder Tianlan hated those demons so much was because the two disciples she regarded as children had both died at the hands of evil demons outside of the world during the conflict at the beginning of the year.

Of course, she is not willing to give up the hatred of murder.

Putting expectations on the Sea God Palace, the palace owner took the lead in surrendering. As a result, she was dissatisfied with Sea God Palace for a long time, and it was not surprising that she would have other careful thoughts.

"That's it!" Now, Lin Chen finally knew what was going on.

Immediately, he suddenly thought that Elder Tian Lan would tell the Qing Prison God Sovereign of this matter, still looking mysterious, did he have any big discoveries?

At this point, my heart is full of expectations.

"In the beginning, I found a space entrance, but it only leads to another place in the underworld, there is nothing special at all.

Behind, I found another space entrance in another extremely hidden place. After I entered, I saw a majestic and broken palace! "

Elder Tianlan's eyes were full of eagerness.

"What's in the palace?" Lin Chen couldn't help asking.

Elder Tianlan glanced at Lin Chen dissatisfiedly, and was even more displeased with this "illegitimate son" who had no eyesight. However, seeing the God of Qing Prison looking at himself curiously, he finally replied:

"I don't know what's in the palace. Because when I was about to fly into the palace, I rushed out a few puppet guards. The strength was very terrifying. They were all demon gods. If I hadn't escaped fast enough, I wouldn't even be able to. return."

The Green Prison God Jun said: "You came to me because you want me to go with you and deal with the guards. Look at the palace, is there any treasure?"

Elder Tianlan nodded quickly: "Exactly."

"Are you sure he can deal with the guards by going with you? Also, after you are sure that you have dealt with the guards, if you step into the palace, there will be no other danger?

Will you two go past, will there be no return? Last time, you were lucky to run fast, doesn't it mean you can escape every time, right? Lin Chen interjected again.

Elder Tianlan frowned, this guy really didn't understand the rules, and always interrupted himself!

Just when she wanted to reprimand, she saw the **** of the green prison nodded:

"Senior said that these possibilities are not unavailable. You must be cautious. But when the time comes, seniors will walk with us, and you will be more confident."

The Green Prison God Lord is also very interested in that palace. He also believes that the reason why the evil spirits outside the world are looking for those special space entrances must be because those space entrances, where they lead, contain big secrets!

In short, there are probably amazing treasures and opportunities hidden in that palace!

In any case, you have to go and see it, maybe it will be amazing!

As for whether to take Lin Chen with him?

Just kidding, is this what he said that he could not bring it?

He has no right to decide at all! "Pre... Senior?" Elder Tian Lan was startled, and said, "Brother Qing Prison, why are you calling his senior, he is not your illegitimate child?"