Urban Evil Doctor - Chapter 5025

Chapter 5025

Chapter 5 and 25: Prajna Bodhi Seal

The patriarch of the Tieman clan rushed away excitedly with the nine-colored sky-filling stone and Xuanyuan spear, and went to the refining room. Only halfway through, he remembered something, and hurriedly called to Tiya to help Lin Chen arrange a place to stay.

"You haven't told me about the approximate time. How long will it take to refine the Yunmeng Supreme Treasure? If it takes too long, then I will go back first, and then it won't be too late to come over and get it."

After Lin Chen saw that this guy asked Tia to arrange a place for himself, he immediately wanted to leave. He couldn't laugh or cry to stop him.

"Hey! I forgot."

The patriarch of the Iron Man clan scratched his head in embarrassment, but he was so excited that only the matter of quickly refining Yunmeng Supreme was left in his mind, and everything else was left behind.

He was moved in his heart.

Lin Chen obviously trusts the Tieman clan extremely, otherwise, he will not say that if it takes a long time, he will go back first, and then come back to get it later.

"The most important thing in elevating the ordinary Chaos Supreme Treasure to Yunmeng Supreme Treasure is to find the Nine-Colored Sky Filling Stone. As for this process, it doesn't take long!

Senior, you only need to stay in our clan for a few days. At that time, I promise to give you a piece of Yunmeng's treasure that satisfies you with both hands! "

The patriarch of the Iron Barbarian patted his chest.

Immediately, Lin Chen stayed in the Iron Man clan.

When he arrived at the residence, after Tia left, Lin Chen sat cross-legged on the bed, and with a thought, a dark flame gushed from his brows and turned into a flame-like mark.

At the same time, Lin Chen felt clear in his mind, and his perception of the various laws of the world became clearer.

"Although the effect of this'Princess Bodhi Seal' is not as good as the'Dao Jade Spirit Rhinoceros', it is much stronger than Xuan Huang Zhong! To me today, it is perfect."

"Prajna Bodhi Seal" is the special ability that Lin Chen obtained from the chaotic fire of Baromu.

It cannot be used in battle, but it can enhance the host's perception of the power of the law. It is not as amazing as the effect brought by the Daoyu Spirit Rhinoceros, but for Lin Chen, who wants to improve the realm most urgently right now, it is undoubtedly It is a very suitable ability.

If it is a special ability used in combat, it is very likely that it will become a tasteless chicken rib.

After all, the chaos and different fires from the small world of fragments and the special abilities attached to them can basically not bring a decisive influence on the battle of ascetics of Lin Chen's level.

"Xiaoyu, can't come out yet?"


The Daoyu Spirit Rhinoceros flew out of Lin Chen's eyebrows, stood on his shoulders, licked his face obediently, and then turned into light and melted into Lin Chen's body.

Finally, Lin Chen used the Xuanhuang Bell.

Xuan Huangzhong can also improve his perception of the surrounding laws. Although the effect it plays now is no longer comparable to when he first got it, the cockroach legs are meaty no matter how small.

In this way, the three methods came out, although it was still far inferior to the cultivation of Dao Jade Spirit Rhinoceros on the Conferred God Stage.

But compared to purely cultivating on the Conferred God Stage without using the Dao Jade Spirit Rhinoceros, it is not inferior, or even worse.

Time flew by, and two days passed in a blink of an eye.


There was a loud noise from the outside world, followed by a sneer.

"You guys are so brave, I'm a Void True God who came to tell me what the patriarch is retreating on the refining device?

Not to mention that he is retreating the refining device, even if he is going through life and death, he has to get out and see me immediately. If it is to waste my time, it is not the iron barbarian that can afford it now! "

The sound was not loud, but it contained a shocking aura, clearly spreading to every corner of the Iron Barbarian tribe.

Lin Chen, who was closing his eyes and cultivating, opened his eyes suddenly: "True God Hongying, why is he here?"

Immediately, he sensed a powerful and incomparable divine mind, sweeping from his body.


Lin Chen's face changed.

Obviously, the true **** Red Sakura was too lazy to talk to the Tieman clan, and directly used his divine mind to search, to extract the Tieman clan chief.

Of course, it does not rule out that there are other purposes, such as searching to see if there is anything abnormal on the Ironman side.

"Your kid is here too?"

The true God Hong Ying came into Lin Chen's ears with surprise and sneer.


Accompanied by the loud noise, the house where Lin Chen was located was instantly wiped out, turning into dust and dissipating without a trace.

True God Hongying was standing less than ten meters away from Lin Chen, staring at him with cold and condescending eyes.

Just now, the divine mind swept across Lin Chen, which was destined to be discovered.

The people of the Iron Barbarian tribe obviously couldn't keep up with the movement speed of True God Red Sakura, and only then did they catch up. Looking at the scene before them, they were a little puzzled.

Tia ran to the true God Red Sakura and respectfully said: "Senior, this is the benefactor of our Iron Barbarian tribe, depending on your manner, is there any misunderstanding with him? Can you"


Without finishing his words, the true **** Hongying slapped him away.

"What kind of thing are you! Not to mention you, even your patriarch is not qualified to chirp in front of me. When I do things, it is my turn to be taught by you little guys?"

True God Red Sakura sneered: "If you talk nonsense again, you will not be punished slightly, but will just take your heads and souls away!"

Tia flew out and landed on the ground, her mouth full of blood, her face sunken.

Lin Chen's forehead bounced with blue veins and hated in his heart, but it was a pity that he was not strong enough, otherwise, he would definitely smash this guy's arrogant face.

Looking at Lin Chen with an angry face, Hong Ying smiled and said: "Why, want to do it? Just try it out!"

"Senior Hongying joked. I am in front of you, just like you are in front of Senior Kaye, how dare you do it? Very honest!"

Lin Chen narrowed angrily and said with a smile.

Hong Ying's eyes were cold.

I couldn't tell from there, the other party was mocking myself. In front of the strong man like God King Kaye, he didn't dare to put his fart, only dared to bully people who are weaker than himself.

"I ask you, Baromu and Yun Konglie, did you do the thing?" Hong Ying asked in a cold voice.

Lin Chen stunned: "What do you mean by doing something? Did I do it? I don't know what you mean, senior?

Does it mean that they lost to me seven thousand merit points? If so, I did it. "

Red Sakura frowned.

If Lin Chen's answer was that the two Yun Konglie did not die because of himself, then he would immediately attack him.

After all, if it wasn't for Lin Chen, how could Lin Chen know that the two of them had fallen.

However, Lin Chen's answer was impeccable, and True God Hongying couldn't be sure whether the fall of his two disciples had something to do with this kid.

At this moment, the space above the sky was distorted, and the majestic chaotic air current, like a bank breaching flood, surging out endlessly.

"This is... the origin of the chaos of the ancient world of Yunmeng has come! What happened?" The true **** Hong Ying was suspicious.

Lin Chen's expression changed and he yelled badly.