Urban Evil Doctor - Chapter 5024

Chapter 5024

Dongfang Ji burst into laughter.

This kid really speaks!

Returning to the small world of the wild sky directly caused the fall of two members of the Demon Squad. If this is discovered, the Red Sakura God will definitely not let it go, and it will inevitably make him lose his life.

At that time, even if you come forward, nothing will change.

Furthermore, the true **** of the void he brought back was just a soul body, and it would take a lot of price to reshape the body and restore the combat power of the true **** of the void.

That's it, still thinking about the benefits?

"Is there any benefit, I can't answer you for the time being. After all, it's the first time that the one brought to join the Demon Squad is a soul body that doesn't even have a physical body. I can only say that I will try my best to help you fight for it." Dongfang Ji Helpless way.

Lin Chen waited for this sentence.

He didn't get entangled any more, and after handing over the soul body of True God Tianmu and Luis to the Eastern Festival for arrangement, he left from here.

Not in a hurry to return to Earth City, he planned to take a trip to the Iron Barbarian first.

"Although I think my hands and feet are very clean, the other party can't find anything. But in everything, we must prepare for the worst!

Not to mention becoming the true **** of the void, if my combat power can reach the level of the true **** of the void, even if it is discovered that the fall of the two of Baromu is related to me, as long as the true **** Hongying has no conclusive evidence, then it is estimated that I can't take anything away. .

The most direct way to improve combat power at the moment is undoubtedly to quickly upgrade Xuanyuan Gun to Yunmeng Supreme Treasure! "

A figure stood in the vast white fog.

"I want to see who the **** is, even my disciples dare to kill. If I find it out and don't break it into pieces, I will never stop!"

This figure is the true **** Hong Ying who has just rushed over to the "Holy Fallen Forbidden Zone".

Although he didn't care much about the two disciples, Baromu and Yun Konglie, in his palace, there is a jade monument left by the two disciples of Baromu.

Not long ago, the jade stele of the two of Baromu shattered, which means that both of them have fallen.

True God Hongying was extremely angry about the two of them falling, but the reason why he was angry was not because of the death of two disciples, but because someone dared to move him.

Previously eating at the Eastern Festival had filled his heart with resentment. Even if he deliberately brought a disaster to the Dragon Kingdom, it would not be able to eliminate the anger in his heart.

After all, in his opinion, Lin Chen is nothing but a young man under Dongfang Ji's hands, not to mention just causing trouble to Lin Chen, even if Lin Chen is killed, it will not make him feel better.

Only when he is eaten up as an oriental sacrifice of the same level can he be happy.

Right now, he hasn't let the Dongfang Festival eaten up, and some people dare to look for him to be unlucky!

"Time has reversed!"

The true God Hongying whispered, with waves of surging energy, centering on him, spreading in all directions.

Soon, his power actually enveloped the entire Holy Fallen Forbidden Area.

He only used one thought to turn back the time of the entire Saint Fallen Forbidden Zone.

It stands to reason that as time goes backwards, the images of this heaven and earth will begin to look back, but reality is not like that. I saw that the space of this heaven and earth became distorted, and there was no image going back.

True God Hong Ying snorted coldly: "It's quite cautious!"

This is the last thing Lin Chen did when he returned to the ancient world of Yunmeng with the soul body of True God Tianmu.

He teamed up with True God Tianmu to forcefully exert an influence, causing the time law in the forbidden area of the Holy Fall to become chaotic.

For example, normal time passes and an event occurs, just like a car speeding on a road. In this case, reversing the time can easily make the car go backwards in the direction it came.

But if the law of time becomes too confusing, it is equivalent to turning that road into a twisted road, and there will be countless forks.

In this case, it is impossible to reverse the time and make the car go backwards in the direction it came. It will only cause the space to become distorted and no image can be seen.

True God Hong Ying's face was gloomy: "There is absolutely no strong man in the small world of the wild sky that can make the two of them fall. Judging from this twisted law of time, it also shows that everything is man-made.

Perhaps, the two of them have been targeted for a long time? Did you know in advance that they would come here, and then followed? "

True God Red Sakura's brain turned rapidly, and he knew very well that the two of Baromu would never tell others that there might be a nine-color sky-filling stone.

If his guess is correct, how did the guy who caused their fall got the news and ran over here?

"Iron Barbarian!"

Soon, he thought that Barromu had gone to the Iron Barbarian tribe before they came over.

"Could it be related to that ugly dwarf race?"

True God Red Sakura thought for a while, he had never had any grudges with the Iron Man clan, and the two of Baromu were the same, otherwise, they would not run over there with their eyes.

Furthermore, the Iron Barbarian clan has long since fallen, and there is no strong man who can make the two of Barrom fall!

"Did I think too much, or does it really matter?"

Staying here, I couldn't find any clues. True God Hong Ying thought for a while, and simply went to the Iron Barbarian tribe.

Rather than guessing here, it's better to ask questions over there!

"Nine-colored sky-filling stone! This...senior, did you really find the nine-color sky-filling stone?"

After the patriarch of the Iron Man clan let the other clan members retreat, he ran to the table quickly, looking at the nine-color spar that Lin Chen put on the table, and the skin and flesh on his face were trembling with excitement.

Something was already in front of him, but he still asked, looking stupid.

But I was too shocked in my heart. I didn't expect that I would actually be able to see this kind of treasure!

"Next, I will trouble you." Lin Chen took out the Xuanyuan spear and put it on the table together, "When can you start refining, I hope the sooner the better!"

"Now! Soon! I can start refining now." The patriarch of the Iron Barbarian clan was incoherent with excitement. For the Iron Barbarian tribe, being able to refine a piece of Yunmeng Treasure can be said to be the greatest glory.