Urban Evil Doctor - Chapter 4848

Chapter 4848

Luis is not uncommon, and she has also seen the treasure of Chaos that can be explored from a distance.

If Lin Chen only possessed a treasure of this type, she wouldn't be surprised, but when she saw the master of Hongyuan in the mirror, she couldn't help but be surprised.

How keen is the perception of the king's ruler, and he didn't even notice anything?

Lin Chen's eyes remained on the mirror, and he responded:

"The universe of creation is quite special. Compared with other chaotic treasures of the same type, its detection range is not large, but it is more hidden. Even if the king is the ruler, it is impossible to detect its detection."

Luis envied: "No matter how large the scope of exploration is, it is not as concealed as it is. This treasure did not seem to be taken out by you last time. Did you just get it? Could it be, it was found in this Holy Fallen Forbidden Zone. of?"

"Not only found in the Saint Fallen Forbidden Zone, but also snatched from the hands of the King Sealer." Lin Chen responded lightly.

The Emperor Underworld took the other masters of the Canglan universe and stared at the "Universal Creation Realm" earlier than him, but in the end this thing fell into his hands.

It is said that it was snatched from the hand of the king, and there is no big problem.

Louise rolled her eyes charmingly: "If you don't want to tell, why don't you tell a lie that can't be faked when you hear it."

She naturally didn't believe that Lin Chen could **** things from the king's master, only when Lin Chen was unwilling to say more, so she said nonsense.

Lin Chen didn't explain, his eyes still fixed on the master of Hongyuan on the mirror.

Seeing that the master of Hongyuan was heading in a certain direction, it seemed to be purposeful. Lin Chen guessed that when the other party came here, he might not just want to hit luck to see if he could meet the treasure.

Maybe he already knew what treasure was somewhere, and headed for that treasure.

Just in his mind, he was curious about what the Lord of Hongyuan was looking for, when the spirit of the "Universal Good Fortune Realm" came out with an idea, telling him that the Lord of Hongyuan was about to leave the detectable area.

Lin Chen only noticed at this time that although the direction that Ruiz led the way and the direction that Hongyuan ruled forward were both heading to the core area, there was still a huge deviation.

The distance between the two sides is rapidly increasing.

"Do you need to change direction, stare at her first, and see what she is doing here. Then we will look for the ruins dominated by the wild sky?"

Luis asked.

"Forget it." Lin Chen shook his head.

Since Cassia and the others are not in the body of the Hongyuan master, it is not suitable for playing against each other at the moment.

Since I don't plan to do it, there is no need to waste time to satisfy curiosity.

"Let's go find the ruins of the Lord of the Wild Sky first." Lin Chen stopped staring at the Lord of the Red Garden, and Luis moved forward faster.

Ruiz hesitated and said: "I can't guarantee 100% that the information I got is correct, and that the road map on that map is true. Perhaps, we ended up with nothing but nothing. ."

Lin Chen said indifferently: "Don't worry, even if I don't find anything, I won't be angry with you for no reason and make trouble for you.

There is no absolute thing in this world. I am very interested in the Lord of the Desolate Heaven. As long as there is a little possibility, I also want to look for it. "

Ruiz was relieved when he heard this.

As time goes by, the temperature of the severe cold changes, gradually becoming warmer, and then it is hot, and finally it is almost like being in a melting pot.

The crimson ground looked like skin cracked after being exposed to the sun.

"Here, it's this area!"

Finally, Luis stopped and looked at the "world of good fortune" suspended on the side, and said with envy:

"Your mirror is really easy to use. I walk alone, and always get into trouble. With your mirror, I can spot dangers in advance time and time again, and seek advantages and avoid disadvantages!

Would you like to use it in exchange for Soul Controlling Gu? If I want to, I can spend time cultivating Soul Controlling Gu specifically for you in exchange for this mirror. "

Lin Chen put away the "Universal Good Fortune Realm", shook his head and said: "I am still interested in Soul Controlling Gu, but the "Universal Good Fortune Realm" has a greater effect on me at the moment and will not exchange it with you."

Luis showed a disappointed look and changed the subject:

"According to the markings on the road map, the ruins dominated by the desolate sky are located in this area. Next, we will look for them and don't miss any place, including the underground!"

In the next few days, the two carried out a carpet search, carefully exploring every inch of the ground, including the depths of several thousand feet underground.

The result was disappointing.

There are a lot of troubles, such as the undercurrents deep underground, the yin wind that can disturb people's minds, the poisonous miasma that can corrode flesh and blood, etc. As for the ruins dominated by the desolate sky, no clues have been found at all.

"What's the matter, is it possible that that map is fake?"

Ruiz frowned, took out an old leather map from the space ring, carefully checked it, and after a moment he looked at the surrounding scenes, and said: "It's almost this area, that's right!"

"Didn't you mean that this map is too old and has been blown to dust by the wind?" Lin Chen asked blankly.


Ruiz cried out badly, but forgot the lie he had lied before.

She gave a dry cough and said with a serious expression: "In the beginning, the map was indeed blown away by the wind. I made this map again in order to prevent forgetting the route map in my mind.

Don't look at the old map, it's actually because I've been to a secret place where the time flow is different from that of the outside world. In fact, it hasn't been long since I made this map. "

"..." Lin Chen looked speechless, stretched out his hand and said, "Then you can show it to me now?"

Luis smiled awkwardly and handed the map to Lin Chen.

After Lin Chen took it, he carefully checked the above route and some features of the area where the ruins were located, and determined that it should be where he was.

"Could it be that this map is just a prank, there are no ruins dominated by the wild heavens in the Holy Fallen Forbidden Zone?"

Lin Chen frowned, disappointed in his tone.

Ruiz sighed and was about to say "it should be like this" when the already extremely hot temperature rose again at an alarming rate.

In the blink of an eye, because the temperature is too high, it even causes the space to be distorted.

Lin Chen and Ruiz were shocked at the same time, and the first reaction was that they were in trouble, just like when Ruiz was suddenly frozen.

But the next moment.

They saw that a strange sight appeared in front of them. The ground vibrated, huge ravines appeared on the cracked ground, crimson magma continued to gush from the ground, and a volcano slowly floated from the ground!