Urban Evil Doctor - Chapter 4847

Chapter 4847

Seeing that Lin Chen was really interested, Ruiz continued to explain:

"I also got a clue only recently. It is said that before the Lord of the Wild Sky disappeared, he had been in the core area of the'Holy Fallen Forbidden Area' for a long period of time." Lin Chen reached out and touched his chin: "'Holy Fallen Forbidden Area' The core area? This area is a bit too big. Even in the core area of the'Holy Fallen Forbidden Area', there are really ruins left by the Lord of the Wild, but there is no other clue. I want to find that place.

, It is estimated that nothing is possible! "

If it was so easy to find, it would have been found long ago.

Where can I get the two of my own?

Ruiz smiled slyly: "I naturally have other clues."

"What's the clue?" Lin Chen was speechless, this woman dared to be betraying her, is there any clue?

After thinking about it, he understood why the other party didn't say it directly.

He said: "I am also interested in the ruins dominated by the desolate sky. I promise you that as long as you really have accurate clues, I will go with you to find them."

Luis continued: "I also got a road map. Although it is old and broken, the location of the ruins marked on it can still be roughly judged. With this map, the range of the specific location of the ruins can be greatly determined. Zoom out!"

Lin Chen showed a dazed look, seeing that the other party didn't mean to show him the map, he smiled and said, "You still said I was too wary of you, don't you guard me in the same way?"

Luis was not embarrassed at all, and said: "It's not that I don't want to show you the map, but that the map is too old. I took a look at it and remembered the route in my mind. The map was caught by the wind. It turned into ashes with a blow!"

I believe you have a ghost!

Lin Chen didn't bother to entangle this. When he was about to let the other party lead the way, he suddenly noticed a powerful aura and was approaching here at an extremely fast speed!

Luis instantly changed his face and turned to look forward to the left.

The visitor was a middle-aged woman with a fierce face, with scales on her face, and a fierce aura on her body, one-third like a human, and seven-third like a man-eating beast.

Seeing this woman, Lin Chen was surprised at first, and then his eyes became gloomy.

"Master of the Red Garden!"

When Luis saw the visitor, his face immediately changed.

The kings and masters outside the world, a few old universes add up, there are only so many in total, each of which is famous.

Luis not only heard about the Lord of Hongyuan, but also had a fate.

She remembered how she and Lin Chen had dealt with King Qin Yan and King Raksha, and the fate of King Raksha after that, a chill suddenly appeared in her heart.

Lord Hongyuan appeared here, did he already know about King Raksha, he was here to retaliate?

"I have seen the Master of Hongyuan!" She was shocked in her heart, and on the surface she shouted respectfully.

Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at Lin Chen and found that Lin Chen's expression was not good, but he was still very calm, and could not help but admire Lin Chen's character in his heart.

Lord Hongyuan came to the front, without even looking at Luis, his gaze fell on Lin Chen.

After she noticed the movement here, she rushed over immediately, but she did not expect to see Lin Chen here.

"Why are you here?" Hongyuan's master arrogantly asked Lin Chen.

Lin Chen asked back: "The'Holy Fallen Forbidden Zone' is not part of your Xuyuan Universe, why can't I appear here?"

"As long as you have the ability to come here to die, naturally it has nothing to do with me. But I want to remind you that even if you die, in ten thousand years, if the Rakshasa King hasn't returned yet.

Even if he really retreats somewhere, by then, I will kill those guys who fall into our hands first! If you don't want them to have an accident, take the initiative to find King Raksha and send him back. "

Hongyuan's dominant tone is cold and authentic.

After speaking, he turned and left, not interested in wasting time on a little guy like Lin Chen.

Luis was confused when he heard it, and didn't understand what Hongyuan ruler's words meant.

King Raksha is like that, where is it possible to go back?

Her eyes became weird, and she secretly said in her heart, could this king master be fooled?

Even the master of the king can fool, this guy is too strong!

Seeing that the master of Hongyuan was about to leave, her hanging heart was relieved.

The next moment, he heard Lin Chen shout: "Wait!"

Luis was so frightened that her body trembled, and she desperately winked at Lin Chen.

What does this guy want to do? If they didn't do anything, you just let her leave!

What if she changes her mind?

Lin Chen didn't know what Ruiz was thinking, and even if he knew it, he wouldn't care about it.

He stared at the master of Hongyuan and said, "Where are Cassia and the others being held? Is it in your space treasure, or the space treasure of the Jinji Dao master, or is it on your lair?"

The ruler of Hongyuan stopped and said disdainfully: "What are you asking about, if I say, they will be held in the treasure of space on my body, you still want to fight with me?"

There was ridicule in her eyes.

In the entire "Xuanhuang Universe", now only City Lord Wuyou, Yuanshi Mountain Lord and Heaven Axe Lord can make her take it seriously.

As for the boy in front of him, even if he is stronger than the ordinary master, killing him by himself is no different from killing the ordinary master.

After a few sarcasm, she said: "I am not interested in bringing a bunch of trash with me, and I am also not interested in wasting too much time on you.

Remember, if King Raksha does not come back in ten thousand years, I will kill those guys first, then kill you, and then look for opportunities to kill your parents, wives and children in Xuanhuang Universe! "

Her figure became blurred and disappeared in place.

Ruiz let out a long sigh of relief when he saw that the other party had finally left.

Turning his head to look at Lin Chen, wanting to ask what was going on, only to be startled by Lin Chen's cold and ferocious eyes.

However, it is as if seeing an illusion.

She blinked, and when she looked at Lin Chen, Lin Chen's eyes were as flat as a windless lake.

"Why are you stunned, aren't you going to find the ruins of the Lord of the Wild, and not leading the way?" Lin Chen saw Luis staring at him blankly, a little helplessly.

"Ah? Oh! Okay, I'll lead the way."

Louise came back to his senses, nodded quickly, and led the way.

Lin Chen secretly said in his heart that this spider queen did not expect to have such a silly looking side.

The "Universal Good Fortune Realm" flew out from Lin Chen's eyebrows.

Lin Chen followed behind Luis while looking at the mirror of the "Universal Creation Realm".

Luis glanced curiously, and then his eyes widened slightly, and exclaimed: "Master Hongyuan! Are you watching her? No! What kind of treasure are you, you can stare at her without being crowned king. Dominate discovery?"