Urban Evil Doctor - Chapter 214

Chapter 214

Chapter 214 She Was Very Rubbish

Lin Chen's face was a bit gloomy, his eyes splattered.

And the audience.

But it's already fried, and many people believe Zhang Yiting's words, because she looks really wronged.

"Does the little fairy really think she's a great school flower? What kind of school flowers are made by those stinky boys. Anyway, I support Tingting. They are really bullying!"

"CAO! Who is Bai Lan's boyfriend? He is so arrogant, he dares to call others rubbish, is he himself a rubbish? He has the ability to play the piano like Zhang Yiting! Zhang Yiting has won the National Guqin Competition What a junior champion he is!"

"It's really bragging this year without paying taxes, and you can win Zhang Yiting by just playing bombs. He thought he was Ye Menghuang!"

"Fuck! Don't compare this kind of person with my goddess!"

"Don't be excited first, maybe there is a misunderstanding here. Bailan belongs to our class. I feel that she is very good. It should not be possible to bet against Zhang Yiting."

On the jury.

Principal Liang's face was also very unsightly, and he smiled and said to Ye Menghuang: "Menghuang, there are some misunderstandings. I know the white and blue, not like a girl who will cause trouble."

Bai Lan was recommended by An Xueyao. Principal Liang naturally paid more attention. He felt that Bai Lan was very educated and educated, and he was also polite. He would not do what Zhang Yiting said.


Ye Menghuang replied faintly, but his eyes were extremely cold and he was obviously a little angry.

Zhang Yiting just walked away at this time. Lin Chen and Bai Lan took the stage behind Zhang Yiting. The three passed by, and Zhang Yiting smiled with pride at them.

With today's appearance, Bai Lan's reputation is absolutely completely stinky, and her little fairy is definitely not a thing. Perhaps, her "guqin fairy" Zhang Yiting will become the new school flower, she is the real fairy!

When Bai Lan appeared on the stage in school uniform and Lin Chen wearing some faded jeans and t-shirts, the audience once again exploded the pan, which was even more intense than before.

Among the people present, there were still many people who suspected that Zhang Yiting's words were false. At this time, when they saw that they were actually wearing a casual dress on the stage, they immediately believed Zhang Yiting's words.

Suddenly, everyone on the stage noisy loudly.

"It's so arrogant, I didn't even change my clothes, get on! You guys don't watch the show!"

"I don't want to listen to the **** "Liang Zhu" anymore, get off the stage!"

"Huh! That white and blue is a little fairy, so arrogant, where is the word fairy, Zhang Yiting is the real fairy!"

All kinds of scoldings kept coming, and on the jury, President Liang also looked very uncomfortable.

Seeing Ye Menghuang's eyes with coldness, Principal Liang embarrassedly smiled and said: "Menghuang, there should be some misunderstandings in this, please don't be angry first, wait for the next time I go and ask what is going on."

Ye Menghuang shook his head and said in a cold voice: "Principal Liang, don't need to ask anymore. I'm going to see how powerful this boy is, just bounce and win my students!"

On stage.

When the hostess saw that the audience was noisy and could not perform at all, he was busy holding a microphone and said loudly: "Everyone be quiet, everyone be quiet first! Bai Lan students dressed in such a way, maybe what is the meaning? Let's ask the other party first to see?"

After the students heard the words, they all quieted down, staring at Bai Lan and Lin Chen in bad looks, waiting for their answers.

The hostess handed the microphone to Bailan, who took the microphone, but didn't know what to say.

This was her first performance in front of so many people, and thousands of pairs of eyes were watching her. She was very nervous in her heart, but it happened, and her small face was a little white.

She wanted to explain, and even wanted to tell everyone that the reason why they didn't wear performance clothes on stage was because those two sets of clothes were damaged, and the person who damaged the clothes should be Zhang Yiting.

But now, all the students in the audience regard them as bad people. She said that she might only be regarded as framing Zhang Yiting. After all, she has no evidence at all.

Zhang Yiting looked at some helpless white and blue in the background, his mouth raised, and he was proud.

She believes that her performance on stage just now was perfect. At this time, the people on the stage had already determined that she was a victim. In this case, no matter how Bai Lan explained it, it would only get darker.

Unless she can come up with any evidence, or, like herself, pretend to be aggrieved, and shed some tears, it may still be effective.

But Bai Lan obviously didn't understand this. She was already nervous and pale on the stage, but she bit her lip, her eyes slightly stubborn.

Idiot, really wasted that good-faithful face! Zhang Yiting laughed secretly.

Tonight, she not only wants to win, but also ruthlessly tramples the other party, so that the other party's reputation will be wiped out!

The audience saw Bai Lan holding a microphone and did not speak, and began to feel a little bit dissatisfied, especially the girls. At this time, most of them were in a gloating state. Usually, Bai Lan was touted by a group of boys, but they were jealous. very.

"Why don't you speak? Is it because you can't think of any excuse to explain?"

"Humph! Do you know to regret it now? Late! Hurry up!"

"Don't be so arrogant in the future, do you really think it's great to be pretty?"

The crowd clamored again. Bailan was like a helpless bunny surrounded by a group of evil wolves, her pretty face was even white, and her palms were cold.

Subconsciously, she looked at Lin Chen and grieved: "Brother Lin Chen..."

"It's okay. Give me the microphone."

Lin Chen smiled at her, took the microphone, and then smiled to the people under the stage, "I don't explain anything, there is no need to explain anything, she was playing very garbage, this is the fact, why not let people say What about?"


The performance hall was silent, and even the host who had a smile on his face from the beginning to now, the smile on his face was frozen!

Without waiting for these people to respond, Lin Chen continued to say indifferently: "A good song "Pingsha Luoyan", there is no pop-up look back, no pop-up circling, no pop-up ambition, no pop-up How does Luoyan want to fly Soaring up to Jiuxiao, this is just Yanluo, not Luoyan. The soulless music is meaningless. The performance she just played was really not ordinary garbage."

At this point, everyone reacted and heard Lin Chen's words again. They didn't understand what Lin Chen said, but they didn't even understand Lin Chen, and said that Zhang Yiting could have played well. It's very rubbish, and I added that the sentence is really not ordinary rubbish, which just blows them up, it's too arrogant!

Next, there were thousands of students shouting at Lin Chen. At this moment, Lin Chen had already become the unified enemy of all students!

I have seen arrogance, but I have never seen such an arrogance!

Zhang Yiting was also stunned by Lin Chen's words in the background, and then pouted, cursing: idiot!

She knew that to play Guqin, she had to pay attention to the artistic conception and to have a soul. However, she didn't get to that level and didn't quite understand it. Although Lin Chen said something reasonable, she couldn't think about it carefully.

Talking about artistic conception, talking about the soul of piano music, that is the real master field, how could this guy on stage really understand!