Urban Evil Doctor - Chapter 213

Chapter 213

Chapter 213 Classical Goddess

No. 1 Middle School in Yuehai City.

Performance hall.

At this time, it was already the start time of the party, the two presenters walked onto the stage, and then the programs began one by one.

There is a class performing chorus on stage, but it's really not good. Some of the people on the stage play mobile phones and chat, and most boys look at the middle of the jury seat, sitting next to the principal. Beautiful classical woman in cyan evening dress.

Her skin is better than snow, and she looks beautiful, just like the classical woman who walked out of the lady figure. Just sitting there, she brings an intoxicating charm, which makes her feel ashamed and dare not blasphemy.

Her name is Ye Menghuang. Before she was 30 years old, she was already a master of classical musical instruments at the national level. She was good at guqin and zither. She has played in many top music halls abroad and was called the classical goddess by the Chinese.

There is even a saying on the Internet: Although I don't know what the ancient best beauties look like, or how the four ancient beauties were all over the country, but even if they are beautiful, they are at most like Ye Menghuang. Son.

At this moment, Ye Menghuang sat there motionlessly, and had already attracted the attention of everyone present, including those male teachers, who also peeked at her from time to time.

In addition, there are also many students offstage who are talking about the performance tonight.

"You said, tonight's party, which class will get the first place?"

"I guess it is the seventh grade of high school that will win. After all, they sent out the little fairy of the school flower. Among the three school flowers, she will participate in the performance alone. Who else can compare with her?"

"Wool! The party is more a talent show than a beauty contest! According to me, Zhang Yiting, who is in the second and third grades, will definitely win, and she won last year!"

"I support Zhang Yiting, but she is a student of the classical goddess Ye Menghuang. As long as it is related to my goddess, I support it! As for the little fairy, it seems that I heard that there is a boyfriend. I don't support her!"

"I don't care, let's watch the performance before talking."


"Asshole! This must be the bastard!"

Lin Qizhi looked at the two classical costumes that were almost torn into pieces in front of her eyes, and she gritted her teeth.

These two classical costumes were prepared for Bai Lan and Lin Chen. They were put here well before, but now they have been ruined and cannot be worn at all.

Bai Lan and Lin Chen's complexion is also a little unsightly.

Don't guess, this is definitely Zhang Yiting's job, but there is no evidence, and it's no use going to her at this time!

"It's over! This time I really lost! Now it's too late to look for clothes again!"

Lin Qizhi glanced at the school uniform on Bai Lan's body, and the faded jeans and t-shirt on Lin Chen's body, and became frustrated. When he was dressed like this, he still had to perform "Liang Zhu", thinking about it, from the beginning. Lost!

Bai Lan also felt sad in her eyes. She was looking forward to wearing a costume with Lin Chen. Then she sang and Lin Chen played the piano to show "Liang Zhu" together.

She didn't expect how good Lin Chen would play the piano, nor did she think about what place she wanted to win, winning or losing was not important to her, she just wanted to perform this beautiful movement with Lin Chen romantically in front of everyone.

This is her girlish feelings, want to leave a good memory with the person she likes, but now it is destroyed.

Lin Chen was irritated when he saw Bai Lan's loss. He had no intention of contending for winning or losing, but now, since the other party wants to play, then play with him.

"Blue, you can rest assured, even without these two sets of clothes, there will be no impact. We want to perform music, but not a fashion show, as long as our music is moving enough, what clothes to wear, it does not matter ". Lin Chen comforted.

Bai Lan nodded, but still lonely on the small face. Although Lin Chen was right, he was a visual animal. After all, human wearing has a huge impact on the performance.

Otherwise, those big stars will not always wear some exaggerated and unique eye-catching costumes at the concert.

On stage.

It was Zhang Yiting's turn to perform.

She played a famous Guqin song "Pingsha Luoyan".

At this time, she was sitting in front of Guqin, gently rolling, the gentle and smooth Guqin continually leaped from her fingers, Rao Shi was not understandable by the students under the stage, but they were all admired, for them It is great to be able to play a guitar, not to mention the classical instrument like Guqin.

As she finished the song, thousands of classmates all applauded.

At this moment, Zhang Yiting, in the eyes of these students, seems to have also brought a layer of classical brilliance and become more beautiful and moving.

Many men and women are shouting "Fairy Guqin" and waving the glow stick in their hands, they are extremely excited.

On the jury.

Principal Liang, who was in his 60s, smiled and said to Ye Menghuang: "Menghuang, you are really a good student, and it is estimated to be a leader in the Guqin world."

"Principal Liang, you have won the prize. She is not as powerful as you said." Ye Menghuang smiled slightly.

"Haha! You, not only you are humble, but even your students have to be humble with you. It's okay to be proud of your skills."

Ye Menghuang chuckled and did not speak again. She was not humble. She really felt that Zhang Yiting didn't play well and even dissatisfied her, but of course, at the school's party, It's okay to be first.

Zhang Yiting on the stage finished, but instead of leaving directly, he picked up the microphone and smiled at the audience and asked, "Good evening, students, don't you know if my performance was just right?"

She had some shyness on her face, and it seemed as if she was a little embarrassed to ask.

"Yes! It's so nice!"

"Tingting, you are my goddess. In my heart, you are more beautiful than the three school flowers!"

"Yes! Tingting, you are the most talented, and you look so beautiful. I think you are fully qualified to be the school flower of No. 1 Middle School!"

"Zhang Yiting, the champion tonight is destined for you!"

Hearing Zhang Yiting's words, the audience immediately responded loudly, and their words also made Zhang Yiting's face smile and his eyes were proud.

"Thank you very much for loving my music!"

Zhang Yiting bowed to the audience, even with some tears in her eyes, smiled bitterly: "May I say to you, in fact, I was really anxious just now. Because I just made a bet with the school flower fairy Bailan If my rank is lower than her today, then when I see her sister Lin Qizhi in the future, she will have to call the other party's grandma. And her boyfriend said that I play the piano very well... It's rubbish. Wearing ordinary clothes to go on stage, just performing a song "Liang Zhu" can win me. Bai Lan's boyfriend also wants to play the piano, he said he is going to use my strengths to prove that I am a garbage... garbage!"

After saying this, her eyes were red and she seemed to have been aggrieved too much.

In an instant, everyone's face changed.


The three Lin Chen were all ugly.

"Ah! The dead bastard, even so right and wrong, the old lady went up and beat her!"

Lin Qizhi gritted her teeth and immediately ran up, and Bai Lan quickly pulled her: "Qi Qi, don't be excited, you rush up now, it will only make the situation worse."

Lin Qizhi sat directly on the ground with his buttocks: "This is really over. The two of you went to the stage. It is hard for the people under the stage to let you perform normally!"