Urban Evil Doctor - Chapter 1243

Chapter 1243

Looking at the grub that was stared at the mountain wall, it was much smaller than the grain of rice and was dead.

Lin Chen's face was ugly, and you don't have to think about it. This grub must be the means used by Li Tiangang to track himself.

He was annoyed in his heart. Before playing with Li Tiangang, he was a little slack. Otherwise, the Gu Gu was small, but he should not have failed to notice.

The old fox like Li Tiangang who has lived for hundreds of years, where would there be no means!

Lin Chen said to the little fox again: "You have discovered this grub? Why didn't you tell me?"

Wu Qianye said: "Why do you want to talk to you? You broke through the extraordinary sixth heaven, plus the fifth layer of "Dragon Elephant Fu Mogong", the existence of an extraordinary seventh heaven, just as your opponent to hone you! "


Lin Chen heard the words and scolded her heart. It is estimated that all of this woman's mind is to make herself stronger soon, and then help her to do things in the future.

Then, he was shocked in his heart again, this woman even knew that she had cultivated "Dragon Elephant Fu Mo Gong", and it was the fifth floor?

This is too scary.

Almost everything!

Fortunately, she is not her enemy, otherwise, it is really trouble!

Lin Chen again said: "Li Tiangang's strength is extraordinary seven-fold heaven, but he also has a colorful colored glass python, the strength is estimated to be stronger than him! Do you think, I can fight two?"

"..." Wu Qianye did not answer, and chose to be silent.

Lin Chen was speechless, this woman wanted to hone herself, regardless of whether she could fight it!

It's too ugly!

Lin Chen originally thought that the seven stone statues could block Li Tiangang and the colorful glazed python for a period of time, but he didn't expect it to happen even for a long time!

The seven stone statues were also damaged too much, otherwise, it would not be so unbearable that they were destroyed by the existence of the extraordinary Seventh Heaven.

Soon, Li Tiangang, Zhong Zhenye and other people who were originally outside the palace appeared in front of Lin Chen.

The colorful glass python returned to Li Tiangang's wrist and became a jade bracelet.

However, no one dared to treat it as a bracelet before anyone who had seen its violent and brutal force before.

"Hum! Boy, I want to see, where can you go now!"

Li Tiangang saw Lin Chen a few people, with a sneer on his face: "You even ran here, it would be really difficult to find it if you let Tingfeng Gu follow you."

At the next moment, his eyes fell on the small pool of "Hanlu chalcedony spirit fluid", and the whole person was stunned. After a few seconds, his body shivered and ecstatically said:

"Hanlu Chalcedony Spirit Liquid! It turned out to be Hanlu Chalcedony Spirit Liquid! And there are so many! With these Hanlu Chalcedony Spirit Liquid, I can break through the extraordinary eightfold heaven! Even the extraordinary ninefold heaven is not impossible in the future! Great! It's great!"

He looked a little crazy, and his face was twisted with a smile, just like a man with money, and he saw a treasure mountain.

Li Tiangang also knows about "Hanlu Chalcedony Spirit Liquid", so he knows how precious this little pond "Hanlu Chalcedony Spirit Liquid" is!

He has been in the Seventh Heaven, and stayed for nearly a hundred years. No accident, it is difficult to break through the Eighth Heaven in this life!

However, now that there is "Hanlu Chalcedony Spirit Liquid", then everything is possible!

At this time, in his eyes, Lin Chen and everyone else had been ignored, only that pool of "Hanlu chalcedony spirit fluid"!

Zhong Zhenye and others did not know what "Hanlu Chalcedony Spirit Liquid" was, but from the horrible aura concentration and the reaction of Li Tiangang, we can also guess that this is definitely a baby!

Hearing Li Tiangang said that with this "Hanlu chalcedony spirit fluid", he may even break through to the extraordinary Nineth Heaven in the future.

Zhong Zhenye and others are all greedy.

However, they also have a sense of self-knowledge, knowing that Li Tiangang is present, this kind of good thing, it is not their turn!

But Qin Changxi and Wen Renyue and others were horrified and pale.

They didn't expect that Li Tiangang came in so quickly, and came here!

"Boy, because you helped me find the "Hanlu Chalcedony Spirit Liquid", I will give you a chance, you commit suicide!"

Li Tiangang took a deep breath, calmed his mood, looked at Lin Chen, his tone was indifferent, like an ancient emperor, proclaimed an irresistible decree.

Hearing Li Tiangang's overbearing words, Zhong Zhenye and others couldn't help but sneer, and most of the strong foreigners watched with interest.

However, this time, including those who had seen Lin Chen kill four extraordinary six-fold heavens before, it was also determined that Lin Chen was dead this time.

After all, Li Tiangang itself is the existence of the extraordinary Seven Heavens, not to mention, he still has the terrifying colorful glass python.

No one will think that Lin Chen may win.

"Are you sure you can kill me?"

Lin Chen's face was indifferent. Now that he had determined that he would inevitably fight the war, he wanted to fight, and he did not have the word "fear" in his dictionary.

He said coldly: "If it weren't for you to have the colorful glazed python, in my eyes, you, the beast master, is nothing!"

Li Tiangang directly caused Lin Chen to commit suicide and was extremely overbearing.

Lin Chen's words were even more mad, and the madness made some people fail to respond for a while.

At the next moment, Lin Chen, holding the **** broken sword in his hand, walked towards the hole and said at the same time: "Come out and fight, so as not to destroy this inside."

After Li Tiangang reacted, his face was somber, "Joke! To deal with such things as you, where do I need to use colorful glass python, I can kill you in one move! There is no need to go outside!"

However, if he is not afraid of 10,000, he is afraid of it. At this time, he regards "Hanlu chalcedony spirit fluid" as his own thing, and he does not want to lose a bit.

Following Lin Chen, he walked towards Dongtou, halfway away, and turned back coldly:

"The'Hanlu Chalcedony Spirit Liquid' is my thing. Zhang Han you guys look at it. If anyone dares to move their minds, kill them directly!"

"Yes! Sect Master!" a disciple of the Beast Sect responded.

Those who originally had greed in their hearts, all stunned Li Tiangang's cold eyes, and immediately put away their crooked thoughts, and then went out from the hole.

Although I didn't get any good things, it was also a rare thing to see a war.

They only hope that Lin Chen will not lose too fast, in that case, it will be too boring.

After waiting outside, to an open space 100 meters away, Lin Chen turned to look at Li Tiangang behind him.


Without any nonsense, Lin Chen carried the **** broken sword, turned into a residual image, and rushed towards Li Tiangang.

Li Tiangang is undoubtedly powerful, not to mention that he still has colorful Liu Gu, but at this moment, Lin Chen's blood is boiling and fearless.

There is only one voice in his heart: kill!

"Do not control yourself!"

Li Tiangang just smiled contemptuously, and when Lin Chen arrived not far away in front of him, his figure flashed, but it was over Lin Chen.

"Zhenmoyin!" Li Tiangang snorted softly, his eyes sharp, his body imposing like a mountain, the whole person fell like a meteorite, his right foot stepped on Lin Chen's head!