Urban Evil Doctor - Chapter 1242

Chapter 1242

At this time, Wen Renyue, Bai Ye, Hei Tian and others all looked at Lin Chen in surprise.

Hearing Lin Chen's question, Bai Ye couldn't help but say:

"Boss, Golden Body Realm, Divine Realm, Xuanyuan Small World, Xuanyuan Divine Emperor, Great Havoc? What are these?"

Just now, Lin Chen and Wu Qianye talked. Although they could not hear Wu Qianye's words, they could hear Lin Chen's words.

It was because of what I heard that I was confused.

However, I also guessed something.

The so-called Golden Body Realm and Transformed God Realm must be the realm above the transcendent realm, and Xuanyuan Small World is another world to go after breaking through the Golden Body Realm.

As ancient warriors, they are also very interested in these things.

Lin Chen did not lie, so he explained it to them.

The Golden Body Realm is the realm above the transcendent realm. As for the transformation of the God Realm, he himself is not clear, but it must be above the Golden Body Realm.

There are also Xuanyuan Small World, Xuanyuan Divine Emperor, Da Hao Tribulation, and even he himself is confused, so he simply told Wu Qianye and told Wen Renyue and others.

He did not say Wu Qianye, Wen Renyue and others thought that the information came from the little fox.

And this information has made Wen Renyue and others dumbfounded.

However, these things are too far away from them after all, after they marvel, they are all excited behind the little fox.

Because according to Lin Chen, the "Hanlu chalcedony spirit fluid" is a rare good thing.

Lin Chen does not intend to swallow, each of them can get a share.

Of course, we have to look at how much "Hanlu Chalcedony Spirit Liquid" is. If there are as few as one bowl, then there is no point at all.

Several people followed behind the little fox, turned around and walked into a secret room, and when Lin Chen was puzzled, Wu Qianye's voice rang.

"There is an underground palace below, and the passage is in my position. Find a way to open the passage."

After that, the little fox walked aside.

Lin Chen nodded and walked to where the little fox was originally, crouched down and patted the ground with his hand.

boom! boom!

Although this stone brick is very thick, it is estimated to be two or three meters, but Lin Chen has determined that the following is empty.

He reached down and pressed against the stone bricks, pressing down sharply, trying to break it with brute force.

Boom! !

The stone brick sank for about three meters, then slid to the left, and an underground passage appeared in front of everyone.


Lin Chen didn't expect that he had run into a dead mouse, and the way to open the channel was to press this stone brick.

However, he also knows that Wu Qianye is still the credit. If it weren't for her, it would be impossible for him and others to find it.

This woman is really scary, as if she knew everything.

Lin Chen couldn't help but look at the little fox: "How do you know this is a passageway and there is an underground palace?"

"Shen Nian!"

Wu Qianye answered briefly, and then controlled the little fox to run down the channel first.

"Little chirp, be careful!"

Wen Renyue followed quickly.

"Shen Nian?" Lin Chen's face was curious, but he didn't intend to ask.

As Wu Qianye said, as long as he becomes strong enough, he will know these things.

Lin Chen led Audrey, Bai Ye and Hei Tian into the channel quickly, and followed.

Both sides of the channel are inlaid with the pearl of night, so the underground is not dark.

The underground palace is very wide, covering an area of about a quarter of the whole palace. Although it has the night pearl, it also looks a bit eerie.

Following the little fox, a few people soon passed through the palace and stepped into an area made of stalactites.

At this time, everyone felt that the aura inside was getting stronger and stronger. If you practice here, you can definitely compare it with a few days outside.

At the same time, the temperature is getting lower and lower, and frost appears on the surrounding stalactites.

Soon, a small pool with a diameter of about two meters appeared in everyone's field of vision.

In the pool, there is blue water, exuding a strong aura, and a terrible cold. The stalactites around the pool are all covered with a layer of ice.

"Hanlu chalcedony spirit fluid! Yes, there are so many!"

At this time, the little fox had reached the front of the pool, and Lin Chen's eyes lit up, and he reached the little fox in a blink of an eye.

The situation in front of him was much better than he had imagined. This "Hanlu chalcedony spirit fluid" is almost half a cubic meter.

Although he can't make his women and family members become superpowers, they can also make them into a congenital level of existence!

Moreover, he estimated that he could also rely on this "Hanlu chalcedony spirit fluid" to refine the "Ice Fire Spirit Pill" and speed up the cultivation of "Dragon Elephant Fu Mo Gong" to the seventh floor.

At this time, Lin Chen saw a wall not far away, even though there was a hole, and there was light coming from outside.

He was completely sure that those savages were so powerful only by "Hanlu chalcedony spirit fluid"!

They came in through this hole.

If it were not the savages, it is estimated that "Hanlu Chalcedony Spirit Liquid" is definitely more than that.

Unsurprisingly, most of the "Hanlu Chalcedony Spirit Liquid" entered the mouths of those savages.

Lin Chen was content and happy, but he was not dissatisfied.

It is a pity that according to Wu Qianye, the magic circle here is broken, so it is impossible for this cold dew chalcedony spirit fluid to continue to be produced.

"Boss, this is "Hanlu Chalcedony Spirit Liquid"? What a great thing!"

Bai Ye stared at the Hanlu chalcedony spirit in Xiaochi, swallowed her saliva, and her eyes glowed green.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a sense of extreme thirst, and wanted to take a sip immediately.

"Okay, everyone present has a share!"

Lin Chen smiled, "Hurry up and find something to put up the cold dew chalcedony spirit liquid, and then we leave here! It's time to go back!"

"No, no, no! Mr. Lin, we don't need it anymore.

At this moment, Nick quickly waved his hand.

Jon nodded: "Mr. Lin, if it weren't for you, we wouldn't be able to come in. So you don't have to give it to us!"

"Yes, Lin Chen. We don't want it." Audrey also said.

Lin Chen's face sank: "If you look down on me, then don't! If you can look down on me, don't talk nonsense!"


Audrey glanced at Jon and Nick, and then said nothing more.

Jon and Nick admired Lin Chen even more. Lin Chen was obviously much stronger than them, and even willing to share good things with them. In their view, Lin Chen was a very particular person.

Audrey gave Lin Chen a deep look.

And just now!


Suddenly a footstep came quickly.

Lin Chen's face changed!

Wu Qianye's voice sounded: "There are Gu worms following us, the other party came over!"

"Gu Gu?"

Lin Chen was stunned and felt it carefully. The next moment, suddenly a burst of silver needle shot into the air.

puff! A grub, half the size of a mosquito, was penetrated by a silver needle and directly nailed to the stone wall.