Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 363 Information About The Clans

363 Information About The Clans

"Clan master!" The disciples approached together with the elders.

But Mo Xie merely waved his hand.


"What's happening!"



Everyone was blown away, some even wounded as they tried to resist the strong gust of wind.

Mo Xie ignored them, he then sat down in front of Gao Chuang: "I need answers, you can nothing do about it or die together with your whole clan."

Gao Chuang gritted his teeth: "My son, as soon as my son returns from his mission, he'll definitely haunt your whole family, kill every last member of your clan, ki-"


He couldn't even finish his words, Mo Xie sent a slap.

Gao Chuang's head was almost sent flying, the sheer strength of Mo Xie's palm can kill him.

Mo Xie didn't even talk and ignored his talk and asked: "There is a tailoring shop just across the streets, where is an old couple living there."

Hearing his words, he couldn't help but be shocked: "Y-you're doing this for a mere mortal?!" As he asked, he covered his face with his two hands, trying to block anything coming his way.

But Mo Xie merely held his hand up: "The next time you don't answer my question, this palm will strike your head slamming it unto the ground. I don't know if you'll live, but if there is ever a third time, you'll die."

"Clan Master, let's fight, whether we talk to him or not, we'll definitely d-" An elder managed to make his way back, but before he could finish his words, he was beheaded by a sharp wind.

Mo Xie chuckles, he smiled at Gao Chuang and spoke: "Well, I will make an oath, just answer all of my questions and I will leave."

Gao Chuang hesitated even after his words, but if Mo Xie was to really swear an oath, then, he'll definitely stay alive.

And if that's the case, he can start bargaining: "Swear an oath that you wouldn't kill me nor any of my clan's members!"

Since Mo Xie needs something from him, he would at least make a bargain for his life, that way, he thought that they can at least walk out of here alive.

'As soon as this person leaves, we'll escape and hide in the Dark Guild's territory.'

Mo Xie chuckles, he nods his head: "I swear with the heavens as my witness, I will never kill any of the Gu Clan's people intentionally so long as they answer my questions truthfully."

Grumbling noise sounded immediately after Mo Xie's words finished.

Gao Chuang nodded: "Then, ask whatever you want."

Still, he started to be crafty, so long as Mo Xie finished his questions, then, they can kill him without resistance, if he does, then, the heavens will be their friend in dealing with this vile creature in front of them.

Mo Xie smiled at them, he patted his head like that of a dog: "There wasn't the need for your clansmen to die if you only acted like this early on."

Gao Chuang still looked at the ground; 'Yeah, just as away, once everything is done, you will die a horrible death!'

Mo Xie then pointed outside: "There is a tailoring shop not even a hundred meters away, there is an old couple that lived there, where are they?"

Hearing this, Gao Chuang couldn't believe his ears; 'We suffered like this because of two useless people!?'

He grits his teeth and answered: "They were taken away."

Since Mo Xie didn't ask, he naturally wouldn't answer with complete details, he'd like to infuriate this person as much as he could.

Mo Xie smiled, he heaved a sigh due to this person's craftiness and stupidity: "I want to know every detail that happened."

Gao Chuang frowns, nevertheless replied: "The Xiao Clan's elites arrive here, all those with connection to that brat, Mo Xie will be captured, if they resist, die."

"But the Gangting City's alchemist saved them, especially Mu Ye, not even backing down."

When the Xiao Clan was about to attack, the Alchemist a.s.sociation's guards suddenly arrived, protecting the alchemists, a fight occurred, but the Xiao Clan immediately were routed and was forced to escape."

"Mu Ye with their guards immediately escaped to the north, that is the direction towards the Alchemy a.s.sociation's territory."

Mo Xie nodded his head; 'At least they are safe...' Since the Alchemist a.s.sociation saved Mu Ye, it must've been due to the Spirit Tempering Pill Formula he had given him from before.

He immediately went to the second question: "What happened to the clans here, why is the Gu Clan the head of the city?"

Gao Chuang felt his heart tremble as he heard it, the Clans? If any of those clans that were killed were to have a relations.h.i.+p with this person in front of him, then, they might really die if Mo Xie is the type to go wild even at the cost of his life.

"That, the other clans perished, although a lot of them escaped, the Xiao Clan and the Zhi Hua Royal Kingdom dealt with those that remained."

"But even those that remained weren't thoroughly cleaned, some still managed to escape."

"I heard from the Xiao Clan's head, they couldn't chase after them before they vanished..."

"Right, there's a clan that they were able to chase." Gao Chuang paused, glancing at Mo Xie's lips, probing whether the latter would react, but seeing no changes, he continued: "They are the Shang Clan, their patriarch managed to escape, but the Xiao Clan's head caught them in pursuit, ending his life, but I heard that an unknown sect saved the Young Miss of theirs and successfully vanished without a trace."

Mo Xie knew of this event, hence, he nodded his head: "Which of the clans had been totally destroyed?"

Gao Chuang hesitated for a bit before he answered: "The Jiang Clan had been completely obliterated, the-"

He couldn't even finish as he saw Mo Xie's face twitched slightly.

"Continue." Noticing he stopped, Mo Xie ordered.

Gao Chuang nodded his head: "The Ye Family died honorably, but Ye Xuefeng shouted before his demise."

"What did he say?"

Gao Chuang frowns; 'Why would it even matter?'

But he still spoke: "Mo Xie, if you hear this, the three wishes I have, protect my Son, my Daughter, and the surviving members of the family, especially for my daughter, she's too innocent to be involved with this!"

"The one he mentioned Mo Xie, he's the b.a.s.t.a.r.d that the Xiao Clan had been searching for."

But Mo Xie's face didn't change, Gao Chuang thought that this person is Mo Xie that altered his face for revenge, but seeing his expression, he gave up the thought immediately.

But for Mo Xie, he felt something aggravating inside his heart.

He couldn't finish responding to Ye Xuefeng's wishes, hence, the wish being changed by the latter is acceptable, but for him, he had failed not because he couldn't fulfill it immediately, but he couldn't accomplish anything even after his bravado.

He didn't know if the same thing would've happened if he arrived here or not, but everything seemed to have happened due to his own misgivings, he even vanished and made those that supported him to take the brunt in his stead!

For the first time, Mo Xie felt a very enraging feeling inside him.

Then Gao Chuang arrived at the last clan: "The Su Clan managed to escape, but more than half of their forces were killed, only the two daughters and other younger generation of the Su Clan successfully escaped."

Mo Xie nodded his head: "Where is the Xiao Clan right now?"

Gao Chuang's body trembled, they needed to go to the Xiao clan in order to approach the Dark Guild, if this person was to destroy the Xiao Clan, then, they will have nowhere else to go but wait for the Dark Guild!

Still, if he was to backdown now, Mo Xie's oath will be useless and they will be open to be slaughtered.

"They returned to their territory at the Lang Ya Great Kingdom, they had become the new overlords of that kingdom."

Mo Xie nodded and started walking away.

He didn't ask how he had become the city's owner, it is of no importance after all...

Gao Chuang then asked: "Had I answered all of your questions?"

Mo Xie nodded his head: "Yes, you've done great..."

"You can join your son now."

Gao Chuang frowns, his son is at the mission together with the Dark Guild, why would they join when the latter is hundreds of thousands of kilometers away?

But at the next second, the answer appeared.

Kara appeared in front of him as she looked at Mo Xie: "Master, I'm hungry."

Mo Xie nodded his head: "You can eat them all."

He answered in the human language, clear for Gao Chuang and everyone to hear.

Gao Chuang roared fiercely: "You said that you wouldn't..."

He didn't even finish his words as he himself realized it, Mo Xie wouldn't harm them, but he didn't say he would let them live!

"V-vile creature! You're a demon!"

Mo Xie smirked, he gazed at Gao Chuang: "I like the term devil more."

With Mo Xie's words ending, Gao Chuang and the others felt fearful. The next thing that happened, shouts and screams sounded only stopping when Kara arrived beside him.

"Do you have something to report?" Mo Xie asked.

Kara nodded: "Master, two of my Celestial Phenomenon ranked children had died, there is also a group pus.h.i.+ng my children out of the human territory's land."

Mo Xie frowns, Ouyang Chen had said that the Myriad Earth Abyss continent contains at least five Celestial Phenomenon rank.

The Empire and the Holy Sword Sacred Land is an ent.i.ty he knows nothing of, hence, it might contain a few experts of the Celestial Phenomenon rank.

But based on Ouyang Chen, these two forces barely moves away from their territory.

After a while of contemplation: "We will pay the Lang Ya Great Kingdom a visit then return."

Kara nodded her head: "As you wish."