Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 362 Visiting The Gangting City

362 Visiting The Gangting City

"Throughout the human territory, I have every location covered, for the demon race, I have almost half while for the beast kin, their territory is filled with water, I couldn't get at least 10%"

Mo Xie nods his head: "No need to rush at that two races, my current target is the human territory, that's enough for now."


With the Osmium Jade Dragon Wing, Mo Xie's speed is enough to travel from the Solar Blaze Kingdom to the Zhi Hua Royal Kingdom in less than half an hour.

His aim is to arrive at Gangting City, he has unfinished business there.

Midway his travel, he saw the Zhi Hua Royal Kingdom's army of experts, he frowns as they are at the three desolate kingdoms, there are only barbaric tribes here that managed to survive a desolate place.

He's too occupied to deal with them now. 

There are about more than a million of them: "Kara, devour them, feed them to your children."

"Thank you, master." Kara replied, her black eyes shone.




Kara's Celestial Phenomenon ranked centipedes suddenly appeared, covering the whole of the army, these ma.s.sive giants caused the Zhi Hua Royal Kingdom's army to be shocked deathly afraid.

Then, from the bodies of these ma.s.sive centipedes, millions of centipedes started to fall.

"What the h.e.l.l?!"

"Desolate Kingdom has these creatures?!"

"Why does n.o.body know of this?!"




"T-they are Sky Shattering rank!"

"There are Immortal Foundation beasts... we're doomed!"


"Hold your life! We can get out of this!"

"There's too many, help!"

Mo Xie threw a glance at them: "Those adhering to evil should die, giving my wife a problem to deal with..." He shook his head before continuing.

Something that kingdoms couldn't deal with suddenly ended in mere seconds.

"Master, what evil do you speak of? Isn't it just survival for them? The strong wins, the weak lose."

Mo Xie shook his head: "Those that became my wife's problem, they are evil."

Kara pondered for a bit, before nodding her head, another description of evil had been added to her dictionary. Those that wish harm to come upon her master's wife, is evil and deserves death.

After a while, they almost arrived: "Kara, you know those bugs that we killed earlier?"

Kara nodded: "Yes, master."

"Can you differentiate them with the rest?"

Kara pondered for a bit before nodding: "Master, they have something different, like, they have an aura about them that almost the same as my miasma, some sort of thing that's connecting every one of them."

Mo Xie hearing this pondered for a bit: "Kill all those with it then."

Kara nodded her head, she didn't care who she's about to kill, more food for her children! "Yes master, it shall be done."

Her black eyes glowed again for a second before returning to normal.

A few seconds later, they arrived at Gangting City. "We're here."

He needs to search for the few people he knew of. The City is unusually calm like it didn't get ravaged by an army, but Mo Xie can feel it, from the buzzing hundred thousand cities, it became no less than a thousand population city.

The first place he approached is a very familiar place, a tailoring shop, he knocked on the door but after waiting for a while, there's no answer: "Uncle Feng, Aunt Lu, you there?"

Each second that no one answers felt like an eternity: "I should've taken them with me..."

Sadly, there is no medicine for regret.

He continued his path towards the Ye Family manor, only, it's completely different, rather than Ye, the name plastered on it is 'Gu': "The Gu Clan?"

His mood turned bad as he walked, the door is locked with a large wood, but he merely pushed as the chunk of wood broke in half.

"Who's there!?" Five guards immediately made their way, but then, Mo Xie's face darkened.

Bam! Bam! Each of his steps shook the ground, each step he took increases the shaking further and further.

5th step, BAM!!! The whole manor started to tremble, almost about to fall to the ground.

"W-what's happening?!" One of the guards panicked as he couldn't identify what's happening, but he knows one it, it's Mo Xie's doing.

They are all mortal hired warriors, they tried to fight their fear as they pointed their weapon at Mo Xie.

But then, at the sixth step... BAAM!!! The ground started to shake violently, the manor started to tremble, shaking left and right.

When he was about to take his 7th step, a few figures appeared.

"WHO GOES THERE?! HOW DARE YOU INTRUDE ON THE GU GREAN CLAN'S TERRITORY?!" An old man at the Sky Shattering rank appeared together with other oldies behind him.

Mo Xie looked at them as he uttered silently; "Great Clan? This puny trash clan is?"

He shook his head, gazing at them looking at him from the sky, he frowns.

The elders looked at Mo Xie, although he's also a Sky Shattering ranked expert at such a young age, they care not, they are a future great clan, with their Gu technique, the Gao family will surely rise together with the Dark Guild, being the City Lord is merely the first reward they receive.

Even if Mo Xie came from a well-established family, so long as the Dark Guild has their back, they have nothing to fear!

But then, like a strike to his ego, his body felt like it's being pulled down, immediately, the strength increased by more than a hundred times.

"What?!" The only word he could utter as he together with the other elders crashed on the ground.

BAM~ Bababam~ Bam! 

"Ugh." The elders tried to stand up, they groaned in pain not knowing what happened.

But before they could even recover slightly from the fall, Mo Xie is already in front of them: "Anyone of you the head of this useless clan?"

"N-no, I'm an-" He couldn't even finish his words as his head was sent flying.

"How about you four?" Mo Xie looked at the other four.

Since if they aren't the head, they will die, they immediately became enrage: "DIE BR"

Swish~ They couldn't even pull their weapon out as their heads were all sent flying.

Mo Xie looked at the guard before continuing his walk.

The guards slumped down on the ground, each and every one of them wetting the ground with their pee.

"W-we need to escape here, I don't care about the Gu Family chasing after me, so long as I live!"

"Yeah, l-let's go, I'll escape with my family."

Mo Xie strode further in, Kara merely observed from the sky above.

Due to the commotion earlier, everyone from the Gu Clan made their way.

A total of five hundred experts made their way to greet Mo Xie.

"Intruder! The intruder is here!" A disciple shouted.

One after the other, the members of the Gu Family arrived.

"HOW DARE YOU INTRUD-" An elderly expert shouted but couldn't finish his words as Mo Xie grabbed his face and slammed him on a huge rock beside the pond.

Mo Xie frowns: "All of you saying the same thing all over again is tiring to listen to."

"E-elder Du died just like that..." The disciples couldn't believe what they saw.

He gazed at all of them: "Who is the head of this useless clan?"

"Dragonic Fazed Gu." A person shouted. A gu worm the size of one adult man's arm appeared, glaring at Mo Xie with its single eye as its mouth continuously drooling with green saliva.

Mo Xie sighed, this is definitely a high-cla.s.s Gu within this sort of place, it's at the Immortal Foundation rank while the owner of it is a Heaven Encompa.s.sing rank.

"Kid, tell me, who sent you and I will spare you from the pain of torture." The old man shouted as he looked down on Mo Xie.

Mo Xie frowns deeply, he started to hate it, the sight of trash looking down on him.

Mo Xie took a step forward.

"I ASKED YOU " The old man couldn't even finish his words as he felt a ma.s.sive pressure a.s.saulting his back, then, all of those flying started to fall at the same time!

A repeated event on the same day, Mo Xie glared at them as he spoke: "For how long are you going to look down on me."

The old man and the others felt fear, Mo Xie's eyes glowed a hue of blue as he gazed at them calmly.

The old man stood up, enraged: "I am the Clan leader of the Gu Clan, Gao Chuang, I will not be defeated by a mere brat in a fight! Dragonic Fazed Gu, kill him!"

But before the Gu worm could even move, its body vanished, no, actually, Mo Xie waved his hand, gusts of sharp wind intercepted the Gu Worm as it was diced to millions of pieces, making it look like it vanished.

But the blood rained.

Mo Xie gazed at Gao Chuan lifelessly as he spoke: "Fight? You? Against me?"