Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 360 Reunion

360 Reunion

But for the others, those at Immortal Ascension rank and below collapsed, Mo Xie waved his hand: "Monarchs, cover and pick them up, we don't want to be separated with them as we get out of here."

They are currently being brought out by the portal itself, those that lost consciousness were slower than those that are awake, hence, being wrapped by the Monarch's power caused to be able to proceed as they are, and losing consciousness within the portal is too much of mental pressure.

Like they were when they entered the caverns, losing consciousness might make a person be placed in a state of coma, unable to wake up even when they are dying.

"Also, I hope that everyone can retract their own power, we need to conceal your strength as much as possible, I don't want to attract any unnecessary attention." Mo Xie requested at them, although he didn't mind attracting attraction, he needs to settle everything first.

Purple Sun and Red Sun Monarch nodded their head: "You can order us like your own subordinate, you are our king after all."

Mo Xie couldn't help but smile at them: "I won't be ruling over your tribe, you have your queen, she will rule over you all."

But Tanya interjected: "In the history of the tribe, no woman had ever been the ruler of the Clan, they can rule for a while, but they need to marry, after that the throne will immediately be pa.s.sed down to the queen's husband."

"Also, even if you want to reject it, I won't."

Tanya's eyes grew fierce, she stared at Mo Xie before continuing: "This is the last arrangement my father had given to me, I've never disobeyed my father, and I will not start now, especially..."

Arriving at this point, her eyes started to moist before she stood tall and strong.

Mo Xie couldn't help but sigh as he spoke: "Well, whatever, let time decide."

As he spoke to this, another objective formed inside his head, other than nurturing his own force, why not also get more through force, a show of might will do too. Forming his own forces like how the Kingdoms betrayed the Soaring Blaze Phoenix Empire.

But instead of giving them false promises, he can bring them together with him to the peak!

If he surrounds himself with strong individuals, then, problems appearing left and right wouldn't need to be handled by him solely.

Surrounded by people, a normal life at the peak... Mo Xie started to think, that if he was surrounded by people in his previous life, wouldn't he be quite different?

At the end of his thought, he uttered: "It doesn't really sound that bad." A smile formed on his lips, the end of the portal in sight as the glowing blue light can be seen.

Still, he couldn't remove the Sugandium's Void Emperor, that ma.s.s of dark energy, even if he combined all of the Void Emperors, the Monarchs, and Kara all together, it felt like, it wasn't even near a quarter.

"Something is wrong about that creature..."

But as he thought of this, they arrived at the end of the portal.

What he saw clearly shocked him, people being killed by sharp red thorns, either that or they are fighting desperately.

Then, familiar figures to his far left can be seen, it's his wife, surrounded by Immortal Paragon ranked expert and a youth at the Immortal Saint rank with flying dark weapons surrounding him.

He frowns, he took a round object from his ring, it's Kara's survival form, the million-year slumbering fossil.

Infusing a bit of spiritual energy, the stone shone brightly, it then morphed as Kara in her human form appeared.

"Master." She spoke with the ancient beast tongue.

Mo Xie nods his head: "Scatter your children throughout the continent, I want reports within five days."

Kara nodded and replied: "Consider it done."

As she replied, she vanished without a trace.

Mo Xie then looked at the experts following him: "Do not take any action without my order for now."

All of then nodded: "Yes."

"Tanya, Bingyun, Come with me." As he spoke, he got out of the cavern.

The two nodded and followed Mo Xie.

As Mo Xie made his way out, he saw everyone looking at his direction, he smiled at Shang Ting as he spoke: "Sorry I'm late."

Shang Ting already has tears on her eyes, she nodded her head as her chest tightens, forcing out words from her trembling lips: "So long as you're alright."

Mo Xie had always thought that he already has a solid and stone-hard heart, but as he saw this beautiful lady of his, he couldn't help but have his heart melt, especially looking at the stomach of this wonderful lady.

"And who the f*ck are you?" As Mo Xie approached Shang Ting, someone barked.

Mo Xie casually threw a glance at him: "I do not wish to ruin this day with all of your blood dying the land red."

Choi Jian felt enrage: "A mere Sky Shattering rank like you?"

In his eyes, Tanya is only at the Immortal Saint rank, Bingyun an Immortal Foundation rank, they can definitely win even if these two joined, but as his rage receded, he refocused his gaze at the two beauties behind Mo Xie.

"Now this will be a great day for me." Choi Jian uttered.

He immediately started to count the chicken before the egg hatched, five beauties on his bed, truly a dream.

"Lady Bingyun, I didn't expect to see you here, why not all five of you ladies come here, I promise with all my honor that so long as all of you come, no one will be met with a b.l.o.o.d.y fate, none shall die." Choi Jian spoke, like a sovereign looking down on everyone like they are mere ants.

Like someone that can decide other's fate with a single step of his foot.

Bingyun frowns hearing him, but what made her confused is, why is a member of the four great clans saying something like that in broad daylight.

He's a frontliner for the Empire, one of the few that can represent the face Myriad Earth Abyss!

"Jian, what's the meaning of this." She asked.

But before Choi Jian can reply, Ouyang Chen arrives: "Sister, stay back, this trash had already betrayed humanity."

Hearing this, Bingyun was shocked, even though the Choi clan is the weakest amongst the four clans, they are still strong.

If the Choi Clan really was to betray the Myriad Earth Abyss Continent, then, the balance will be ruined.

"You... traitors." Bingyun spoke lightly, glaring at the Choi Clan elders and Choi Jian.

Choi Jian smiled, his eyes continuously scanning all of the ladies' body parts filled maliciousness.

At this moment, he spoke: "Are you about done yet?"

Choi Jian frowns as he looked at Mo Xie, but he calms himself as he became composed: "What do you want to exchange all five of them for? Name it."

Mo Xie smiled at him, he also remained calm as he replied: "Sure, you want my wife and ladies here? But will you even be able to give me my terms?"

Choi Jian smiled, he shook his head: "For the likes of you, things that I can do is beyond your reach, state it, tras.h.!.+"

Mo Xie heaved a sigh of relief, he smiled at Choi Jian and nodded his head: "Good then, since you've agreed to it, then, you'll give me whatever I want in exchange for them?"

Choi Jian sneered: "You have my word!"

Bingyun, Tanya, and Vielka couldn't help but look at Mo Xie in shock, in their mind; 'That's it? You will hand us over just like that?' They couldn't help but feel anger...

But Shang Ting merely smiled at word, Aiqing chuckles beside her as the two of them deeply understood what kind of man Mo Xie is.

Mo Xie looked at Mo Xie one last time before replying: "Then, I'll take your life in exchange for them."

"First form."

Choi Jian's smiling face froze, turned into glare: "Your aud-"

He couldn't even finish his words as something cold went past his body.

Pshhhhhhhhhhht~ His body dismembered to four parts as blood gushed forth.

"Young master!" The elders couldn't help but be shocked, they couldn't even react nor see what happened!

A blurring silhouette appeared out of nowhere, and the next thing that happened, their young master had already suffered and died... just like that?

Mo Xie's figure appeared behind Choi Jian's body parts that are falling to the ground. His claws draped in blood as he hovered with his osmium jade dragon wings, he opened his lips: "I've already told you, I don't want to dye the ground with your blood, I told you to leave already..."

His eyes shone with blue hue as he gazed at them: "I told you didn't I?"