Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 359 Farewell

359 Farewell

As Mo Xie heard of this, he looked back, he saw True Sun Monarch smiling at him gently as he gathered spiritual energy on his palm.

"You c" Mo Xie couldn't even finish his words as a mighty force blew him away!

Kara merely looked at True Sun Monarch before following Mo Xie.

True Sun Monarch smiled at the two of them, he looked at the other monarchs and experts escaping with all their might without looking back.

"May the Sun G.o.d bless our tribe." As he spoke to this, a blurry silhouette pa.s.sed by him.

True Sun's brows furrowed, he made a grabbing motion towards the silhouette: "I did not permit you to follow them."

He spoke solemnly, he's quite confident right now, a boiling sensation within his heart that he had never felt since his youth started to resurface.

It was the Swalrowei's Void Emperor! It glared at True Sun Monarch, he wanted to kill Mo Xie and Kara, the two culprits in killing his master, but this person is blocking his way.

Enraged, he made a slash at True Sun's neck, but it was negated by the latter's shoulder.

True Sun Monarch smiled, his power grows stronger by the second.

The Swalrowei Void Emperor trembled, but then, it happened.


The ball of energy exploded in a bright red color, engulfing everything on its path, luckily, no human experts were caught in the explosion.

The explosion then reached him, he's about to try and escape, but then, a sharp object pierced into his stomach all the way back, he then smiled: "I guess this is the end for the two of us too."

As he spoke to this, he and the Swalrowei's Void Emperor were swallowed.

It all happened instantly, Mo Xie looked back and saw everything happening, he couldn't help but clench his hands into a ball of fists before shouting: "Kara, let's go!"

He shouldn't feel this way, after all, True Sun Monarch is only one of those he knew in pa.s.sing, although he's married to his daughter by words, that's a deal between them.

But there is this feeling inside him that couldn't help but surge.

There is no time to dally though, even if they are currently safe, they don't know how far the explosion will reach.

When Mo Xie caught up with the others, he ordered: "Everyone, we will return to the tribe first!"

Everyone nodded, then, Purple Sun Monarch noticed that True Sun wasn't together with him.

"Where..." He was about to ask but Mo Xie looked at him with a saddened expression before shaking his head.

Purple Sun felt like something heavy had just struck his chest, he could only nod as he continued flying.

When they were halfway to the tribe, they saw the advanced army of the Void Creatures, they took another detour.

But Purple Sun Monarch and the others that had figured out what happened wanted to go and pour their grief, but they knew that it will be pointless and suicidal.

The enemy still has five times higher numbers compared to them, not only that, just based on how much power they have, they are completely at a disadvantage.

Still, they wanted to go in and die fighting them, they want to run wild.

Then, Mo Xie grabbed Yellow Sun's shoulder: "We need everyone to defend the tribe."

Hearing him, they nodded their head, they too knew it, but the grief inside them is started to cloud their judgement.

They can only move on now, with chest filled with rage and fist clenched tightly that blood started to gush out.

After fifteen days, they arrived at the tribe's castle.

Mo Xie gathered all of the elites from Immortal Paragon and above, the monarchs surrounding him as he sat on True Sun Monarch's throne.

This is a very easy to understand situation, their king had died!

"Everyone." Mo Xie spoke getting everyone's attention.

Right now, they are down, filled with rage, and know not what to do next. They looked at Mo Xie half-heartedly, some filled with rage to fight and die for the tribe and do whatever they can to avenge True Sun Monarch by giving their all.

Some felt nothing like they've already lost their will to live.

As Mo Xie glanced at them, the previous 1% chance to victory had been lost, they aren't in the condition to fight.

He spoke to them frankly: "Everyone, I'll be straight, we have no chance of winning this war."

Hearing Mo Xie's words, a lot of those that are filled with rage frowns: "No matter, we will do what we can, we will definitely drag them with us!"

Mo Xie sighed, from cowards, they became too wild to even think of what will happen to the others, even forgetting their loved ones.

"Then, what will we do with those that were left behind after we fought? Your friends unable to fight, the normal tribesmen, the ones that will die before you, with you, and after you..."

"Do you all think that it will all end there?" Mo Xie paused as he looked at them.

"If that was the case, I would've long since left this place, but that isn't the case."

"As soon as they finished all of you here, they will pour out of this realm and slaughter innocent beings and produce unstoppable chaos."

Hearing his word, a lot of them calmed down, it isn't their life, after all, those close to them too.

One of them then asked: "If there is no way for us to win, then, what should we do? Wait for us to just die?"

Mo Xie nods his head: "Well, yes, if we are talking about facing them now, then, we can only wait for them to kill us."

They felt dejected, Red Sun Monarch spoke: "If that is the case, we will really fight them to the end, killing as much of them as we can."

"That way, even if they managed to get out of this realm, then, their numbers will be a lot lesser."

"We will die, die while helping the people outside."

Mo Xie shook his head: "I met someone within this realm. He gave me something."

Everyone frowned: "What's that?"

Purple Sun Monarch and the others also frown, but they all felt that this gem is familiar, like, they've seen it somewhere before.

"The person... should I say the spirit that gave this to me is a member of the Solar Blaze Empire in its prime."

"In its prime?!" Everyone exclaimed in shock.

Hearing this, Purple Sun Monarch finally remembered: "Isn't that the Sun Gem?"

"Brother Xie, tell me, what's the name of the person that gave it to you?!"

Mo Xie nodded his head as he answered: "His name is Jinhai, he s"

He couldn't even finish his words at all of the monarchs, no, all of those around him looked at Mo Xie in shock as they shouted in unison: "Jinhai?!"


They started to murmur amongst themselves.

Seeing this, Mo Xie felt intrigued: "Who is this Jinhai?"

Purple Sun Monarch and the others looked at each other, then, Tanya arrived, her eyes still red, clearly, she had wept due to the news of her father's death.

Her father's last arrangement, she decided to take it to the end: "Husband... Jinhai..."

Everyone looked at their princess, or should it be changed to queen now? After True Sun Monarch's death, the position automatically was pa.s.sed down to her, she has the highest authority within the tribe!

"He's called the Great Sun from the past, a really strong expert that soared the G.o.d's realm, also, we call him founding father, Ancestral Great Sun Monarch."

"The founder of the Solar Blaze Empire."

Hearing this, Mo Xie nodded his head, he now finally understands it.

Tanya and the rest looked at Mo Xie, since he's become the king, then, his authority is only second to none, only equal to Tanya.

"Do you know any of this gem's uses?" He asked.

Tanya shook her head: "Like you already know, our ancestors had died, leaving only our citizens without pa.s.sing his techniques, well, he left behind the Solar Blaze with the normal teachings, hence, he has no successor."

"We only know that it was part of his necklace before, always hanging on his neck."

Mo Xie nods his head, that explains how the Solar Blaze is what it currently is, he then remembered the scrolls that Jinhai handed to him.

'Maybe this is his skills...'

But this isn't the time and place for it now.

"Then, I can only do what I can."

He looked at the blazing light above the castle before gazing at everyone: "This gem, he said that I can use it to escape from this place, bringing at most 300 people out."

Hearing this, everyone was greatly shocked, but at the same time, they clenched their fist, not because they want to survive from this, but there is a chance for the Solar Blaze tribe to survive, with 300 people escaping, these people will be able to grow stronger outside the realm.

They also felt reinvigorated, they felt that they can hold out the enemies as long as they can now!

"If it is like this, then, we will do our best to hold them on until you can escape to a safer place."

"Right, so long as the Solar Blaze Tribe's blood still runs, we can all die without regrets!"

Everyone nodded.

Mo Xie smiled as he shook his head: "Sadly, I have to disappoint you all."

"Hmm?" Everyone looked at Mo Xie in a questioning manner.

Mo Xie then continued: "As soon as we use this stone, those together with me will be able to leave this place, but this place is different."

"Time will stop for fifteen years, you all will cease to move, the portal will open again, resuming the time within this realm after that time limit."

They couldn't help but be a shock, Purple Sun interjected: "Then, as it happened and end, it will be just like a blink of an eye?"

Mo Xie nods his head: "Yes, well, that is what he said."

"In short, those people that will get out of here together with me, will need to grow stronger... so much stronger that as soon as the realm reopens and resumes, they can change the outcome of this event."

"To win against the Void Creatures, and to finally... finally remove the curse from the Tribe!"

Hearing the word curse, everyone nodded their head, so long as they can destroy the Void Creatures, they will be able to escape from this place!

"Well, I just hope that by that time, we wouldn't need to resort to so much strategy and could just raze the enemy like they are nothing." Mo Xie added this.

It immediately dawned on them, killing the void creatures? They had been trapped in this place for who knows how long, the people getting out of this place will only have fifteen years, will it be enough?

Although it may look long, but fifteen years...

A lot of the Immortal Paragon and Celestial Phenomenon ranked experts are more than a thousand years old, and it took them the same amount of time to reach their current stage.

For the Monarchs too, they had been trapped at their current rank for so long, it took them about thousands of years to reach their current rank, only True Sun Monarch broke through to the peak stage Divine Origin rank.

He had been stranded since then, unable to proceed any further for thousands of years.

And then, the ones tasked with going out need to grow stronger than the monarch for fifteen years? Is this possible?

Mo Xie smiled at them: "Well, we can also find some help if we aren't enough, the world is vast, many realms too, we can only do what we can."

"I will only bring the people from my group inside the tribe out, you can decide who will come with me, also, bid your farewells."

As he spoke, Mo Xie left the throne and made his way to Bingyun: "Let's fetch the rest."

Bingyun nods her head and followed Mo Xie.

As he fetched the group, he returned, Mo Xie saw the group of people from the Solar Blaze Tribe bidding their farewell to their respective elders, loved ones, and family.

Mostly, it's a group of children ranging from 15~20 years old, all of the princes are also coming, half are cultivators, the other half looks like normal citizens of the tribe, like the servants of the clan, also, Purple Sun Monarch and Yellow Sun Monarch are coming to protect them from any unforeseen circ.u.mstances too.

Mo Xie nodded his head, at least, he needs not to appoint for those that will take care of them princes and princess.

"Are you all ready?"

They were still bidding farewell, but as soon as Mo Xie spoke, they all nodded: "We are."

Mo Xie floated towards the Solar Blaze Core together with Bingyun, the experts followed them, carrying the normal citizens up together with the Princess and the Princes.

As they arrived, Mo Xie took out the gem and prepared to place it before they look at them: "Look at your tribe one last time now, the next time you see them, you will have the task to save each and every one of them!"

As Mo Xie spoke, they all looked down, the determined eyes of those coming and being left behind coincide, they all have the same determination to save the clan.

Mo Xie then placed the gem near the core, as he did, the core started to spark as it received the core.

Like an explosion of a planet, waves of energy exploded turning the whole realm dark.

"COME HERE!" Purple Sun Monarch grabbed one person before shouted: "GO CLOSER!"

When the core finished morphing, it turned into something like a white black hole, they immediately dashed forward, as soon as the last of the 300 had entered, it immediately closed.

Everyone looked at their departure: "Be well."

As they spoke, the light vanished and time completely stopped within the realm.