Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 291 Forest Of Regrets And Dread

291 Forest Of Regrets And Dread

True Sun Monarch couldn't help but smile and spoke: "Then, I will go with what you've just said, but then, what if my daughter falls for you instead?"

Mo Xie also felt speechless, he then looked at Tanya, but the latter merely returned to her previous demeanor, elegant yet cold.

He smirked, his gaze moved to True Sun Monarch and answered: "Then fate it shall, but then, I don't believe someone as mighty as hers would be willing to share a husband to other women."

"Oh, but if you have no wife, then..." True Sun Monarch was about to joke but before he could, he stopped midway.

He could feel it, Mo Xie's aura suddenly changed, a smirk appeared on True Sun Monarch's face yet didn't continue.

"Is that a threat?" Mo Xie asked coldly.

True Sun Monarch chuckles: "You can take it like that, but your child is a lady too, would you approve of her being the second wife of someone?"

Mo Xie smiled: "No, but if he's someone as great as me, why not?"

Truthfully, as he spoke of this, he felt that even if it's someone far stronger than him, he'd still fight that dude to the death.

Well, if he couldn't defeat that person, then, the next best thing to do is... to kill the first.

True Sun Monarch smiled: "It's amazing how humans can lie through gritted teeth."

As he spoke this, he waved his hand, two blue scrolls floated on it and slowly descends in front of Mo Xie.

"This is a scroll that will immediately teleport you in front of the forest, and if you find yourself unable to handle the trouble, you can use the other scroll to teleport here again." True Sun Monarch explained.

Mo Xie grabbed the scrolls and smiled: "Then, I will take these, if you can really save Bingyun and Futong, then, I will also abide by our condition."

As he spoke, he unfolds the scroll and infused his spiritual energy, making his body glow in violet light before disappearing completely.

When Mo Xie disappeared, Tanya looked at True Sun Monarch: "Father, why'd you even make him be my husband?"

True Sun Monarch chuckles: "First of all, I knew he will reject, second, you were also against it, but then, for some reason, you had a change of heart."

Tanya hearing this blushed and couldn't speak further.

As it ends here, True Sun Monarch stood up: "I will save his friend personally, anyone with me?"

"We've just woken up, so I guess I will come."

"Me too."

"I wanted to come, but I only have five minutes left before I go to sleep."

True Sun Monarch smiled: "Then, I will leave this place to the rest of you all for now."

"Rest a.s.sured."

True Sun Monarch smiled: "Then, we go."

The other two nods their heads: "We leave then."

As they finished speaking, all of them became wrapped with blinding light as they turned into a ball of light before streaking into the sky towards the dark place.

Tanya looked at her father's vanis.h.i.+ng figure before she spoke: "I hope nothing goes wrong..."

As she spoke of this, she descends the top floor towards her own room.

Meanwhile, someone seemed immediately lost as soon as he came to the forest.

Mo Xie looked from left to right, the sky is like the dusk, a mix of both light and darkness.

"So... this place is definitely not the place I was in... another plain within a plain? This..." He felt speechless. Since he didn't know which part of the forest he's in, then, he chose to move forward.

But soon as he took his first step, he immediately felt many presences locking his location.

"Oh, interesting." As he spoke of this, a smile formed on his lips: "Well, wait for a bit."

He immediately started to train his cultivation art: "I don't know if you can take this, but I know, you aren't any ordinary soul sea."

Sadly for Mo Xie, through his research, he couldn't create his own cultivation, but he made the next best thing, he combined all of the most powerful cultivation arts he had ever gathered and tried combining it, after ten thousand years, he managed to do so, well, out of boredom.

Since he already has a complete set of his own cultivation, he didn't want to destroy his own foundation to cultivate another one, why would he? He was at the peak of his realm previously.

But now, the time is up: "Do not let me down."

"Divine Elemental Emperor's Decree."

This is another of his treasured possession, he wanted to do something, he wanted to soar the skies and get a disciple to learn both Divine Elemental Emperor's Decree and Divine Empyrean's physique. For someone to be able to stand tall together with him, but not to his expectation, whenever he tries to get one, they'd die of unknown reason or even vanish completely.

As he spoke of this, he started to adjust his soul sea, to his shock, it's actually adjusting so fast that he couldn't believe it, a smirk plastered on his face.

Slowly, like some sort of ladder, the elements inside Mo Xie's body started to be connected, although there's a light separating them, it's almost 50% connected.

It's also taking a different form, it started to look like a diamond, but there are four spikes on it, something Mo Xie had never thought would appear: "This is..."

Also, Aiqing's black soul sea started to adjust towards the upper part of the diamond, there's notably three other small black dotes at the west, east, and southern parts of the diamond. "It's increasing in size yet, currently has no use... what are these three dots..."

After a while of probing, Mo Xie decided to ignore, he tried doing many things, like trying to borrow some spiritual energy, yet, no effects happened. Since that's the case, he decided to ignore it for now. What he wanted to know is, there are four empty s.p.a.ces at the end of the spikes.

"Well, this soul sea is definitely special, I will unseal it, one step at a time." As he spoke, he couldn't help but get excited: "Let's begin."

The two things he placed his effort the most are now residing in a single body, Mo Xie smiled: "I have no name for the techniques since I was planning to let my disciple name it, but then, I can use all of them without a word."

His eyes moved towards the closest dangerous creature, although its a hundred meters away from him, Mo Xie could feel it: "If you aren't useful to me, you will have no corpse left!"

As he spoke this, Mo Xie's fist started to have a fire blazing on it, lightning sparks also flowing out of his hand.