Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 290 A Disastrous S...

290 A Disastrous S...

"Hahaha." True Sun Monarch laughed, he looked at Mo Xie and spoke: "What is there to not like in my little Tanya? You know, if you marry her, you'll have full control of my faction too."

"My little Tanya has many suitors, you know, what do you dislike about the idea?"

Mo Xie looked at the monarch, seeing if the person is joking or not, but then, he smirked: "What do you value in me so much? I've merely been staying here for a short time, also, I've never shown anything."

True Sun Monarch's absurd wished caused Mo Xie to wonder what this fella is thinking: "The hidden agenda you have, I wish to know of it."

True Sun Monarch smiled, he looked at Tanya who remained still and silent throughout the conversation, it felt like the conversation isn't her concern at all.

He then looked at Mo Xie: "If we are to escape from this place, be freed from our curse, we have two options that we can do, first is to clear all of the void creatures that escaped to this place, and second..."

"To be married to a person of the outside world?" Mo Xie continued.

True Sun Monarch smiled: "Yes, but it had only been pa.s.sed down to us by words without any proof, hence, we do not know if this is a concrete answer."

Mo Xie nods his head in understanding: "But since you've not accomplished your mission, there is no proof that it will also remove the curse, right?"

True Sun Monarch's voice turned to grievous, his eyes solemn as he looked up, the ceiling and spoke: "No, that is pool proof."

As he spoke, all of the monarchs present s.h.i.+fts a tiny bit of their power at the ceiling.


The ceiling started to glow, True Sun Monarch spoke in a sad voice: "This is a recording of the past event."

*This is a 3rd person view, seeing from one's eyes.*

The person is in a kneeling posture, he's currently looking at the ground, the surrounding is a sealed 100-meter wide room, there are light torches everywhere, the room is supposed to be lighting up lightly, but the people surrounding the room are glowing brightly.

"You've committed a great sin, countless worlds, innocent people, defenseless races were ravaged because you didn't do your duty, what kind of punishment do you think needs to be done?" At this moment, a voice sounded, its ethereal yet, filled with murderous intent as he directed his anger at the person viewing the ground.

But the person on the ground remained calm, he couldn't help but sigh as he continuously gazes on the ground: "I've regretted my action, I was too coward to face the enemies, afraid of them dying..."

But as these words were brought out, he immediately regretted saying it.

"But you do not hold those beneath you worth risking your life then?" The ethereal voice sounded.

He couldn't help but grit his teeth, after all, he himself knew of what needs to be done.

"Then, shouldn't I have not saved your whole clan that time? Your empire should've just burned there to the ground, me picking up a force that second to you might've benefitted me more."

The person being punished nodded his head: "I've sinned, I have no further words to excuse myself."

His gaze moved up as he gazed at the person in front of him, his eyes solemn as he spoke: "I will accept any punishment, but please, be lenient to my descendants, they wanted to fight, but I held them back out of my own selfishness."

"My selfish deeds had caused me to save the millions of my tribe's lives but at the cost of uncountable souls burned forever leaving the cycle of life, I truly committed a sin grave enough to be punished for an infinite lifetime."

As the gaze of the person s.h.i.+fts, Mo Xie's eyes couldn't help but grow wide in shock, the person in front of the Solar Tribe's ancestor is G.o.d Zhihao!

He couldn't help but gulps down as he looked at True Sun Monarch and the others; 'They are descendants of the sinned ancestor who served G.o.d Zhihao?!'

He didn't know whether to laugh or cry; 'Doesn't that mean, their cultivation art is at the peak?!' 

But he didn't stop watching and continued to observe.

Zhihao's wrath, it is something not to be trifled with, even the Solar Tribe's ancestor who's also a G.o.d didn't dare be disrespectful.

"Out of the thousand G.o.d's tribe, there are still a few that couldn't let go of sentiments living selfishly." Zhihao's words caused the Solar Tribe's ancestor's heart to bleed, but the former continued: "Out of the thousand tribes, you are within the top strongest, yet, you let yourself be afraid, yes, there are many that died, but I... I witnessed them smiled, a whole tribe smiling as they sacrificed their lives for the millions beneath them."

As Zhihao's words came to this, he felt hurt, those around him can also feel it, they all shared the same sentiments, a hundred-year war, all of them were together even once, they had been together fought side by side.

They all saw their comrades died just to s.h.i.+eld them from the attack they couldn't see.

Zhihao's melancholy lasted but a few seconds, his gaze became stern as he looked at the Solar Tribe's Ancestor: "You will be punished."

"I will accept." The solar Tribe's Ancestor kneeled as he said.

"But you will be punished together with your tribe."

The Ancestor's eyes trembled, his whole body s.h.i.+vered, he kneeled on the ground and slammed his head.

Bang! A resounding boom echoes through the whole of the floor as his head slammed the ground, yet, didn't even cause a single crack.

The Solar Tribe's Ancestor spoke: "G.o.d Zhihao, I beg you, please have mercy, hang me forever with my blood gus.h.i.+ng out of my body, cripple me, make me suffer eternal condemnation, but please, spare my tribe's people, they wanted to fight yet I stopped them all!"

Zhihao felt pained too, the Solar Tribe's ancestor and a lot of its members were together with him at the early stage of the war, yet, at the most crucial juncture, the Solar Tribe's ancestor actually caved in in fear of their tribe's survival would be nigh impossible.

Zhihao remained stern as he pa.s.sed down his judgment: "Remnants of the enemy forces had spread far and wide, there are eight Void Emperors that escaped, your Solar Tribe is to chase one of these beings and completely destroy them."

As he finished speaking, something came out of Zhihao's hand and floated towards the Solar Tribe's ancestor.

"Use this, whether you or the Void Emperor and its forces survive are all up to your performance, you will never be able to escape this calamity, you chose if you accept this punishment or die as the cowards you are."

"I also brand your tribe, a curse, the sin of the sloth, a coward's dignity. The longer you take, the more solid the curse will apply until its full power entraps your tribe."

The Solar Tribe's ancestor took the item, his eyes glowing fiercely: "I accept this punishment."

As he spoke thus, the vision started to blur.

"Father, I also wish to propose something." A fine beautiful G.o.ddess void of imperfection appeared beside the Ancestor, she continued: "I will give you some leeway, I hope that you will use this chance to at least free your tribe's suffering, your tribe's people can mar-"

But as she spoke up to this word, the recording halts.

Mo Xie now knows why these people wanted Tanya to be wedded to him. "Maybe it's a misunderstanding? Instead of marrying, shouldn't it be 'murdering a hundred enemies' can give one his or her freedom?'"

(AN: Since it's a p.r.o.nunciation from an ethereal voice, it can both be heard with mar and mur.)

His words caused the monarchs to look at each other and then laughed.

"Oh, what seemed to be the case of your laughter?" Mo Xie asked.

Red Sun Monarch chuckles: "Tell me, those words were said by the G.o.ddess of Kindness and Fertility, G.o.ddess Lianne, the daughter of G.o.ddess Sylvia and G.o.d Zhihao. Would you think your words laughable to?"

Hearing his words, Mo Xie nods his head: "Well, I understand."

He then looked at Tanya: "I can marry you, by name, but you can serve me as my maid, or even better, you could also be free soon as you leave this place, whatever you chose, I won't force you."

"To whoever one loves, that is their own choices to make, as you get out of this place, you're free to marry whoever you wish, I won't forbid it nor will I be a wall for you to feel guilty about. I am already married, I have a lovely child and another one coming to being."

As he spoke of this, he smiled at Tanya: "Your destiny is your own, do not let anyone dictate you on what you need to do."

Dudum~!!! Tanya's heart thumbs a huge one as it skipped a beat, she couldn't help but look at the ground speechlessly while Mo Xie's smile embedded in her memory.