Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 285 Sugandiums

285 Sugandiums

It only took Mo Xie no less than an hour to reach the 'Border'.

he stood at the border and couldn't help but smile, he looked at the two different spots, it's a clear divider of both light and darkness.

One part is dark while the other one is like the morning day, as Mo Xie walked towards the bright light, he closed his eyes and opened his palm widely like he's embracing the warmth: "Ahh, Yang energy really is great."

As he spoke of this, he looked at the giant corpse behind him and spoke: "Don't look at me like that, I wasn't the one that killed your companion."

At first sight, Mo Xie would look like someone who's talking to himself, but as he looked up, three Sugandiums are glaring at him enraged.

"ROAAAAAAAAAAAAR!" One of the three roared, it was then followed by the other two and the three of them charge simultaneously.

Mo Xie smirked, "Powerful as you may, but your slow attacks looked like a punch from a child."

He easily evaded the attacks one after another, he came out of the dark part and spoke: "Come at me."

He grabs at the air, a weapon suddenly appeared, a 4-star soul weapon.

The Sugandiums slightly hesitated before one of them bursts with ma.s.sive power and started to attack Mo Xie recklessly.

"Hmmp, weak creatures." Mo Xie snorted, the Sugandiums became weaker outside the darkness, its slow attacks became much slower. With his current power, he couldn't really take on Sugandium's full force, he then turned to the next best option; he would parry the punches that carried the weight of a hundred mountains and s.h.i.+fts its power to the ground.

He easily destroyed the giant's balance.

The Sugandium grunted. It then snorted mockingly at Mo Xie.

The latter couldn't help but chuckle: "What, you can't hit me but I can't hurt you? That it?"

Mo Xie smiled, he then picked a rock and threw it at the giant's eye on its chest.

"GROAAAAAAAAAA!!!" Well, it became extremely effective for provoking it.

Another punch made its way towards Mo Xie, the latter snorted: "Let's see how much damage Sword Energy can cause you."

As he spoke, his blade started to vibrate. Mo Xie then aimed at the approaching ma.s.sive fist and slashed his sword.

This caused the Sugandium to be shocked, but it didn't even hesitate to clash with the Sword Energy with its brute force.

"Wow." Mo Xie couldn't help but remark: "Only a scratch, you know, your skin can definitely be used to create armors, I'll take it."

Another barrage of punch came, this time, the other two Sugandiums joined the fight.

Mo Xie smirked at this, he used the giant's arm's shadow, made it his ladder as he dashed up. He tried piercing his sword, sadly, it couldn't make a clear pierce even with the Sword Energy combined. 

Swishshhhhhh~!!! Mo Xie made a circular attack with the sword energy combined, hitting the Sugandium's skin more than thirty times in four seconds.

"I don't have any cultivation arts, only an eye technique and a movement technique, though it's enough, it will take some time."

Mo Xie aimed at the giant's armpit, at the thinnest part of it to be exact.

Swish~!!! Eight slashes at the same location in two seconds!

Mo Xie jumped away from the shoulder as another hand made its way at his previous location.

But as he's in midair, the other two Sugandiums made its way towards Mo Xie with wide opened hands in a clapping motion, with just this, he couldn't help but chuckle: "I am no fly, slowpokes."

"Splitting Earth, Earth Ramparts!"

A triangular pillar erected from the ground, Mo Xie used this as a stepping stone, literally, to get out of the way.


A resounding shockwave was heard as Mo Xie smirked at the two giants, the Earth Ramparts exploded into thousands of pieces, hitting the giants many times while Mo Xie used the debris to land safely on the ground.

But something Mo Xie didn't expect happened, the three giants roared as they slowly go back into the dark part.

"Oh, you think I can't kill you there?" Mo Xie asked in a disdainful manner: "Well, since you want to die there, I don't mind completing your wishes."

Mo Xie chuckles: "Splitting Earth, Path!"

The ground in front of Mo Xie splits into two, creating a path, there's a shadow in the middle of it created by the path; Mo Xie immediately dove in and followed the three giants inside the dark part again.

Soon as he entered the dark path, Mo Xie saw three large fists coming his way: "Ha, useless."

"Shadow Meld."

As Mo Xie spoke, his whole body vanished again, the giants kept looking left and right, up and down but sees no signs of the former.

"I'm here." Mo Xie spoke~

Swish~ Swish~ It's like a steel slas.h.i.+ng on hard frozen flesh was heard, Mo Xie slashed eight times, his movements much faster than before.

The giants immediately had gone loco~ as they punched everywhere.

Mo Xie couldn't help but snort, they are more troublesome doing it like this. Every punch they threw causes powerful wind, the wind is so fierce that it would slash Mo Xie's skin.

"Truly, the Tyrannical G.o.d's physique is irreplaceable; I have no arts that are even half as great as it is. The minor wounds I get inflicted are getting healed immediately." He spoke, he also touched his skin: "And I've become handsome too, now this, I like."

Mo Xie persistently slashed at the giant's armpits, the thin part is slowly getting slashed quite a lot in the same place working like wonders, and the skin is slowly getting slashed.

"These things are immune to physical injuries, well, let's see if their feelings are numb too."

The 2,000th slash filled with Sword Energy slashed at one of the giant's armpit again, exactly at the same location.

"GROAAAAAAAH!" The giant's body bursts with power, the ligament of his right arm had been completely cut by Mo Xie's last strike, it disabled it completely.

Mo Xie smirked: "I need to cultivate, this place is special, and I would trade anything to own this place… Well, since there are infestations of your kind here, you'll be extinct."

He looked like he's dancing, minimum movements were used whenever he reached his destination. He couldn't help but be satisfied at his physique, almost never-ending stamina, self-recovering ability, huge amount of strength surpa.s.sing one's own cultivation.

"I was too stupid, I only have eight drops of Tyrannical G.o.d's bloodline and I gave a single drop to that sect master… Seriously, being a mortal…" Mo Xie couldn't help but speak badly of himself.

When his mind got unlocked, he could think and fight at the same time, especially when the fight isn't something for him to worry about.

His view started to change drastically as time went on, uncountable years of playing, training, and thinking of new hobbies started to be digested immediately.

"A mortal can kill no dragon, unless, the weakness is in sight." Mo Xie sighed, he had searched for the Sugandium's weakness, sadly, there are no external weaknesses, and the eyes are as hard as a diamond and the skin tougher than any mortal steel.

'I wonder what kind of power that arm can be useful for… It's the same as G.o.ddess Hilary's full transformation, but I only saw my right arm with it…' There are many things Mo Xie wishes to do, sadly, there is no time for him to do so.

He was able to cut a ligament, but it took him too long: "Hey, let's just do this."

As Mo Xie spoke, he stopped and landing on a ground, he then looked at the Sugandiums: "I will spare you today, I need some time, soon, I will come back to annihialate you all, is that good?"

"GRAAAAAAA!" The three Sugandiams roared.

"That's a no then." As Mo Xie spoke, he looked at the weird giant, its mouth on its head while its eyes on its chest: "You guys look stupid… I wonder if the giant race or you are stronger, so who would win?"

Bang! Booom!

The Sugandiums resumed their attacks, Mo Xie blended with the darkness again, transforming into a shadow as he attacked continuously.

But at the middle of their fight, Mo Xie's sense tingled: "Oh, reinforcements?"

As he spoke, he looked at the four people outside the light part: "You guys were too late, was about to finish my-"

He couldn't finish his words as he vanished, blending into the shadows again, what replaced him was a giant fist.

Mo Xie then appeared in front of them: "Just about to finish my fight, what took you guys too long."

The four reinforcements were Tanya, Waakem, and Salum, together, the rescued disciple Geng Yuxian.

They stared at Mo Xie in great shock. It took them thirteen experts at Immortal Paragon rank to kill one Sugandium, but to see Mo Xie dealing with three without being at a disadvantage, they were too shock!