Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 284 A Mortal's Mind Is Limited

284 A Mortal's Mind Is Limited

The four members of Mo Xie's party were shocked, to think that these two were so strong, although they couldn't see their cultivation, they thought that it's at least Immortal Foundation rank. But for Mo Xie, well, he couldn't help but be speechless, he looked at Tanya and Waakem in confusion.

Tanya is already at the pinnacle of Immortal Saint Rank while Waakem is at the mid-stage Immortal Paragon rank.

With such thought, he immediately felt asked himself; 'If even they can't get out of this place, will we be able to?'

Mo Xie's thoughts processed quite fast, he immediately started to think of many strange things, like how strong their enemies are if even the princess is this strong, or, would there still be an exit to this place, or how many days had already pa.s.sed?

He started to think of many possibilities, as he sinks further in his deep thoughts, time quickly pa.s.sed by, they had already traveled for about four days without a stop.

The four members that were with Mo Xie are all core disciples of their respective sects, hence, they could keep up without much of a trouble, they are all Immortal Foundation rank initial stage, meanwhile, Mo Xie is merely a Sky Shattering ranked expert yet he could go to their pace without much as a sweat.

They wanted to stop and let him rest, but for some reason, they looked to be more tired than Mo Xie, there are even times when Mo Xie would pa.s.s them by quite quickly due to exhaustion. They couldn't believe how much they lagged behind the latter in terms of just stamina alone.

"We're almost there, be careful, Sugandiums are always patrolling the borders, it will do you well to put extra caution."

All five of them nods their head, Mo Xie immediately stretched his perception about five hundred meters around them, that's the limit of his wide range perception, but in a straight line, it would reach at least two kilometers ahead.

But soon as he did, he felt Tanya's own perception scanning the area, he couldn't help but be astounded, Tanya's own scouting is at least five or even ten times stronger than his, he tried to only scan in a single line yet, he couldn't reach the end.

Waakem is also doing a wide scan, and Mo Xie merely reached the end of his.

He's quite confident in his own perception, but seeing these two, he took huge hits.

But inside him, something started to surge; 'Why do I have to compare myself to others? I have my own path, and that is something I will pursue on my own!'

He smiled, he heaved a strong one before huffing it out.

At this moment, something happened within him, something that felt like a knot completely untying itself or swords removed from being embedded.

"My son, we are waiting…"

An ephemeral voice sounded, Mo Xie looked around: "Had you guys heard something?"

Tanya and Waakem shook their head, the same as the four with them, Wu Shanli spoke: "Brother, maybe the wind?"

Mo Xie smiled, he nods his head: "Maybe."

"We still are…"

Mo Xie's eyes widened, but as he felt his whole body being gripped tightly by a giant hand, he grabbed his chest from the pain, this time, it's different from the time with the physique's morphing.

Instead of his whole body, this time is internally, only aiming at his heart.

"My son…"

Mo Xie couldn't help but halt his steps, he shouted: "Go on without me first, I… I will follow later!"

They couldn't help but be shocked at Mo Xie's shout, yet, all of them nodded, for Tanya and Waakem, they didn't really care what private business the former has, hence, they ignored him, for the four members of Mo Xie's party, they couldn't disobey his orders.

Mo Xie looked from left to right, not seeing any place to hide, he found a huge rock and dig the land under it to make himself a temporary burrow.

Mo Xie's heart tightened.

"My son, the time of your training had pa.s.sed its years for far too long…

We are waiting…" The ethereal female voice ended yet, Mo Xie's pain continued, it also increased drastically.


Mo Xie's heart would sometimes beat loudly, every time it does, the pain would drastically increase.

"Kuk!" Mo Xie through gritted teeth tried to endure as much as possible, he looked at the sky as he shouted: "I am no son of yours, your son died many years ago!"

"In time, my son, you will know…"

"F*ck*ng stupid ones, you can't even understand my words!" Mo Xie struggled, gritting his teeth as he tried to resist the pain, but then, it started to a.s.sault something else at the same time.

The pain pierced right through his mind, his mental strength is being a.s.saulted.

Mo Xie couldn't help but rolls on the ground, one hand clutched his chest while the other his head. His fingertips are already burying itself at his skin, the skin with the Tyrannical G.o.d's Physique.

Mo Xie's eyes widened, tears and blood started to rush out of his eyes, nose, mouth, and ears.


Like something unsealing from his mind, Mo Xie's aggrieved self slowly calmed down, he stood up and felt his whole body, he then looked at his right arm embedded on his chest, slowly, he lifts it out.

From his elbow to the tip of his fingers, he noticed that it had changed, it turned completely black with markings of navy blue glowing lines.

The pain intensified yet, his eyes merely twitched: "I…"

He couldn't help but be speechless, he closed his eyes as he lifts his head up facing the skies. The pain is there, tormenting his body yet he stood calmly as he started walking outside.

A smile formed on his lips, "I was too stupid, really stupid…"

He opened his eyes as he gazes in the starless night: "To whoever you are, I thank you for arranging this for your son, I will use it well and will accept one of your wishes, no matter what it is."

He smiled, he couldn't hide his happiness, his expression completely satisfied, he can freely use his mind, all of his knowledge from his previous life catching up to him like a flood of water bursting out of a heavenly dam.

Mo Xie's mortal mind broke! Unsealing the divine mental capacity of his previous self.

"A mortal's mind couldn't keep up with all of my knowledge, but now, I can think simultaneously." Mo Xie mused, all of those that he had learned before.

He then couldn't help but laugh at his previous self: "Ay- to think that I struggled because my mind couldn't keep up, such tragedy indeed."

As he spoke of this, he closed his eyes, he cultivated another technique together with his movement skill: "Splitting Earth movement art…"

If someone saw Mo Xie right now, they'll definitely freak out, blood continued to gush out of all the holes in his body yet he remained calm unperturbed by the pain inside him.

Mo Xie's pain tolerance drastically increased, well… more likely that his mental capability had been unsealed completely.

As Mo Xie learned a new movement art, he immediately remembered the usage of it, making his training of the art extremely fast. He started to memory train the two arts, both the Splitting Earth movement art and the Shadow Emperor's steps.

As his mind unlocks, his previous attachments slowly diminished: "Why did I have to be so nosy, a mortal's mind greatly detriment's one's action…"

For some reason, he couldn't shake off his feelings for Shang Ting, whenever he does try to, he felt a stupidly amazing feeling: "Kukuk, was I too lonely at the peak before?"

It only took him eight days to completely train on his two-movement arts, he also completed it until grand completion. It means, whoever invented the skill, he had already far surpa.s.sed them.

Mo Xie slowly stood up, he looked at the direction that his members had gone to and smiled: "Well, having many servants would be better than being lonely again… I guess?"

He smirked, a hand on his face while one of his eyes staring down on the ground: "Shadow Emperor's steps, shadow meld, Splitting Earth movement art, underground pa.s.sage!"

As he spoke thus, his body slowly vanished as it combined itself with the shadows, the latter technique then opened a hole below him, making a pa.s.sage fifty meters ahead of him.

He didn't even speak as he entered the underground pa.s.sage, a fifty-meter clear path is being paved in front of Mo Xie, his speed is also twenty times faster. The darker the place is, the better the performance of the Shadow Emperor's steps.