Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 282 Chase

282 Chase

But as soon as he threw the runes, it got sliced to uncountable pieces, he saw fierce red eyes in the process: "Since I couldn't shake you…"

Mo Xie immediately made a hard right turn, he'd rather die than bring these two back to their temporary camp, he gritted his teeth and was about to throw another dozen of runes on the ground he was about to enter but for some reason, the two following him continued forward instead of chasing him.

"F*ck!!!" Mo Xie couldn't help but felt s.h.i.+vers on his back: "These creatures are too intelligent!"

It's almost about to be morning, the thick fog is decreasing extremely fast, he saw their silhouette continuing forward, it only means one thing, Mo Xie was heading their camp but decided to take a detour to not bring harm to his friends, yet, the two pursuers took notice of it and had gone straight ahead.

Mo Xie thought started to grow dire, and he so dearly wished for it to not be the case.

He rushed, he pushed his body to the limits trying to catch up but there are no signs of the two following him earlier.

It took Mo Xie twenty minutes to return, and by the time he did, he saw traces of minimum resistance, no traces of his comrades left.

Mo Xie slumps on the ground and spoke in a low tone: "Why…"

The event was too fast, it was only a few seconds delay, he immediately made a detour to shake off his pursuers, but to think that the two pursuing him would immediately had a few ideas, on point at that.

But only a few seconds later, he stood up, he searched for traces and yes, he really found one, it's like a dragged footprint: "Bingyun?"

He also saw traces of dropped pieces of clothes, they are leaving traces for him to find!

Mo Xie closed his eyes, he continued training the eye technique he started to cultivate a few days ago: "I need to master this eye technique in less than an hour, else, I might miss some clues."

"Twelve Winged Serpent's Glare." Mo Xie spoke, his eyes turned to something similar to a snake, glowing in green color yet still incomplete.

He didn't want to cultivate this night viewing eye technique, it will take quite a lot of effort to remove it to be changed by another one, but he had no choice due to the environment he is in. He'd need to make sacrifices.

After a quarter before an hour, Mo Xie stood up: "Initial completion, I need to cultivate a movement art too."

He couldn't help but use the Shadow Emperor's steps, someone he killed and s.n.a.t.c.hed the cultivation art from his previous life. Since it's always dark, it would be his greatest ace.

Mo Xie trained the Shadow Emperor's steps while chasing and finding the clues, it hurts him a lot to do so, he wanted to cultivate Immortal ranked eye technique and movement techniques, but in order to do so, one needs to be at least at Immortal Foundation rank.

He didn't choose any arts before due to one reason, he wanted to start doing so when he reached the Immortal Foundation rank, sadly, not everyone's plan could go accordingly to one's wishes.

Mo Xie followed the trails left behind, sadly, after three days, the trails had gone thinner, almost nothing can be found in anymore, every kilometers, they would sometimes leave some common things that's not part of this world, hence, Mo Xie immediately knew it was left behind for him.

There would always be some clues, but at the 21st day, there are almost none, they would only leave behind a single clue, a piece of cloth pointing at a single direction, the piece they left were thorn to look like an arrow, hence, Mo Xie immediately knew that they are running out of things to leave behind.

He already traveled for more than three thousand kilometers, he would also take some of the beasts that were killed on the way, sadly, no cores were found.

He would casually heat the meat and ate it as he followed the path, on the 31st week, he couldn't help but be astounded.

Although his eye technique is merely at the initial completion, he could quite clearly see in the dark already, and what he saw is the end of his chase.

Also, whenever the fogs rises up, he could still see fifty meters around him. He couldn't help but commend the ability of the eye technique, sadly, its only use is to see in dark places, and has no other practical use at initial completion.

Two hours till the fogs dissipates.

He saw a huge mountain, there are huts everywhere and a whole wall surrounding the mountain about thirty feet tall, in the middle of all of that, there's something that looked like a castle.

"Are they human? Or just another humanoid race?" Mo Xie asked, he remembered the eyes of the person that chased him, for humans, they have round-shaped pupil, but the one he saw is a four-sided star-shaped pupil, it also has a violet color.

But then again, humans have different kinds of pupil color, just depends on one's birth, sometimes, it's even changed unnaturally.

Mo Xie had no further clues in whether which place his group is brought, prisoners? Food?

He dearly hoped that they were taken in as prisoners at least. With the help of the Shadow Emperor's Steps, Mo Xie blended with the dark and his movements are increased by two folds.

The first thing he did is search at the place that looked like the lowest place of this place, he sneaked here and there, but for some reason, there are no inhabitants in the place; 'This must be some sort of prison or just someplace to carry certain events?'

Three kilometers from him, he could feel thousands of presence, he didn't dare go near it in fear of being detected again, he needed to extremely caution too, after all, he does not know if he's being followed again.

But as he sneaked deeper and deeper in, he felt three presence about two hundred meters away from him, he felt s.h.i.+vers run down his spine, the three presences are staring at his direction.

But that didn't end there, he immediately felt that the three presences are scanning him with their spiritual energy.

Mo Xie couldn't help but curse, he immediately dashed away activating Shadow Emperor's Steps.

This time, Mo Xie can see the two following him from far away slowly catching up.

It's kind of funny when you're chasing someone but in the end get chased by them again, Mo Xie thought of it, he started to calm down and spoke: "Come as you may, If I die, I die, if I live, then, you'll be dead!"

"I've already lived long enough! I have no other regrets!" Mo Xie shouted to the top of his lungs, but although he said that, he really still have regrets, so many of them to count.

Since he couldn't outrun his pursuers, he'd rather die honorably.

Mo Xie waved his hand, a hundred weapons appeared in the air and landed on the ground piercing the land, he grabbed at the air and caught a sword: "Come on boys!"