Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 281 Restless Nigh

281 Restless Nigh

(Author's note; In case someone missed from the last chapter and started asking, night = foggy, day = fogless, it's always dark in this place's certain parts)

He used a wind skill to clear the fogs ten meters around him.

But when he's halfway to the camp, he felt a familiar presence, he couldn't help but sigh as he approached this person.

As soon as he came close, he grabbed her hand: "Luckily, you aren't quick to follow me, else, we would've both been dead."

Bingyun's heart almost leaped from her chest as she was suddenly grabbed, but soon as she saw Mo Xie, she heaved a long breath: "Let's return, tell me what you found there."

Mo Xie smiled wryly: "Next time, no matter what happens, never follow me, the dead of the night is not something to travel about, the fog is too thick, you won't be able to see anything at all, you won't even see your own hands, if I never return to the camp, just return to the base."

Bingyun nods her head, but she has a way to return, but only her, or someone once she gave the necklace to.

As they returned to the camp, Mo Xie retold what happened, Bingyun felt terrible, if she followed a few minutes faster, then most likely, the two of them would be dead, she regretted her action immediately, instead of helping, she would be sending the two of them to their early death.

After a while, they stood on guard for a few more hours, the fog started to clear up, Mo Xie immediately woke the rest of the team: "Let's go."

Everyone nods their head, wiping their eyes before standing up, they had not bathed nor fixed themselves, so somehow, they looked quite like a beggar.

But n.o.body cared, this isn't to be the time to be picky, no one amongst them wanted to be a dead weight, sadly, with a person like Mo Xie, they can never s.h.i.+ne.

Still, they gave it their all whenever Mo Xie would give them a task to do something.

Another two days had pa.s.sed quite quickly, it's another dead of the night. They only managed to scout more than a hundred kilometers, they needed to take many detours due to dangerous monsters lingering around, Mo Xie couldn't help but want to turn back right now.

Mo Xie was not on duty to stay on guard, but he couldn't sleep and joined the surveillance team.

There's only one reason, his sensitivity to spiritual energy had backfired, he can feel hundreds and thousands of beasts surrounding them, and the closest is only a hundred meters away.

A group of wandering demonic beasts with a few dozens of them at Immortal Ascension rank!

He needed to stay on guard, he really wanted to return, but he can feel something, that they are nearing a place or a certain location, it's his instinct, it's the instinct the helped him soar as a lone cultivator from his previous life.

Resources are tight without a backer as a lone cultivator, and they need the luck to get some fortuitous encounters, and to Mo Xie, his instincts had been a great help.

"Senior Mo, you've been staying up all night for two days already, you should rest and trust us to guard this place." The one on duty spoke, he's responsible for tonight's duty together with another disciple from the Celestial Azure Pavilion, he's from the Grand Martial Sect, Geng Yixian, the maiden from the Pavilion also nods her head.

"Senior Brother Mo, you really should take some rest, I think you would be to stress and might blackout on our journey if this continues." The maiden spoke, her name is Wu Shanli, Wu Shan Mei's direct disciple.

Her surname was replaced when she was taken by Sect Master Wu as her direct disciple.

Mo Xie smiled: "Don't worry, something like this, I'm used to, I can still go on for five days to be exact."

As soon as a person breaks through to become a cultivator, they would need lesser sleep than normal, but sleeping is a way for cultivators too to let their bodies recover faster.

The two felt worried, Geng Yixian then spoke: "Senior Mo, I may sound like I'm bragging, but if you don't trust us, we should just return instead, we're merely being your luggage, if you were alone, you would definitely have reached your goal and would already be on your way back."

Mo Xie smiled at him and shook his head: "If this goes on for more months, more years, then, the advance party we'll need is going to increase, as experienced as you are now, you'll definitely be one to lead a whole group later on, you all aren't deadweights, you are a huge help once any of you can accomplish something, that will be something that we'll definitely need."

The place is vast, a single Mo Xie can't scout the whole place, he didn't know the limits of the place, how can he do it alone? The more people there are to help, but better it would be and the faster something might be discovered.

"The more experienced you guys become, the better it is for me to leave the rest to you all later on." Mo Xie spoke, he had also been cultivating something from the start

Well, if something is to happen to Mo Xie and couldn't come back for a few days, weeks, months, or even years, then, at least the people here would be able to continue their work.

Mo Xie then looked far ahead, although the fog is blocking his vision, he lowered his tone and spoke: "I would leave everything to you guys if it's in a different place, but right now, this place is too dangerous that I can't even close my eyes for a few breaths…"

"Hundreds and thousands of demonic beasts are surrounding us, this always occurs when the night thickens the fogs, I think all of the creatures here are yin based creatures, it will be great for yin cultivators, but for yang based ones, it will be disastrous…"

He then thought of Fei Li Shan, if she's here, it will take less than a year to ascend to Immortal Saint, and another three years to Immortal Paragon, to Celestial Phenomenon rank, she would at least take at least ten years if she's lazy.

The compatibility of Fei Li Shan's physique is too great for this place that he could only regret not bringing the couple with him.

Mortal and Immortal grade herbs are everywhere, it will also be a great help to train Yan Meng's alchemy knowledge. Sadly, his instincts are always right, he knew there will be a dangerous event at the Solar Blaze Kingdom, sadly, he couldn't be prepared for it, well, again.

But then, all of the events couldn't help but bring Mo Xie's edge faster than ever before, he's also continuously improving his thinking.

Suddenly, Mo Xie felt that something is happening, he couldn't help but increase the range of his scope and couldn't help but be in great shock.

He could feel it, there's a great battle going on, he tried to increase his range and finally caught signs of it; "It feels like a pack of beasts attacking a single ent.i.tle…"

He could feel that there's a single ma.s.sive spiritual energy being attacked by many weaker spiritual energy.

Mo Xie couldn't help but be curious, he looked at the two and spoke: "Do not ever follow me, if you do, I might die an early death, no matter how long it takes me to come back, do not, ever, follow me. Understand?"

The two looked at each other, they wanted to stop Mo Xie, the fog is too thick to even see your own hands.

"If I haven't come back in two days, return to the camp."

Wu Shanli felt that she should stop Mo Xie but she couldn't find a word, meanwhile, Geng Yuxian drummed his chest: "Brother, we will wait here no matter how long you'll take, so be sure to return."

Mo Xie smiled wryly, he shook his head: "The maximum day you need to wait is three, that's it."

The two nods their head, as they did, they couldn't feel Mo Xie's presence anymore.

Wu Shanli clapped her hand together: "I hope Senior Mo will return safely…"

Geng Yuxian nodded: "I hope so too."

Mo Xie is currently wis.h.i.+ng for some miracle to happen, that instead of intelligent beasts, it's merely a fight for territory, if that's so, the beast core is definitely his!

Based on the situation, the one getting ganged up on is at least a Celestial Phenomenon rank or even higher, then, the group of thirteen is at least at the Immortal Paragon rank!

Mo Xie wished for mutual destruction, but based on the movements of the spiritual energy from afar, the lone creature is getting bullied in a one-sided fight.

He wanted to fuse to a beast, but for some reason, he couldn't find any of the beasts he wanted, but this time, he really wished for some luck.

Thirty minutes later, Mo Xie is almost close to the fight, only two hundred meters away, but he immediately stopped as he noticed that one of the spiritual energy fightings stopped to look at his direction.

Mo Xie's body tensed up, it felt like it wanted to come closer but then stopped and resumed fighting.

Well, the reason is simple, he pretended to be a wolf by sitting on the tall gra.s.ses looking from left to right.

Mo Xie sighed, the fog is both good and bad depending on how one uses it.

After knowing the range of the group, he didn't further enter their range and merely spectated what's happening.

Mo Xie distanced himself another fifty meters and waited for what the outcome would be.

Another three hours had pa.s.sed, Mo Xie watched the whole fight and as expected, the ma.s.sive spiritual energy started to fade, he couldn't help but smile, now, there's one thing he needed to do, that is to wait for the group of attackers to leave.

But it didn't even take a minute as Mo Xie's eyes widened, he dashed immediately towards the fight but soon as he did, the group dispersed immediately when they sensed him.

After a few more minutes, Mo Xie arrived, he couldn't help but look at the humongous corpse: "W-what…"

He could see clean cuts everywhere in the giant's body, it looked more like a sword wound than fangs or claws, either that or the one that dealt the damage is extremely fast, making a crude sharp claw as sharp as a sword.

Mo Xie then looked at what the giant ma.s.s is, he can only see fifteen meters around him through his wind manipulation, hence, he couldn't really see the whole body, but then, as he went to towards the face, he finally had his answer.

"Void creature, it's the same as one of those giants that would walk past the cave's entrance!"

Mo Xie circled around the giant, then, after finis.h.i.+ng, he climbed on top of its body trying to check for some clues.

And what made him speechless is that there's a hole in the middle of its chest: "Are these giants… carrying cores too?"

The question reached Mo Xie's head, but another option opened up to him: "Or is there some sort of use for its heart?"

But then, he remembered something: "The eye of this giant is in its chest right? Is the eye some sort of ingredients or it itself has benefits when consumed?"

Mo Xie had many questions, but time is not on his side, he felt that another group was about to make their way to him, he almost panicked and made a run for it, but before he did, he grabbed a part of the giant's skin and pulled it off.

He didn't know whether it was the same group that fought and killed the giant, be he knows one thing, he has no relations.h.i.+p with it.

"F*ck!" Mo Xie couldn't help but curse, the skin is extremely tough, he grabbed at the air and summoned a round spear and pierced two eight holes, four on top and four below, sadly, the spear could only pierce three inches in.

With not much method to cover his tracks, he escaped and made it just look like a wolf couldn't bite a flesh and made a run for it when it detected the approaching enemies.

Mo Xie couldn't help but feel at lost, he's really too weak, if he has a rank of at least Immortal Foundation rank, he could've at least took a few parts of its flesh, but he couldn't help but sigh: "There are no ifs, I couldn't help it since I am too weak, and cultivating in this place is as good as nothing."

But as he finished his words, he heard something from his two sides.



Words that Mo Xie had never heard before, a language unknown to his, he also couldn't feel any spiritual energy from the two beside him.

He can't see them, he can't feel them, but then, he can hear them.

This sent a chill on Mo Xie's spine, this place is extremely dangerous: "Who?!"

