Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 278 Unintended Seduction

278 Unintended Seduction

He a.s.sembled fifty disciples from his sect and smiled: "EVERYONE, WAKE UP OR I WILL PUNISH YOU!"

As he spoke of this, he felt a slight pain on his stomach, he overdid it and the wound opened slightly, still, he proudly closed the mirror and spoke: "Done!"

Mo Xie smiled and nodded: "Good, now activate the formation with infusing your spiritual energy to it."

w.a.n.g Guan did as told, he infused his spiritual energy in it and the formation reacted with a glow, thin smokes emerged from the formation and entered the disciple's nose, mouth, and ears.

w.a.n.g Guan smiled as one disciple stood up.


He heaved a huge breath as he clutched his chest: "That… that nightmare…"

w.a.n.g Guan nodded proudly; 'Of course, every disciple of the sect fears my punishment!'

But for some reason, the only one that woke up from the dream is that single new disciple they had.


Mo Xie: "…"

w.a.n.g Guan: "…"

One of them even laughed as they slept.

Mo Xie sighed: "Here's another formation, maybe you can try the suave approach."

'Suave approach?!' w.a.n.g Guan felt embarra.s.sed, but it's all to wake his disciples up: "Okay, I got it, I'll do it better this time!"

As he spoke, he immediately started the hand seals, but then, he remembered some: "You, get out! No, wait, just tag along with everyone else near the cave's exit."

"Yes, Sect Master." The disciple immediately went there without a single moment's hesitation out of fear.

w.a.n.g Guan then copied the nightmare he had seen, he felt embarra.s.sed but still did it in the end.

After a while.




Another fifty wailing voices sounded, all of them drenched with cold sweat as they heaved long breathes one after the other, some even had tears on their eyes.

w.a.n.g Guan's eyes grew wide open and shouted: "You ungrateful trash, go and face the wall for three weeks!"

He felt embarra.s.sed, grave embarra.s.sment at that, their reaction is stronger than Mo Xie's by ten folds, no, a hundred maybe, someone even trembled and almost peed his pants.

But instead of being afraid, the disciples cried as they saw Sect Master w.a.n.g, they rushed at him as they wept tears of satisfaction.

"Master, the nightmare is unbearable, you're alive, you're really alive, some useless stupid monster pretended to be you in my dream!"

"Yeah, me too, first, it was a weak copy of Sect Master, but then, he copied master's face and acted stupidly, we were too scared."

Bang!!! Bababang!

Consecutive blows struck all of the disciples in a single second: "Go and repent!"

"For what master?"


"Hahaha!" One disciple after another started to laugh, tears appeared on their eyes and started to drop: "This time, it really is master."

They hugged him immediately, they felt terrified about the dream because they knew w.a.n.g Guan will never do something like that, they then thought that their master died.

w.a.n.g Guan in the other hand felt rage: "REPENT NOW!"

The fifty core disciples felt quite mystified, they sighed and faced the wall and started to joke around about their nightmare.

Meanwhile, Mo Xie couldn't help but smile: "They had grown so much attach to you that they can see the difference between a play and the real you."

w.a.n.g Guan was bewildered for a while, but then, nods his head, touching his nose and spoke: "They sure did."

He felt proud about it, after that, it's Wu Shan Mei's turn and an elder from the Piercing Mountain Sword sect.

Mo Xie had made about fifty more and completely used up all of the low-grade Spirit stones from the elders and two sect master's contribution.

Since he had finished, he wanted to help too, but then, he thought that they should also 'share' the responsibilities.

All of them felt that it's incredibly embarra.s.sing, but there's nothing they wouldn't do to save their disciples.

Who knows if they had been stuck in deep sleep for too long, the rebellion might've happened immediately while they were in sleep. They might not have a home to return to too.

Then, the people here will be their only family, the only people they can rely on.

Embarra.s.sed as they may, all of them did as much as they could, a few hours later, more than 700 disciples had woken up.

But for some reason, Wu Shan Mei couldn't wake up the rest of her thirty-five disciples, all of them her greatest treasures too.

Wu Shan Mei in turned asked Mo Xie for help. The latter complied without any hesitation.

He himself drew towards the remaining thirty-five core disciples of the Celestial Azure Pavilion and added a few more, they numbered to seventy-two in total, since female bodies are thinner, there's bigger s.p.a.ce compared to when the disciples of the Grand Martial Sect were awoken.

Wu Shan Mei couldn't help but be apologetic and spoke: "I've wasted four formation papers, I hope it's not much of a burden, my girls have treasures to compensate it for."

Mo Xie shook his head: "We still have fourteen left, and we're almost done, I think the other formations wouldn't be used later on and will be wasted."

As he finished speaking, he didn't bother with Wu Shan Mei anymore, he needs to help the remaining women asleep to wake up, every strength is needed in an unknown world filled with mysteries, especially when there are beings even all of them combined wouldn't be able to beat.

As the mirror appeared, yeah, Mo Xie poised himself, he untied a few parts of his robe making it lose, his chest and eight packs visible for everyone to see, he took a jar of water and splashed it on his body.

Wu Shan Mei felt speechless: "Mo Xie, what are you doing?!"

Mo Xie chuckles: "The more disgusted they are, the more reason for them to wake up."

He smiled, but Wu Shan Mei and the rest felt otherwise…

Mo Xie operated the mirror and closed himself on it, he slowly blinked a few times before speaking in a genteel manner: "Wake up now, the World needs you… I need you… to help me with our predicament."

For some reason, the females that woken up had seen Mo Xie's expression, Wu Shan Mei couldn't help but feel slightly dejected, this person is the most dangerous person in the World, he tried to act disgustingly, but he looked more das.h.i.+ng than when he thought he looked awesome.

'Dangerous, this guy is dangerous…'

Through the help of the Tyrannical G.o.d's physique, Mo Xie's body had almost been made to perfection, his face, naturally more handsome than average, as he grows stronger, he becomes more das.h.i.+ng too.

'A person that can attract others unconsciously is more dangerous than any professional playboy there is!'

How had she known? If her heart didn't belong to somebody else, then, she would've fallen for Mo Xie, her heart even skipped a beat.

Mo Xie closed the mirror and sighed: "If there's a rose, it would be more disgusting if I bit it."

Well, they didn't retort, that would be disgusting indeed, but his display earlier is kind of… kind of seductive for the women.

As the smoke entered the female disciple's nose, a few moments later, their face had a tinge of red, slowly, it grew bigger and bigger before all of them woke up and slowly sat down, they buried their face on their knees and hid their ears with their arms, they couldn't show their faces for a few hours, they wanted to calm down, but the effect of Mo Xie's seduction is too powerful for such ignorant females of the opposite s.e.x.

Wu Shan Mei looked at them knowing what they felt, she could only sigh; 'I hope none of them leaves the sect…'

Celestial Azure Pavilion strictly forbids a woman from loving or having any form of relations.h.i.+p with men, but if all of their core female disciples were to leave, they would've rather disband, their foundation will be nothing but destroyed.

But then, from the cave's exit, somebody else is blus.h.i.+ng on her own, she tried to hide it, but her ears can be seen colored in bright red.