Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 277 Void Creature

277 Void Creature

Mo Xie woke up from the observation and couldn't help but notice that his body is covered with sweat.

"M-monochrome…" Mo Xie couldn't believe it.

"Ancient Devil Tribe…"

Two words struck Mo Xie gravely, he started to connect some dots, but he himself couldn't believe it: "I… I am a failure yet a descendant of a G.o.ddess?!"

Well, he definitely couldn't believe it, after all: "I was trash, but now, I can't even escape my own problems, wait, before that, I couldn't even ascend to G.o.dhood after so many uncountable years!"

"Maybe I was part of their lineage, something like, for example, the tree, that tree bore another tree, then that tree bore another one from different blood, then, the process repeated unlimitedly and I ended up possessing a dried up bloodline of the G.o.ddess! That's it!"

Well, talk about stupidly low confidence.

"Wait, it's not me, it's this body's bloodline." Mo Xie nodded repeatedly.

"But then... How was Aiqing able to get this book?" As Mo Xie spoke, he looked at the book on his hand, he tried to open it again but to no avail. He shook his head: "Maybe it will only open when some certain circ.u.mstances or event happened?"

As soon as he calmed himself, he looked at the people still sleeping on the ground: "Maybe I should've fixed the way they slept?"

After just that thought, he shook his head, there are less than a thousand people, how could he even do so?

The problem now is…"How do I wake them up? Someone was being eaten earlier yet didn't wake up, it means that pain wouldn't work."

Mo Xie sighed; he'd definitely need to create another formation.

But before he could even move, he shuddered as he felt a powerful presence far away.

"d.a.m.n it all!" Mo Xie couldn't help but be silent, luckily, they are still in a cave, he moved the ones near the exit inside before sneaking a peek.

What Mo Xie saw is a ma.s.sive giant the size of a mountain that has the form of a human being, he couldn't help but be a shock.

The body of this creature is the same as the one that was first summoned by the t.i.tans, it also has extremely long arms but the size is a giant, but unlike the ones he saw, this giant has no wings. Also, its face has a mouth with huge saber teeth, but the eyes are nowhere to be found, it's at the center of its chest. The color of its skin is violet.

"Void Creatures…" Mo Xie couldn't help but remark silently.

Cultivation wise, this creature is definitely above the Celestial Phenomenon rank, the maximum cultivation Mo Xie can detect is Immortal Paragon, but he can definitely make a.s.sumptions just based on his previous life experience.

For some reason, the giant creature is walking yet not causing any vibration with each step.

"Is it light compared to its body size?"

It took a whole hour before the giant completely vanished from his sight, he heaved a sigh before starting to create a formation.

"I only have eight pieces of low-grade spiritual stones, the only formation that can help me wake them up with these materials is only a single one, Dreamscape Formation, but the chance one will wake up from this is extremely low, but I can create multiples of it if I have more materials…"

The ones that came to his mind is, he needed to wake up Bingyun, the two Sect Masters, and the elders, each of them have a bigger chance of carrying low-grade Spirit stones.

Mo Xie arranged for fifty people first, that's the only number fit to be at the formation's range.

After finis.h.i.+ng the formation inscription, he placed it at the middle of the people, he himself is there in the middle, a few hand seals to make the formation absorb the low-grade spirit stone's energy.

It took three hours to finish, Mo Xie is now faced with another problem: "What kind of image should I create to wake them up…"

Dreamscape Formation is a type of formation where you'll record an image to show them in their sleep.

Mo Xie cleared his throat as he finalized what he thought of: "Okay, the chance of the dreamscape formation being successful depends on the image, but I heard that there's only one out of ten that would wake up from it."

His expression became grave, he started the formation and looked serious, he looked like someone admiring the starry skies, his gaze slowly moves from the side to the formation record, he brushed his hair up and looked sternly and spoke in a gentlemanly tone: "Wake up, we're in trouble."

As he finished, he closed the formation recording and activated it: "I only need at least five who has a good amount of low-grade Spirit stones, then, it's all set."

But for some reason…

Cough!!! Cough! BWAAA!





A lot of noises sounded, Mo Xie looked at the people waking up one after another, he couldn't believe it himself: "W-what happened? I thought it has a one out of ten chance of success…"

He felt speechless, in about a minute, all fifty people woke up!

"…" Mo Xie didn't know what to say; 'Is it too successful? Or merely by chance?'

"A nightmare!" w.a.n.g Guan spoke loudly, he held his chest, although he's covered in injuries, he'd rather suffer them than to stay inside his dream.

"Nightmare?" Mo Xie asked.

w.a.n.g Guan became speechless as he saw Mo Xie, he felt like vomiting but decided to hold it in: "Nothing, I just saw some undesirable dream and woke up explosively, forgive me for shocking you."

"Oh…" Mo Xie nodded.

He then noticed that the one who's most troubled about it is Bingyun, she's vomiting already, causing Mo Xie to feel extremely embarra.s.sed.

Mo Xie immediately went into topic not trying to make himself further embarra.s.sed"Everyone, I am in grave need of low-grade Spirit stones, it's in order for them to wake up." Mo Xie spoke and pointed at the sleeping people.

Wu Shan Mei still couldn't get over what she saw, but she started to calm down and spoke: "How long had we been sleeping?"

Mo Xie answered emotionlessly: "I think a couple of weeks. If I didn't wake you up, most of you would've definitely slept eternally."

"Ah, right, kindly place all of your low-grade Spirit stones close to me, I'll continue creating formation scriptures and you guys can use it to wake your disciples up." Mo Xie asked 'politely'.

The others merely smiled, but other than currency and recovering their spiritual energy, it has no better use in their hands.

After that, they all placed their low-grade Spirit stones on the ground, well, some only had one, some even do not have any, but the two sect masters and elders of higher position has more than twenty of them.

Meanwhile, Bingyun got over the nightmarish sleep and walked towards Mo Xie: "Inside the ring are low-grade Spirit stones, use it wisely though."

Mo Xie nods his head: "Thanks."

Bingyun removed the seal earlier; she also walked towards the exit.

Mo Xie saw it and spoke: "Ah, right, do not go out of the cave recklessly, there are some creatures roaming around, I say that you should be aware that these creatures might have a cultivation power no less than a Celestial Phenomenon rank."

All fifty people that woke up felt s.h.i.+vered, Bingyun the same, above Celestial Phenomenon rank? Their clan only has two, her grandfather and father, how come there are more here?

Bingyun nods her head, carefully observing the environment.

"It's dark."

Mo Xie nods his head: "Yes, I think this is a dead Divine Origin ranked expert's divine land. Well, if he's alive, it will always be morning, if he's dead, it will be like the dead of the night."

Hearing Mo Xie's words, everyone was speechless.

"What's a Divine Origin expert?"

Celestial Phenomenon rank is what Mo Xie had believed to be Gargantuan G.o.d's rank when he's at a lower realm, the next stage is Celestial Sovereign, which is the peak of cultivation at his previous realm, well, that's when he changed that, Divine Origin ranked expert was his rank before he died, it took him 400 years to cultivate to the level, sadly, he had been stuck there for who knows how many years and thought that it was the end of cultivation rank.

Not until he had known the G.o.ds.

Mo Xie smiled: "After Celestial Phenomenon, there's Celestial Sovereign, after that, Divine Origin rank, well, don't ask me what's after that, I don't know myself."

But all he knows now is that at G.o.d's rank, possibilities are endless, one can create life, one can create worlds, one can create a universe. He himself wishes to be able to climb to that summit.

"Well, to know what Celestial Phenomenon is, I'll explain it in a better aspect…

Some of you guys are Immortal Ascension rank yes?"

Everyone nods their heads.

"Well, after that is Immortal Saint rank. Since you've all faced three of them before, the three disabled men that attacked us, you guys should know them now."

Everyone became quite scared, they don't even dare to claim to had seen a Celestial Phenomenon (Except Bingyun), but they are sure to know what it means to be an Immortal Saint rank, those three scary experts, the reason they came here are those too.

Mo Xie nods his head: "Well, after Immortal Saint rank comes Immortal Paragon rank, in this stage, one will be able to improve drastically through being able to cultivate four types of elements, the next one is Celestial Phenomenon rank, this rank is someone that will be able to summon powers almost that can level cities in one slap, kingdoms in one stomp."

Everyone felt speechless, now they understand clearly what 'Above' Celestial Phenomenon rank means, they couldn't help but want to stay within the cave now for all eternity.

"The first one is done, who wants to use the formation to wake the others up?" Mo Xie asked.

w.a.n.g Guan trembles from the pain but he stood resolute and spoke: "Let me."

Mo Xie nods his head: "Here, take it."

As w.a.n.g Guan received it, he asked: "What do I do now?"

Mo Xie sighed: "Remember the hand seals I will show you."

Everyone looked at Mo Xie and nods their heads.

Mo Xie immediately demonstrated the hand seals five times: "Got it?"

w.a.n.g Guan nods his head: "I got it on the first, don't worry."

Mo Xie smiled and nodded as he continues creating more Dreamscape Formations.

"Oh, it lights up, there's a bronze mirror looking thing now, what do I do now?" w.a.n.g Guan asked.

Mo Xie's face became emotionless as he solemnly spoke: "Stick your face close to it, then for an incense's time, you can talk or do what you want to wake all those around the formation, well, be sure to have everyone as close as three meters from the formation."


Everyone felt speechless, 'Stick your face close to it, then talk or do what you want in front of it.'

Does that mean the nightmare they had was all real and was done to wake them up by the person himself? All to save them yet they felt that it was quite embarra.s.sing and started to feel guilty. It's almost the same as paying kindness with grief.


Uhum~ Uhum~

All of them cleared their throat, Bingyun is even more embarra.s.sed, she'd vomited after waking up, her action caused her to be red from neck to her face: "I… I think I need fresh air."

"Uhum, me too, Sect Master w.a.n.g, we leave the rest to you."

"Us too."

"Guan'er, me too." Even Wu Shan Mei left.

"…" w.a.n.g Guan felt speechless.

"You can do it Sect Master w.a.n.g, give them a nightmare they will never ever forget." Mo Xie cheered but it only made w.a.n.g Guan even more embarra.s.sed.