Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 268 Formation, Runes, And Talisman

268 Formation, Runes, And Talisman

With Chen's current entourage together with his sister's, they can definitely fight on even ground one of the great sects, except the Piercing Mountain Sword Sect, because of Duan Tian's might, the sect can fight the three great sects evenly.

The mere presence of Duan Tian is huge merit for its sect, and if this person is really an enemy, neither Mo Xie nor Ouyang Chen could stand a chance.

Ouyang Chen has little interest in the Thousand Peaks Mysterious Cavern, hence, he really doesn't hesitate to leave it be, his only problem is how to help Mo Xie out of this predicament.

The night went quite quickly as all of the people gathered came to their own respective courtyards, Mo Xie and the Ouyang siblings shared the same courtyard too since they came in together.

Soon, more and more people started to arrive from below the 3rd rate sects of the Solar Blaze Kingdom all the way to the 1st rate sects.

The Dragons Meet is about to start, hence, all of the sects within the territory of the Solar Blaze Kingdom gathered for a chance of 'glory'.

Mo Xie didn't want to sleep and dragged Ouyang Chen in a room to speak privately.

He immediately took out some papers and started to inscribe formations on it, Ouyang Chen became speechless at first before he started to pay deeper attention to it.

Ouyang Chen didn't disturb Mo Xie, one needs to have great concentration and unhindered focus if one is to make a formation.

But still, Ouyang Chen couldn't help but be quite a shock, the first two circles were delicate, but he can see a huge amount of controlling sigils on it, each one as powerful as the latter.

Mo Xie smiled: "You can ask anything, I'm not particularly troubled by this."

Ouyang Chen felt a little weird, one needs full concentration if one were to create a formation inscription: "Brother, that's for?"

Mo Xie smiled: "I'm trying to create the strongest formation I could with the limited resources I have."

"I do not have enough power to contend with powerful experts, the least I could do is prepare with formations after all, formation inscription isn't about how high your cultivation is, but how great your knowledge is and how deep your pocket can provide."

Formation is one of the simpler dao to pursue, one only needs great talent and enormous resources, something 90% of the whole human population lacks, even mortals can be formation masters so long as they have enough knowledge and wealth.

"That..." Ouyang Chen felt speechless: "Shouldn't one need to be strong too? How can one be a formation master without spiritual energy to make a formation work?"

Mo Xie smiled: "That's where materials come in handy." As he spoke, Mo Xie asked: "Can I have all of your low-grade spirit stones brother Chen?"

Ouyang Chen was in the middle of his daze, he handed his spirit stones towards Mo Xie without a single word.

Mo Xie couldn't help but chuckle as he continued inscribing the formation. It took a whole five hours of his time to complete a single formation.

Ouyang Chen couldn't help but study the finished version, in the middle is a twelve pointed star, there are writings in each of its lines, the s.p.a.ce between the points are also filled with ancient letters, after that, there are eight total circles with many unknown things for him.

Outside the formation inscription, there are twelve circles outside it, each at the end of the points of the star.

He wanted to ask, he wanted to, yet, he restrained himself, he who pursues the formation would definitely drool over such complicated formation, but then, he saw Mo Xie smiling at him.

Ouyang Chen felt a little bewildered, but after a few more seconds, he knew what that smile means: "Brother, this formation..."

Mo Xie smiled, he looked at the formation and spoke: "This is an 10-star Mortal grade formation, well, its effect is almost on par with the 1-star immortal grade, it's all I could think of that could help me in situations, I hope that it will come in handy... Well, I wish that I wouldn't need to use it."

Mo Xie looked at the nighty sky, he wanted to leave, no matter what he thinks of, he could definitely not do so; 'A teleportation formation is too costly, I also don't have the time and materials to create one...'

'The monochrome is limited too, I think I can only sustain it for five minutes, we'll definitely be still within their reach after that time...'

The easiest teleportation gate he created took a whole month's of time with many resources needed, and that's the easiest teleportation gate he knew of, the others are all immediately usage and would teleport him somewhere depending on its effects.

But that didn't stop there as Mo Xie also made something else, Ouyang Chen couldn't help but look at the former in shock,

"Talisman and runes?!" For formation masters, talisman and runes are the subsidiary path, yet, also extremely hard to create.

Mo Xie started to carve some text on the grade 8 ores he got from the PaG.o.da, he smiled as he nodded: "Well, I'll be using these as my hidden cards, I have no strength, but I'll definitely stay alive with these."

Ouyang Chen nodded, runes have many types and cla.s.ses, but the most famous of them are mental attacks, he then looked at the other papers where Mo Xie finished a few of them.

"Brother, these are?"

"I'm making three basic talismans, offensive, and defensive talismans, and pace talisman, I can't create more since I'm lacking spirit stones." Mo Xie spoke, he then explained: "Well, these talismans wouldn't be much of a problem for heaven encompa.s.sing ranked experts, but I can use them in many types of situation, although it wouldn't hurt them, causing a lot of annoyance is possible."

"For the pace talismans, well, like its name, it's for increasing the owner's movements."

Ouyang Chen nodded.

In total, Mo Xie created 24 pieces of rune carvings and 50 pieces of talisman, which twenty for both offensive and defensive and ten for the pace talisman.

Mo Xie placed twenty low-grade spirit stones on the ground and placed the runes above it, the runes started to make a few resonances as it absorbed the spiritual energy within the stones: "It might take a day for the runes to completely drain the spirit stones, but it will be enough"

He immediately moved towards the talisman, the talisman is a little bit harder since Mo Xie needed to form a few hand seals on each talisman one by one.

Ouyang Chen's eyes widened: "Brother..."

He couldn't help but be speechless, after all, as Mo Xie finished one, he could feel tremendous power comparable to a heaven encompa.s.sing ranked expert's full burst attack.

Meanwhile, a person had silently watched the two people's activity, she couldn't help but smile as her brother, for the first time bonded with a friend: "Brother, I... I think I'll stay here and protect your friend."

She spoke in a low tone before returning to her own room.