Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 267 Reques

267 Reques

An alliance has one aim, a goal in which multiple groups of people had joined to pursue. And since it's already laid down in front of him, Mo Xie couldn't help but pry into it deeper: "What's the goal of this alliance?"

Meng Wanyu smiled, he looked at Mo Xie full of intent to kill, but for some reason, he's holding himself back. He tried to calm himself further, he breathed a sigh as he calmed himself again and spoke: "You don't have to worry about those things, we merely want you to stay put and don't get involved too much for a year or two and diligently cultivate."

Meng Wanyu then looked at the three ladies with his palm wide open before returning his gaze at Mo Xie: "Of course, for that, we already prepared three top-cla.s.s cultivation partners."

His tone stern, still, Mo Xie could detect a lot of hidden intents within the person's eyes, he didn't really know what this person is up to, with Meng Wanyu's status and power, he could definitely kill Mo Xie with a single punch, 'What's up with this person's agenda.'

Meng Wanyu's action felt a little mysterious for Mo Xie, the former seemed to be hiding great hatred, but the person himself is tightly concealing it tightly, making it hard to fathom.

Mo Xie smiled, he shook his head: "I can join an alliance if its goal is a righteous one, but joining one without a clear goal is something I would not do."

Mo Xie could be evil or good depending on the occasion, but he'll definitely not join something and be a p.a.w.n for others.

Meng Wanyu smiled, he nods his head: "Well, you don't need to answer now, but when the time has come, you'd need to make the decision immediately on the spot."

Mo Xie smiled, he nods his head: "That I will do indeed."

Whatever it is, Mo Xie felt that it's anything other than good, he gave his answer of rejection but instead of becoming annoyed by it, Meng Wanyu's mood actually became better.

Mo Xie's reply caused one of the females, Wei'er to be saddened.

The females and Meng Wanyu returned to the party leaving Mo Xie alone, the latter contemplated for a while before returning together with the Ouyang siblings.

He remembered something and finally knew why Meng Wanyu's mood is actually is; 'Right, Meng Kou survived!' 

Mo Xie scanned the members of the Supreme Crimson Spear Sect and noticeably found no trace of Meng Kou, but it's clearly strange since the latter had known not of his ident.i.ty back then.

He immediately remembered the eyes that saved Meng Kou at that time; 'Is it me just being too paranoid?'

A single Supreme Crimson Spear Sect will definitely not pose any threat against the three great sects, Mo Xie frowns as he thought of up to this; 'That is... if only there is a single traitor within the sects.'

Mo Xie couldn't help but ponder for more; 'That group is more frightening than I could even think of, how far are they embedded within everything that's happening?'

"Brother Xie, something troubling you?" At this moment, Ouyang Chen cut his thought short: "You've been s.p.a.ced out after you came back from the private talk."

Mo Xie smiled at Ouyang Chen, but then, something made its way to his head: "Brother, I have some problems, but it's merely an intuition."

"Oh?" Ouyang Chen asked: "What is it?"

Mo Xie's expression serious as he spoke: "There's an uprising from the southern part of the Fallen Leaf Continent has occurred, it's making it's way up, I don't really know what they are planning, but with their momentum, I don't think that they will stop at the two lower rank kingdoms."

Ouyang Chen nodded, he too knew of the Zhi Hua Royal Kingdom's movements, but it's really just a regular occurrence in the martial world, kingdoms fighting each other for more territories. It's a world where the strong devours the weak after all.

Mo Xie noticed Ouyang Chen's negligence and laid more information: "For a small kingdom like that, the weakest to boot, they could definitely not attack two kingdoms at the same time, so?"

Ouyang Chen immediately felt enlightened, his eyes wide as he looked at Mo Xie and answered: "Surely they have someone backing them!"

Mo Xie nodded: "Exactly." He paused for a bit before looking at Meng Wanyu and added: "I think that it's not merely the Dark Guild's doing, there's definitely something higher."

Mo Xie looked at Ouyang Chen intently, the latter also noticed it: "Are you perhaps..."

Mo Xie nods his head: "Yes, someone or some group from the Myriad Earth Abyss continent is sticking its reach all the way to the Fallen Leaf Continent."

Ouyang Chen nodded, if it's a group that specializes in causing chaos, then, within the Myriad Earth Abyss continent, there is one that sticks out like a sore thumb: "Blood Mist Shadow Sect..."

Mo Xie nods his head: "Brother, not that I'm making a big deal out of a random situation, but I've faced them a few times, so I don't really know what to think of this occurrences."

His gaze moved from Chen to Meng Wanyu again as he spoke: "Brother, I think not just within the lower kingdom, but even the great sects might be affected."

Mo Xie spoke his piece, Ouyang Chen isn't numb, he immediately noticed the former's intention, although there's no proof, Meng Wanyu must definitely be part of the Blood Mist Shadow sect's p.a.w.n.

"Should I take action? I can bring him back to the Clan for interrogation, I will bear all responsibilities whether your intuition is correct or not." Ouyang Chen spoke, the difference between the Ouyang Clan and the Fallen Leaf Continent is too vast, it's like the heavens and earth itself, one regime of the Ouyang Clan can destroy the Fallen Leaf Continent to its roots!

Mo Xie shook his head, he looked for the three females that followed Meng Wanyu earlier, but only two can be seen, one from the Piercing Mountain Sword Sect and the other one is Wei'er, the other one must be from either another sect or the Supreme Crimson Spear Sect.

"Brother, I think I wouldn't be able to get out of here unscathed, you should take your group away with you." Mo Xie warned.

Ouyang Chen frowns: "What do you mean by that? A single sect from the mundane kingdom can't hold me down, especially if there's only a single one at the Immortal Ascension rank!"

He's talking about Meng Wanyu, but Mo Xie shook his head: "Brother, if there's only one sect, then, I would definitely not worry, but if there are more, you and your sister's life will be in dire peril!"

Ouyang Chen frowned deeper: "Brother, we'll definitely be fine."

"You'll risk the life of your sister?" Mo Xie asked sternly; "Are you willing to sacrifice the lives of the people that followed you?"

Ouyang Chen became speechless: "That..."

He pondered for a while before speaking: "Brother, if that's the case, let's both get out of here. If that's really the case, I will return to the clan and bring reinforcements, that way, we can clean the Fallen Leaf Continent in a single go!"

Mo Xie shook his head: "I think I'm locked in too tightly, I can sense five Immortal Foundation ranked experts targetting me."

"If I were to move away from this place, I'll definitely be ambushed." Mo Xie's words were serious as he added: "If that's the case, if you're together with me, they'll even add even more experts to ambush us, we'll lose all of our lives if that is to come."

"They wouldn't dare kill the young master of your clan, but I think that when it comes to it, they will definitely kill you all."

Mo Xie's words are all logical, Ouyang Chen couldn't find words to refute them, he shook his head: "Is there any other way?"

Mo Xie smiled: "Don't worry, I'll try to stay alive as much as I can, something this simple couldn't kill me."

Ouyang Chen stayed silent for a while before nodding his head: "Then, you should stay alive as much as you can, I will bring reinforcements."

Mo Xie shook his head: "I think the events will unfold within this week, a few days more than that tops. I'll definitely escape, I have many ways to do so."

Mo Xie's a.r.s.enal of escape path is as wide as the ocean, but sadly, he lacks resources to create them again, but the most ideal one is also something easily made, well, at a weighty price, a defensive formation.

Ouyang Chen nodded his head, he couldn't think of any way to escape with Mo Xie if there are many things that's blocking their way, he felt powerless, even with a clan as powerful as his, he regretted not bringing one of the Clan's elder, he was too at ease.

Mo Xie smiled, he saw Chen's expression and spoke: "I have a request."

Ouyang Chen woke up from his depression and asked: "What is it, brother?"

"I want you to protect my family, I have an unborn child, I wish for them to come to no harm." Mo Xie's tone solemn, he didn't know if he'll make it back in time, but he'll definitely try his best.

Ouyang Chen full of determination within his eyes nodded: "That, I will promise with my life."

"So long as I breathe, I'll never let anything happen to your family!"

Mo Xie smiled: "That, I will need to rely on you. If nothing can really be done, then, I hope that you'll make them escape to safety, also, do not let them join any fight before I return."

Ouyang Chen nods his head: "You can count on me."

Mo Xie smiled: "The ideal time for you to get out of here is tonight, but I doubt they will let you, tomorrow as soon as the sun rises, you should take your leave."

Ouyang Chen nods his head. The two of them slapped their fist, a way to conclude their plan as they ended their conversation and started planning.