Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 256 Four Odd Balls.

256 Four Odd Balls.

In front of him, the person he had known for so many years transforming into almost a completely different one, if Fei Mang's beautiful face would be hidden, Yan Meng would definitely be hard-pressed to believe that this person is Fei Mang herself.

All of Fei Mang's manly features, such as her height, bone anatomy, adam's apple, broad shoulder, etcetera, were all changing.

In a blink of an eye, Fei Mang's beautiful face matched her body, a feminine beauty that's already surpa.s.sed the mortal rankings, and a fairy is being born in the flesh.

Yan Meng is the only one with the privilege to see the rebirth of such fairy and to make it better, this fairy is his woman and his only.

Fei Mang saw Yan Meng's glowing eyes, the rebirth is nearly finished and the pain she's feeling right now is merely a quarter of what it was when it started, a smile gleamed on her lips as she spoke: "Meng'er, you wouldn't be ashamed to walk beside a man soon."

Yan Meng hearing this was speechless for a while before he replied: "I…"

Fei Mang smiled: "I know Meng'er, the time that you separated from me, it wasn't that you didn't love me anymore, it's just that you were afraid of what others might say, the bullying they'd done to you before is enough for me to feel distant too."

"I am not so shallow as to hate you for that, the limit that of what I could give those times is proof of my own incompetence, but now, I can… I can finally give you what I lacked before."

Yan Meng couldn't help but feel guilt inside him, Fei Mang chuckles: "Don't worry about anything that happened from the past, because starting today, there's nothing that can shame the both of us… I can only give my thanks to our master."

Yan Meng smiled, what he had done, can clearly be forgiven, but it can never be forgotten, he just vowed to himself, that he'd do everything to compensate his own indecisiveness from all those years.

He couldn't help but feel eternal grat.i.tude towards Mo Xie, a pill that defies heaven turning back time for their body, and another pill that defies heaven's will and changes one's gender, he couldn't even fathom how high his master's current knowledge possesses.

As his thoughts reached up to there, Yan Meng's rebirth had come to an end, her figure slowly descends from the air straight towards Yan Meng's direction, as soon as she came close, she held the latter's hands and spoke softly: "This time, I don't need to hide anything."

Both of them entered a world of their own for a few hours, the times that was waited and turned dull reignited again. Since both of them became young again, nothing can be said about how vigorously they performed, especially with their years of life experience.

After a while, they heard the news of the Ouyang Clan recruiting, hence, immediately departs to give some tips for their disciples, but it was already the peak of the midnight.

Back to Mo Xie, he couldn't help but sigh as he tried to cultivate further, but to no avail, the mere progress is almost none due to the sheer size of his soul sea.

But he found something peculiar surrounding his soul sea this time, two black dots can be seen, although it's minuscule to almost none, he started poking and scanning it, but had no proper outcome, since there's nothing much he can do for now, he decided to wait for it to have an actual form.

Since there's nothing else for him to do, he decided to organize his items first.

All of the Immortal grade herbs were organized and separated between those with recipes that are easy to be concocted and those that have materials that are hard to get.

Mo Xie is quite satisfied with his items right now, and in total, with merely this, he already has enough to last him in developing the Mo Family into a great sect that will last hundreds of years, but Mo Xie's goal isn't merely that, he wishes for the Mo Family to ascend not within this territory, but the whole realm instead.

His encounter with the Alchemy a.s.sociation is truly a fortuitous event; hence, he didn't hold high hopes within the Solar Blaze Kingdom to get something of the same value.

He already entrusted Yan Meng a task, he wishes to dry to the Alchemy a.s.sociation of its current wealth, but it will take time, a few years perhaps, since he has a disciple to leave here, he'd be able to free himself of the burden of doing so.

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Mo Xie's cultivation is still too little, if he's already at the Immortal Ascension rank, he would've instead stayed here and started selling pinnacle grade pills. But the toll it takes to refine them caused 25% of Aiqing's cultivation gone in one fell swoop, hence, he immediately forgone this idea.

Although he has ma.s.sive soul sea capacity, his alchemy fire is still of the lowest quality, he couldn't force it too or it will drain ten times more spiritual energy than mostly needed.

As soon as he picks up Yan Meng on his journey back, he'll be able to get resources from other locations. And his next target, the Solar Blaze Kingdom's sacred ground.

Mo Xie immediately slept the next moment, tomorrow will be the time that he will be departing with the Ouyang family.

He also wants to depart the couple a cultivation technique, but that's for when he actually leaves, after all, he didn't wish to be a nuisance to the couple's moment.

Soon, the morning greeted everyone, but the atmosphere is almost the same time when Mo Xie auctioned his pills, actually, more lively than ever.

Mo Xie saw a lot of groups heading towards the same direction, hence, he decided to follow it.

At the end of the line, Mo Xie arrived within the center of the Alchemy a.s.sociation's place, in front of the center palace, a huge s.p.a.ce a few hundred meters wide and long can be seen.

Preparations are being done both for martial dao and alchemy refining performance.

Mo Xie found it amusing to have these kinds of a talent show, hence, he perks his ears up trying to gather as many information as he could;

"Did you hear, the Ouyang Clan has arrived and is also planning to take eight disciples with them."

The other one nods his head: "Yeah, I wanted to join myself!"

"Hahaha, only geniuses will be accepted, you'll amount to nothing in front of them."

"Hehe." The other one nods his head embarra.s.singly as he scratched the back of his head: "I know that, also, they are only taking disciples at the age below 20, I'm already 28 this year."

"I wish I could see Fairy Bingyun today."

"Yeah, she had always been kind to commoners, something rarely seen from a person of high birth."

"Young Master Chen is also a treat for the eyes, if I could be his concubine, I'll be satisfied." A random lady spoke.

"Oh please, with your looks and age, you wouldn't even be qualified to be his shoe keeper."

They started to randomly speak of many idle matters afterward.

Mo Xie found it to his surprise; the Ouyang siblings were actually this popular?

Then, he thought of something; "RIGHT!"

As he finished speaking, he immediately headed to an inn: "I'm hungry, I should take something to eat before the stores become crowded."

As he spoke of these, he immediately ignored everything else.

As Mo Xie started to eat, he saw a few people clad in red robes with white lining, there is also a pin on their upper right chest 'Herb Garden servant'.

Mo Xie felt amused, even servants have uniformed attires, the difference is really too much compared to the Vermillion Sonata King; 'Nah, maybe they are just that tight on budget...'

As he thought of this, he immediately resumed eating.

But for some reason, the four people sat in front of Mo Xie.

Mo Xie couldn't help but choke as he saw the faces of the four servants. "Kuhuk!"

Mo Xie wasn't surprised at the four servants, what he's surprised for is how identical they are, he couldn't even find any difference within the four of them and choked again; "Kuhuuuk~!!!" but as he looked closely, he found something to distinguish them; one has a mole in the middle of his forehead, another one has a mole in the middle of his brows, the other one has too in the middle of his nose, and the last one has a mole in the middle of his chin.

The four of them also shared one characteristic.


They have four odd shaved head.

"Ah, sorry, it seemed that we've bothered you." One of the four quadruplets spoke apologetically.

Mo Xie shook his head; "s.h.i.+!!!" He sneezed the noddle hanging on his nose as he cleared his throat and waved his hands: "Don't worry, I was merely shocked by your appearance."

The four servants chuckle: "Oh, we're all twins, I hope you don't mind us eating in front of you."

The inn's cantina is a public place without any private s.p.a.ces, hence, each people can only share a long table with others.

Mo Xie smiled and shook his head: "Don't worry, I wouldn't mind such a thing."

The four servants ordered their food not knowing Mo Xie had already sent his spiritual energy to scan them.

Mo Xie found it extremely curious; he would casually steal a gaze at the four servants before continuing his scanning.

Slowly, Mo Xie's face started to distort in awkwardness; 'These four are uselessly useful…'

'No martial path talents but extremely talented in spirit attacks, one has talent in the fire path, one is for water, one is for the earth, and one is for the wind… the heck did these talents come from?'

He couldn't help but be a shock, he couldn't really identify the reason, but whenever he turned his head, he'd find talents, well, literally, he found eight talents within the Alchemy a.s.sociation.

Bei Ming, Liu Bu, Fei Mang, Yan Meng, and now the four twins.

But all of these are merely average const.i.tution; Fei Mang's talent is the only one that sticks out extremely.

Fei Mang didn't need to increase the level of her cultivation as she could directly use a stronger version of her soul sea, the ice path.

Still, even though they are talent, Mo Xie wouldn't want to just pick some random cats anywhere he goes. These four are definitely top quality in the human territory, but within the vast galaxy, they are merely a speck of dust in a grand ocean, and there are thousands of oceans undiscovered there still waiting to unfold.

After thinking for a while, Mo Xie deemed to ignore them, he could place them as generals, but they can't be heavenly generals, but if he ever decided to make them one, n.o.body can stop him, but then again, it would cause resources, a large amount of them, hence, Mo Xie didn't really want to burden himself of such matters.

But then, Mo Xie heard the eldest amongst them by a second spoke: "This time, if any of us is to be chosen, we will definitely have a greater standing!"

"Yes, brother." Another one nodded: "Our parents our farmers, although we've already become a servant of a hall, we're mere that, we're nothing worth noticing too."

The other two nodded: "Yes, we should strive harder and harder until we can become cultivators."

"Let's break through the shackles of our talentlessness and overcome everything with our hard work!"

Mo Xie smiled at the four of them, they are four bronze ranked cultivators, but even though they have an average const.i.tution, they are merely that, without any cultivation resources or an inheritance, the least they could do is find a master to nurture them.

"I hope that any of us four will be picked, it will change our destiny."

The four's eyes shone brightly, determined to be picked.

Mo Xie smiled at them, he finished his food and made his way back to the plaza.