Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 253 Arcanum Sprite Egg

253 Arcanum Sprite Egg

He started placing all of the demonic beast cores and let them fight to their heart's content.

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But soon, something caught his interest.

Elder Zi spoke calmly: "Now everyone, I want to present to you something, sadly, we do not know of its value, its uses, or whatever it is, the only thing we know is that it's definitely a treasure.

The starting bidding price is a million spirit stone!"

As Elder Zi spoke, he showed an odd-looking rock, one side of everyone's lips and brows arched up, their mouth wide open as a look of confusion etched on their face.

"A rock?" They tilted their heads in a side in more confusion.

Elder Zi couldn't help but smile wryly, he couldn't help but sigh as he shook his head, he himself is still thinking that it's a rock with just some strange thing written on top of it.

There's some spiritual energy within it, but mostly, Elder Zi is thinking that this stone is seriously nothing but another ordinary rock with a spirit stone inside, nothing much.

After all, the spiritual energy leaking from it is even minuscule.

n.o.body wanted to use one million spirit stone to buy a rock, who would even do something like that.

If there's some description or manual, yes, they might, but that depends on what the rock is for.

Elder Zi smiled noticing that n.o.body really want to buy. He was about to close the item but then, a servant made his way to Elder Zi bringing some news.

Elder Zi couldn't help but chuckle as he heard the words: "Everyone, there's been some changes, the owner of this rock thinks that since it wouldn't be sold, he'd like a minimum bid of one hundred thousand spirit stones instead. Also, if anyone can provide any information regarding it, then, he will be rewarded with a million spirit stones instead!"

Everyone started to look at each other, what can they describe a rock other than it being one? Then a normal citizen shouted: "I think it's a rock, it has a solid surface, body, and core, it might also have a spirit stone inside it!"

The explanation is too blatant that everyone started to laugh.

The seller couldn't help but sigh, he really embarra.s.sed himself thinking that it's a fortune that the top experts would willingly fight for, he even paid it to be auction since the hall rejected it at first.

He paid fifty thousand spirit stones for it to be placed at the last part, but now, all of it was merely useless, he wanted to sell it at least a hundred thousand to take back all of the expenses he had paid to travel and sell it at this auction hall.

He was about to hide his face and take away his item as a voice sounded.

"I'll bid a million spirit stones."

Everyone looked at the area where the voice sounded and found it weird that someone actually bids not a hundred thousand spirit stones, but a million!

The seller's face suddenly brightens, he looked at the veranda where the voice came from and felt extremely grateful.

The one on the veranda is none other than Mo Xie.

Xue Gang started to laugh seeing this and started to insult Mo Xie's decision: "Esteemed guest elder, why spend so much for a simple rock? You could've bought it for a hundred thousand spirit stones."

Mo Xie chuckles: "Well, I don't have enough s.p.a.ce within my storage ring, so I've decided to decrease its capacity a little bit in case I needed some s.p.a.ce."

He then looked at Xue Gang: "If Palace Master Xue Gang has no such problems, then, I doubt you'll know what I meant."


Sounds of laughter being held echoed within the hall, Xue Gang is the Eastern Palace Master, but they barely produce much spirit stones; he's merely relying on his sister for funds too.

The Eastern Palace is renowned for its own slavery, they slave themselves to concoct pills in order to make a living, the total money they make every month is fifty thousand spirit stones, only slightly better than the Western Palace.

Mo Xie didn't know that he unintentionally poured salt on an open wound, Palace Master Xue Gang felt his face burn, he glared at Mo Xie: "Good… very good."

He then stood up as he walked out of the veranda and out of the auction hall burning with rage and humiliation.

Everyone still held their laughter at Xue Mei Lin is still present.

Xue Mei Lin threw a seductive glance towards Mo Xie: "Young expert, you've really teased my little brother big time, you should compensate me with dinner later this evening."

Hearing her words, everyone became shocked; 'That ice princess actually spoke like that?'

But then, Mo Xie replied calmly: "I'm already married, so I don't have time to spend with another woman."

One had to know, even though Xue Mei Lin is more than a hundred years old, her features had been maintained extremely well that she looked like a young 18-year-old girl.

Xue Mei Lin didn't feel offended at Mo Xie's rejection and replied: "Oh, to think that the esteemed expert is such a Casanova, already married but still attracting many beauties."

Clearly, she's talking about herself.

Mo Xie then looked around and asked: "Where?"


The talkative Xue Mei Lin became speechless, all of the palace master and hall master too.

Mo Xie just slapped Xue Mei Lin's face two times in a row, causing the latter to fume in anger.

Still, she chuckled and stood up: "I will be waiting for the esteemed expert's acceptance, after all, I don't really mind being second…"

As she left these words, she immediately made her way out.

Mo Xie looked at the departing Xue Mei Lin and spoke lightly: "Was she talking about herself?"


Everyone held it in as they tried hard enough not to make their laughter leak out.

The palace masters and hall masters weren't excluded in this, Bei Ming tried to maintain his demeanor too.

Ouyang Chen and Ouyang Bingyun beside him chuckling too, it was such a great display after all.

Since the conversation ended, Elder Zi held his breath before speaking: "Is there anyone that's gonna bid? Going once! Going twice!

We have a winner!"

Mo Xie smiled, he immediately tasked an attendant to deliver his payment and get the item.

After a while, he received the rock, the attendant then spoke: "Young expert, the seller of this item deeply thanks you for your magnanimous offer."

Mo Xie nods his head: "Tell him that I was merely bored."

The attendant smiled as she nods her head and made her way back.

Meanwhile, Mo Xie held the rock like some sort of treasure.

(My precious~~~)

Mo Xie started rubbing the rock, trying to clean off all of the dirt, a smile formed on his lips as he spoke: "Really… to think that I could get everything here cheaply, an Arcanum Sprite for a million spirit stones, hahaha."

The rock is really special, after all, it's holding something even above a draconic mount, an Arcanum Sprite!

It has the ability to enhance a person's cultivation of art depending on its elemental control. In the middle of the rock, there's an ancient word written that means 'Light'.

Sadly, Mo Xie knows limited skills in terms of light techniques; still, this one is an extremely great boost.

From Mo Xie's previous lifetime, an Arcanum Sprite would cost a whole planet, depending on the Arcanum Sprite's performance, the stronger an Arcanum Sprite is, the greater its value.

It has a lot of uses; hence, Mo Xie couldn't help but be excited and wishes that this Arcanum Sprite would hatch faster now.