Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 250 Wealth Destroying Pill Part 2

250 Wealth Destroying Pill Part 2

He made his way to Mo Xie: "Master, a lot of forces started to make their way here."

Mo Xie nods his head: "It's all thanks to your woman."

Yan Meng smiled, he felt embarra.s.sed but this time, there wasn't any hint of denial in his eyes.

Lee Fei Mang chuckles; she couldn't help but thank Mo Xie deep inside her, a look of grat.i.tude can be seen etched on her eyes as she looked at the latter, her eyes even started to moist.

Mo Xie then remembered something and asked: "I would like to inquire about something."

Lee Fei Mang nods her head and with a smile: "If it is within my knowledge, then, I'd definitely comply."

Mo Xie chuckles: "It's not anything profound, I merely want to ask the situation of the Alchemy a.s.sociation, why is it that a normal elder has confidence in fighting you even in the face of death?"

Lee Fei Mang didn't expect that Mo Xie would have some interest regarding the inner circles of the organization: "Oh, that elder is part of the Xue clan, they have around 10% of the total authority within the a.s.sociation, for some reason, they had been growing really fast this past few years, they were merely a named clan before, but now, they are showing some progress."

"At first, they barely have a single percent of authority, but right now, their connections and trade had actually increased their shares within the a.s.sociation to a blinding 10%, even I, a long time elder of the a.s.sociation before them had merely received 3%."

Mo Xie felt that this occurrence isn't merely a coincidence: "What kind of thing are they doing to have such momentum?"

Lee Fei Mang chuckles: "At first, we couldn't really care, but as they grow, we felt bewildered, hence, we conducted a tiny investigation."

"Oh?" Mo Xie mused as he nods his head and asked: "Had something came out?"

Lee Fei Mang smiled: "Their Xue clan is doing some trades from the Myriad Earth Abyss Continent, the Choi Clan's personal pill refiner."

Mo Xie nods his head, if that's supposed to be it, then, he'd really have no other points to think about, but then, he thought of something and asked: "What kind of pills?"

Lee Fei Mang chuckles: "Well, of course, before anyone within the Alchemy a.s.sociation is to be able to sell to outside the outside forces, we would need to confirm which pills it is that's being sold. After all, although the a.s.sociation gets 10% of the total income, we prioritize the goodwill of our trades."

Mo Xie nods and waited for her additional words.

Lee Fei Mang then added: "It's a pill that forces a breakthrough in an expert below the Immortal Foundation rank."

Hearing this, Mo Xie felt extremely shaken, his gut is telling him that this is definitely something that's part of the veiled people's schemes, the Dark Guild. Yes, he can create a pill like that, even without any side effects, but the level of alchemy today is many levels below his time.

He looked at Lee Fei Mang: "And the side effects?"

Lee Fei Mang smiled: "The side effect is that it will slow down a cultivator's cultivation progress."

Mo Xie nods his head; "Thought so." Mo Xie furrowed his brows before asking: "What would they need so many pills for? If the Xue clan had been making so many of them, I'd doubt that this pill can be consumed again by the same person."

Lee Fei Mang nodded: "Since the Alchemy a.s.sociation is almost a business-driven one, we barely care where they will use it, but rumors say that they'll be facing their clan's rival, but for some reason, we couldn't get any news which rival it is."

Lee Fei Mang also nodded at his next question: "Yes, it's a pill that can only be used once by the same person.

We also thought of the number of pills they are ordering from the Xue Clan, the population within the Choi Clan had already far surpa.s.sed the number of the population they have ordered the pills for, but then again, so long as the Alchemy a.s.sociation profits from them, we don't really care what they do about it."

Mo Xie nods his head: "Well, that's definitely true, but I have some concerns here that I wish to share."

Lee Fei Mang nods her head: "Please do share some of it with me, if Fei'er can do something to help, then, as my benefactor, I would like to provide a.s.sistance."

Mo Xie smiled as he spoke: "I have some concerns whether the Dark Guild and Blood Mist Shadow Sect are collaborating with the Choi Clan to provide these pills, I've intercepted a few members from the Dark Guild a few days ago, and they seemed to be brewing some ploys within the human territory."

Hearing the name Dark Guild and the Blood Mist Shadow Sect, Lee Fei Mang's ears twitch.

"I think that this topic is pointless, we should just focus today with the auction." She smiled at Mo Xie not replying for even a single word about what the latter had brought up, but her words already delivered her answer.

Mo Xie nods his head not prying about it anymore.

Soon, everyone started to come back one by one.

"Sister Fei, thank you for reserving my sit." Liu Bu smiled as he sat again.

"I also thank you little Fei." Peng s.h.i.+ Mo spoke.

Lee Fei Mang nodded at them, the previous glow from her eyes had already vanished, all of them noticed it and found it weird. After a while of pondering, Fei Mang would rarely share her troubles with others, hence, they just decided to forget about it until the person herself opens up.

After a while, the auction is about to start, hence, Lee Fei Mang also needs to depart, she glanced at Mo Xie one last time and then to Yan Meng, what Mo Xie had told her caused a few ripples within her to appear, but without confirmation, she really can't judge anything properly.

Silently, she went to her own room.

After a while, the auction hall became filled with rich people, ordinary citizens bought tickets to watch the auction, after all, something like the event today rarely happens.

All of the heavyweights of the Alchemy a.s.sociation together with the big named merchants started to gather at the auction hall.

The entrance fee for the auction hall isn't that big, but for the commoners, it's something like their monthly money, five pieces of spirit stones for s.p.a.ce within the public area.

Although it pained a huge majority of the normal citizens, the auction house is one of their main entertainments, seeing how rich people fight for something is really great to lose some exhaustion from the daily stress.

After a while of waiting, the auction started.

"Everyone, thank you for waiting, our Auction Hall is honored to have each and every one of you present, I am Zi Wuling, the auctioneer for today." An old man that looked to be 80 years old sets on the stage as he greeted professionally, he's wearing the highest grade robe of the Auction Hall's design.

But at this moment, three more people entered.

Everyone's face grew fierce as they noticed one of them, this person is clearly a hotshot, after all, each and every one of them knew of him.

"Master Bei Ming." Everyone greeted.

For the rich merchants, hall masters, and palace masters, Bei Ming's appearance caused each and everyone to be nervous.

"Tsk, now, the most troublesome one entered." Every one of them spoke internally.

Bei Ming smiled as he nods his head: "Everyone, I apologies for coming in late, please proceed Elder Zi."

Elder Zi nods his head: "Thank you for gracing our Auction Hall today Master Bei Ming."

Getting his permission, Elder Zi continued the pleasantries with everyone.

Meanwhile, the hotshots looked at Bei Ming, they don't even know what to feel anymore. The contender increased by one, but this time, this fighter is a heavyweight that every one of them needs to be wary about.

Elder Zi started the auction immediately: "Everyone, the first item, even within the Myriad Earth Abyss, it will be treated like a treasure for great research, this pill's name is Limit Breaking Pill, it has the effect to help a cultivator within the mortal ranks to break through flawlessly. Depending on the pill grade, the effects can definitely increase…

Elder Zi stated everything that's written by Mo Xie on the paper, everyone finds this pill quite alluring, after all, it can help a Heaven Encompa.s.sing rank breakthrough to Immortal Foundation rank.

One has to say, although there are numbers of Immortal Ascension ranked experts within the a.s.sociation, it couldn't be said to be the same with other forces.

Elder Zi immediately finished the description.

All of them felt quite stricken excluding the Palace Masters and Hall masters.

One of the merchants wasn't satisfied with the description: "Elder Zi, I don't mean to be a know-it-all kind of a guy, but that kind of pill, although it's rare, it wouldn't need to be explained so much."

Elder Zi nods his head: "The seller of this pill only needs Spirit stones, Immortal grade herbs and treasures with the same value are accepted too."

The merchant sighed as he spoke: "But Elder Zi, in terms of the pill's effect, it can definitely help a faction get another Immortal foundation ranked expert, but that would at least be worth a few hundred thousands of gold. But for an Immortal grade? Forget about it."

Elder Zi chuckles, he had deliberately left the important part waiting for someone to question it to make it look grander, and this merchant fulfilled his purpose: "Because of this pill… this pill is a Pinnacle grade one."

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Everyone felt speechless. Complete silence, the merchants' mouth opened widely as they couldn't believe what they just had heard.

But then, Elder Zi took out a jade preserving box, and soon as he opened it, everyone was a.s.saulted with its heavenly aura and scent.

Bei Ming became shocked and couldn't help but offer immediately: "Three million spirit stones!"

All of the citizens couldn't help but think; 'This pill... this pill can destroy nations! A wealth destroying pill!'

The sudden reveal of the pill and the sudden bid from Bei Ming caught everyone in a stupor and couldn't utter anything for a while.

The scent of the pill caused those that are able and powerful felt a chill down their spines, how could a pill exude something like that?!

Everyone looked at the Pill and Bei Ming alternately.